
From LSJ

ὃν οἱ θεοὶ φιλοῦσιν ἀποθνήσκει νέος → he whom the gods love dies young, only the good die young


English > Greek (Woodhouse)

Οἰδίπους, ὁ (gen. P. Οἰδίποδος, V. Οἰδίπου), or say, son of Laius.

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

Oedĭpus: ŏdis and i (
I gen. Oedipŏdis, Cic. Fin. 5, 1, 3; acc. Oedipum, id. Sen. 7, 22; id. Fat. 13, 30; abl. Oedipŏde, id. ib. 14, 33; Stat. Th. 7, 513: Oedipo, Plaut. Poen. 1, 3, 34; plur. acc. Oedipodas, Mart. 9, 26, 10), m., = Οἰδίπους.
I A king of Thebes, the son of Laius and Jocasta. He unwittingly killed his father; he solved the riddle of the Sphinx, and unknowingly married his own mother, who had by him Eteocles, Polyneices, Ismene, and Antigone; when the incest was discovered, he put out his own eyes, and wandered forth to Athens, where a temple was afterwards dedicated to him, Hyg. Fab. 66; 67; 242; Serv. Verg. A. 4, 470; 6, 609; Sen. Oedip.; Cic. Fat. 13, sq.; Varr. Sat. Men. 62, 1.—Prov. for a solver of enigmas: isti orationi Oedipo Opus conjectore est, qui Sphingi interpres fuit, Plaut. Poen. 1, 3, 34: Davus sum, non Oedipus, I am no Œdipus (that can solve all riddles), Ter. And. 1, 2, 23.—Hence,
   A Oedĭpŏdes, ae, m., = Οἰδιπόδης, a collat. form for Oedipus, Claud. ap. Eutr. 1, 289: impii Oedipodae nuptiales faces, Sen. Herc. Fur. 496; Stat. Th. 1, 48; 163; abl. Oedipoda, Sen. Oedip. 942.—
   B Oedĭpŏdĭa, ae, f., = Οἰδιποδία, a fountain in Bœotia, named after Œdipus, Plin. 4, 7, 12, § 25.—
   C Oedĭpŏdīŏnĭdes, ae, m., the son of Œdipus; of Polyneices, Stat. Th. 1, 313: Oedipodionidae fratres, i. e. Eteocles and Polyneices, Aus. Epigr. 139; cf. Stat. Th. 7, 216.—
   D Oedĭpŏdīŏnĭus, a, um, adj., = Οἰδιποδιόνιος, of or belonging to Œdipus, Thebœ, Ov M. 15, 429; Luc. 8, 407 (where others read Oedipodionidas, from Oedipodionis, idis, f.): ales, i. e. Sphinx, Stat. Th. 2, 505: fratres, id. ib. 10, 801.—
II Oedipus Colonēus, the title of a tragedy of Sophocles, Gr. Οἰδίπους ἐπὶ Κολωνῷ>, Cic. Sen. 7, 22; Val. Max. 8, 7, ext. 12; and of a tragedy of Cœsar, Suet. Caes. 56 ext.

Latin > German (Georges)

Oedipūs, podis u. pī, Akk. podem u. pum, Abl. pode u. pō, Akk. Plur. podas, m. (Οἰδίπους, ποδος, Akk. ποδα u. πουν), König in Theben, Sohn des Lajus u. der Jokaste, löste das Rätsel der Sphinx, tötete seinen Vater und heiratete, ohne es zu wissen, seine Mutter, mit der er den Eteokles u. Polynices, die Ismene u. Antigone zeugte, Varro sat. Men. 347. Cic. de fato 30: Genet. podis, Cic. de fin. 5, 3. Lact. 6, 20, 23: Genet. pi, Hieron. epist. 52, 3: Akk. podem, Suet. Nero 21, 3 u. 46, 3, pum, Cic. de fato 30. Mythogr. Lat. 1, 204 u. 2, 230. Oros. 1, 12, 9. Vok. Oedipus, Sen. Phoen. 178: Abl. pode, Cic. de fato 33: Abl. Oedipo (nach dem epischen Οἰδίπους, που), Plaut. Poen. 443: Akk. Plur. podas, Ov. trist. 1, 1, 114. Mart. 9, 25, 10. Vgl. Georges Lexik. der lat. Wortf. S. 471. – sprichwörtl., Davus sum, non Oedipus, ich bin kein Ödipus, der alle Rätsel lösen könnte, Ter. Andr. 194: Oedipo opus coniectore est, Plaut. Poen. 443. – Stoff einer Tragödie des Sophokles, Cic. de sen. 22 (Akk. -pum). Val. Max. 8, 7. ext. 12 (Abl. -pode): u. einer Tragödie Cäsars, Suet. Caes. 56, 7. – Dav.: A) Oedipodēs, ae, m. (Οἰδιπόδης) = Oedipus, Claud. u.a.: Abl. -podā, Sen. poët. – B) Oedipodīonidēs, ae, m., Sohn des Ödipus, d.i. Polynices, Stat.: Oedipodionidae, Eteokles u. Polynices, Stat. u. Auson. – C) Oedipodīonius, a, um, zu Ödi pus gehörig, ödipodionisch, Thebae, Ov. met. 15, 429 u. Lucan. 8, 407: ales, von der Sphinx, Stat. Theb. 2, 305.