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Revision as of 19:55, 9 August 2017 by Spiros (talk | contribs) (Bailly1_4)

αὐτὸν κέκρουκας τὸν βατῆρα τοῦ λόγου → you have struck the very threshold of the argument, you have struck the most important and chiefmost point

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Full diacritics: πήνη Medium diacritics: πήνη Low diacritics: πήνη Capitals: ΠΗΝΗ
Transliteration A: pḗnē Transliteration B: pēnē Transliteration C: pini Beta Code: ph/nh

English (LSJ)


   A thread on the bobbin in the shuttle, woof, and in pl., web, E.Hec.471 (lyr.), Ion197 (lyr.).    II bobbin, spool, AP6.160 (Antip. Sid.).

German (Pape)

[Seite 611] ἡ, wie πῆνος, der auf die Spule gezogene Faden des Einschlags; ἐν δαιδαλέαισι ἀνθοκρόκοισι πήναις, Eur. Hec. 471; Ion 197; gebräuchlicher in der Diminutivform πηνίον.

Greek (Liddell-Scott)

πήνη: ἡ, ὡς τὸ πηνίον, ὁ μίτος τοῦ καλαμίου («μασουρίου») τῆς κερκίδος ἢ «σαγίττας», τὸ ὑφάδι, καὶ ἐν τῷ πληθ., τὸ ὕφασμα, Εὐρ. Ἑκάβ. 471, Ἴων 197. ΙΙ. τὸ καλάμιον ἢ «μασοῦρι», ὡς τὸ πηνίον, Ἀνθ. Π. 6. 160. (Πρβλ. πῆνος, πηνίον, πηνίζομαι, Πηνελόπεια· Λατ. pannus· Σλαβ. o-pon-a (velum)· Γοτθ. fana (ῥάκος)· Ἀρχ. Γερμ. fano (linteum).)

French (Bailly abrégé)

ης (ἡ) :
trame, tissu, toile.
Étymologie: DELG étym. ignorée.