From LSJ
ἤκουσεν ἐν Ῥώμῃ καὶ ἀρσένων ἑταιρίαν εἶναι → he heard that there was also a fellowship of males in Rome (Severius, commentary on Romans 1:27)
ἤκουσεν ἐν Ῥώμῃ καὶ ἀρσένων ἑταιρίαν εἶναι → he heard that there was also a fellowship of males in Rome (Severius, commentary on Romans 1:27)
Full diacritics: ἐπιλωβεύω | Medium diacritics: ἐπιλωβεύω | Low diacritics: επιλωβεύω | Capitals: ΕΠΙΛΩΒΕΥΩ |
Transliteration A: epilōbeúō | Transliteration B: epilōbeuō | Transliteration C: epiloveyo | Beta Code: e)pilwbeu/w |
A make mockery of a thing, Od.2.323.
[Seite 959] worüber spotten, Od. 2, 323.
ἐπιλωβεύω: ἐφυβρίζω, οἱ δ’ ἐπελώβευον καὶ ἐκερτόμεον ἐπέεσσιν Ὀδ. Β. 323.
railler, insulter.
Étymologie: ἐπί, λωβεύω.