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τὸ ἀγαθὸν αἱρετόν· τὸ δ' αἱρετὸν ἀρεστόν· τὸ δ' ἀρεστὸν ἐπαινετόν· τὸ δ' ἐπαινετὸν καλόνwhat is good is chosen, what is chosen is approved, what is approved is admired, what is admired is beautiful


Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

circum-curso: āre, v. freq. a. and n.,
I to run round about, to run about in, at, or near something (ante- and post-class.; in Cic. Fam. 7, 1, 5, more recent editt. read concursare); act.: omnia, * Plaut. Rud. 1, 4, 4: aliquam hinc illinc, * Cat. 68, 133.— Absol.: hac illac, * Ter. Heaut. 3, 2, 1: atria versari et circumcursare columnae... uti pueris videantur, Lucr. 4, 400: per omnes portas, Lact. 6, 12 (in paraphr. of Cic.).

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

circumcursō,¹⁵ āvī, ātum, āre, (fréq. de circumcurro ),
1 intr., courir autour : Lucr. 4, 400 || courir de côté et d’autre, à la ronde : hac illac circumcursa Ter. Haut. 512, cours de tous les côtés
2 tr., courir autour de (aliquem, de qqn) : Catul. 68, 133 || parcourir à la ronde : omnia circumcursavi Pl. Rud. 223, j’ai tout parcouru.

Latin > German (Georges)

circum-curso, āvī, āre (Intens. v. circumcurro), I) im Kreise herumlaufen, sich im Kreise drehen, circumcursare columnae uti pueris videantur, Lucr. 4, 398. – II) herum- od. umherlaufen, herum- od. umherrennen, herum- od. umhersprengen, absol., Dict. 2, 37. Pacat. pan. 37, 3. Cypr. ep. 58, 14: hāc illāc, Ter. heaut. 512: per omnes portas, Lact. 6, 12. § 12. – m. Acc. (in, bei, an), omnia (überall), Plaut. rud. 223: alqam hinc illinc, Catull. 68, 133: castrorum ambitum, Amm. 20, 7, 2: maximas acies, Heges. 3, 24, 32.

Latin > English

circumcurso circumcursare, circumcursavi, circumcursatus V :: run about; run round (of person); run about (of things), revolve