τὸ ἀγαθὸν αἱρετόν· τὸ δ' αἱρετὸν ἀρεστόν· τὸ δ' ἀρεστὸν ἐπαινετόν· τὸ δ' ἐπαινετὸν καλόν → what is good is chosen, what is chosen is approved, what is approved is admired, what is admired is beautiful
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
circum-curso: āre, v. freq. a. and n.,
I to run round about, to run about in, at, or near something (ante- and post-class.; in Cic. Fam. 7, 1, 5, more recent editt. read concursare); act.: omnia, * Plaut. Rud. 1, 4, 4: aliquam hinc illinc, * Cat. 68, 133.— Absol.: hac illac, * Ter. Heaut. 3, 2, 1: atria versari et circumcursare columnae... uti pueris videantur, Lucr. 4, 400: per omnes portas, Lact. 6, 12 (in paraphr. of Cic.).
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
circumcursō,¹⁵ āvī, ātum, āre, (fréq. de circumcurro ),
1 intr., courir autour : Lucr. 4, 400 || courir de côté et d’autre, à la ronde : hac illac circumcursa Ter. Haut. 512, cours de tous les côtés
2 tr., courir autour de (aliquem, de qqn) : Catul. 68, 133 || parcourir à la ronde : omnia circumcursavi Pl. Rud. 223, j’ai tout parcouru.
Latin > German (Georges)
circum-curso, āvī, āre (Intens. v. circumcurro), I) im Kreise herumlaufen, sich im Kreise drehen, circumcursare columnae uti pueris videantur, Lucr. 4, 398. – II) herum- od. umherlaufen, herum- od. umherrennen, herum- od. umhersprengen, absol., Dict. 2, 37. Pacat. pan. 37, 3. Cypr. ep. 58, 14: hāc illāc, Ter. heaut. 512: per omnes portas, Lact. 6, 12. § 12. – m. Acc. (in, bei, an), omnia (überall), Plaut. rud. 223: alqam hinc illinc, Catull. 68, 133: castrorum ambitum, Amm. 20, 7, 2: maximas acies, Heges. 3, 24, 32.
Latin > English
circumcurso circumcursare, circumcursavi, circumcursatus V :: run about; run round (of person); run about (of things), revolve