Φίλος με βλάπτων (λυπῶν) οὐδὲν ἐχθροῦ διαφέρει → Laedens amicus distat inimico nihil → Ein Freund, der schadet, ist ganz gelich mir einem Feind
Latin > English
acies aciei N F :: sharpness, sharp edge, point; battle line, battle array; sight, glance; pupil of eye
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
ăcĭēs: ēi, f. v. 2. acer (
I gen. acii and acie, like dii and die, facii and facie, fr. dies, facies, Cn. Mat. ap. Gell. 9, 14; Caes. B. G. 2, 23; Sall. ap. Serv. ad Verg. G. 1, 208, or Sall. Fragm. ed. Kritz. p. 118; cf. Prisc. p. 780 P.), a sharp edge or point.
I Lit., of a sword, dagger, sickle, etc.: gladiorum, Plaut. Truc. 2, 6, 11: Vulg. Heb. 11, 34: securium, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 43, § 113: falcis, Verg. G. 2, 365: hastae, Ov. M. 3, 107: ferri, Plin. 7, 15, 13.—
B Transf.
1 Of the sense or faculty of sight,
a Keenness of look or glance, sharpness of vision or sight: oculorum, Lucil. ap. Non. 34, 32; cf. Plaut. Mil. 1, 1, 4; Lucr. 1, 324; also acies alone, id. 2, 420; and in plur., id. 4, 693: ne vultum quidem atque aciem oculorum ferre potuisse, Caes. B. G. 1, 39: pupula ad te dirigit aciem, Cat. 63, 56: tanta tenuitas, ut fugiat aciem, Cic. Tusc. 1, 22: bonum incolumis acies, misera caecitas, id. Fin. 5, 28, 84; so ib. 4, 24; Verg. A. 12, 558 al.—Hence,
b Concr., the pupil of the eye, Lucr. 3, 411; cf. with 414: acies ipsa, quā cernimus, quae pupula vocatur, Cic. N. D. 2, 57: in Albania gigni quosdam glaucā oculorum acie, Plin. 7, 2, 2 (cf. ib.: glaucis oculis); and poet. (as pars pro toto) for the eye, Lucr. 3, 363; 4, 249; 281; 358; 720: huc geminas nunc flecte acies, Verg. A. 6, 789; 12, 658 (hence the word is also used in the plur., cf. below, 2.).—
c A looking at an object with fixed attention, look, aim: ad eam rem habeo omnem aciem, Plaut. Mil. 4, 2, 38.—On the contr., prima acie, at the first glance, Lucr. 2, 448 (cf. primo aspectu, Cic. de Or. 3, 25, 98).—
2 In milit. lang., the front of an army (conceived of as the edge of a sword), line of battle, battle-array.
a In abstr. (cf. Vitr. praef. 1. 7, p. 154 Rod.): quibus ego si aciem exercitus nostri ostendero, Cic. Cat. 2, 3, 5: aciem instruere, Caes. B. G. 1, 22: dirigere, id. ib. 6, 8: extra aciem procurrere, id. B. C. 1, 55: statuit non proeliis, neque in acie, sed alio more bellum gerendum, Sall. J. 54; cf. Liv. 5, 41, 4; also of the arrangement of ships for a naval engagement, Nep. Hann. 11; cf. Caes. B. C. 1, 58.—Hence, metaph.
b The battlearray; in concr., an army drawn up in order of battle: acies est instructa a nobis decem cohortium, Galba ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 30: hostium acies cernebatur, Caes. B. G. 7, 62: altera pars acii vitassent fluminis undas, Matius ap. Gell. 9, 14 (as transl. of Il. 21 init.): dubitavit acie pars, Sall. Fragm. l. l.: stabit ante aciem, Vulg. Deut. 20, 2; 1 Par. 12, 33: prima acies hastati erant, the van, the first line, Liv. 8, 8: tertiam aciem laborantibus subsidio mittere, Caes. B. G. 1, 52: ab novissima acie, from the rear: ante signa procedere, Liv. 8, 10: dextra acies (= dextrum cornu), the right wing, Liv. 27, 48, 8: agmina magis quam acies pugnabant, in marching order, rather than in order of battle, id. 25, 34 (acies is here, and in similar cases, considered as the sing. used collectively; v. Oud. and Herz. Caes. B. G. 7, 62; yet the plur. is more than probable). Rarely of cavalry, Liv. 8, 39; Vell. 2, 112.—Poet.: acies Vulcania, of a long line of fire, Verg. A. 10, 408.—
c The action of the troops drawn up in battlearray, a battle, engagement, = pugna: in acie celebri objectans vitam, Pac. ap. Non. 234, 25; Plaut. Mil. 1, 1, 4: mea facta in acie obliti, Att. ap. Non. 502, 1: in acie Pharsalica, Cic. Lig. 3; so id. Fam. 6, 3: in acie vincere, Caes. B. G. 7, 29: dimicare, ib. 7, 64: copias in aciem ducere, Liv. 31, 34: producere in aciem, Nep. Milt. 5: excedere acie, Caes. B. C. 2, 41; Liv. 31, 17: direxerunt aciem contra eos, Vulg. Gen. 14, 8; 2 Par. 18, 33.—
3 Acies ferri, steel, Plin. 34, 14, 41.—
4 Poet., sheen, brightness: obtunsa stellarum, Verg. G. 1, 395.
II Fig.
A (Acc. to I. B.) (like acumen.) Acuteness of the mind, sharpness, force, power (so very often in Cicero, but always with the gen. mentis, animi, ingenii): (cum animus) exacuerit illam, ut oculorum, sic ingenii aciem ad bona eligenda, etc., Cic. Leg. 1, 23, 60; so, ingenii, id. Ac. 2, 39, 122: mentis, id. N. D. 2, 17, 45; id. Tusc. 1, 30, 73: animi, id. Sen. 23, 83; id. Phil. 12, 2; Vell. 2, 118, 4; cf.: rerum diversitas aciem intentionis abrumpit, Flor. 1 prol., § 3.—
B A verbal contest, disputation, discussion, debate: orationis aciem contra conferam, Plaut. Ep. 4, 1, 20: ad philosophos me revocas, qui in aciem non saepe prodeunt, Cic. Tusc. 2, 25, 60: nos jam in aciem dimicationemque veniamus, id. Or. 13 fin.; cf. id. Opt. Gen. Or. 5, 17; Quint. 2, 10, 8; 6, 4, 17; 10, 1, 29.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
ăciēs,⁶ ēī, f. (ac-, cf. acer), partie aiguë, pointe
I [pr.] pointe, tranchant [d’un instrument, d’une épée. etc.] : Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 113 ; Sest. 24 ; Virg. G. 2, 365. etc. || [d’où] épée : Virg. En. 6, 291 ; Sen. Ep. 76, 14, etc.; [ou] fer tranchant : Col. Rust. 4, 24, 21 ; 9, 15, 4
II [fig.]
1 éclat (des astres) : Virg. G. 1, 395 || glaive (de l’autorité) : Cic. Cat. 1, 4 ; Sen. Clem. 1, 11, 2
2 pénétration, force pénétrante, perçante : [en parlant des yeux] Cic. Fin. 4, 65 ; Cæs. G. 1, 39, 1, etc. ; [de l’intelligence] Cic. Ac. 2, 122 ; de Or. 1, 151, etc. || [d’où] regard : aciem intendere Cic. Tusc. 4, 38, porter (diriger) son regard, cf. Ac. 2, 80 || pupille : Cic. Nat. 2, 142 || œil : Lucr. 4, 248 ; Virg. En. 4, 643 ; Ov. M. 4, 464
3 [milit.] : a) ligne de soldats, ligne de bataille, armée rangée en bataille : prima, secunda, première, deuxième ligne ; duplex, triplex, armée rangée sur deux, sur trois lignes ; aciem instruere, constituere, instituere, disposer, établir, former la ligne de bataille [ranger l’armée en bat.] ; aciem derigere Cæs. G. 6, 8, 5, faire prendre la formation de combat ; acies peditum Liv. 22, 47, 2, la ligne des fantassins, l’infanterie ; equitum Liv. 25, 6, 20, cavalerie || [en parlant des vaisseaux] : Nep. Hann. 11, 1 ; Liv. 37, 13, 8 ; b) bataille rangée, bataille : Cic. Dej. 24 ; Marc. 31 ; Cæs. G. 7, 29, 2 ; Liv. 25, 6, 22 ; 27, 49, 5, etc.; acies Pharsalica Cic. Lig. 9, bataille de Pharsale ; Cannensis, de Cannes, etc.; [fig.] Cic. Br. 222 ; de Or. 1, 252, etc.
gén. arch. acii Matius d. Gell. 9, 14, 14, et acie Cæs. G. 2, 23, 1 ; Sall. H. 1, 41.
Latin > German (Georges)
aciēs, ēi, f. (vgl. ācer u. das griech. ἀκίς, Spitze; Genet. archaist. auch acii, Mat. bei Gell. 9, 14, 14, u. acie, Caes. b.G. 2, 23, 1. Auct. b. Afr. 51, 7. Sall. hist. fr. 1, 103 [107]; vgl. Prisc. 7, 93), die Schärfe, Schneide, I) eig. = der scharfe Rand, die scharfe Spitze, securis, Cic.: falcis, Verg.: hastae, Ov.: rostri, Plin.: gladius, cui ad secandum subtilis acies est, Sen.: dah. mera acies (ferri), das scharfe Korn des Eisens, der Stahl, Plin. – aciem hebetare, praestringere, Plin.: aciem excitare od. trahere (v. Wetzstein), Plin.: im Bilde, patimur hebescere aciem horum auctoritatis, Cic.: mortem in acie (Spitze) linguae portans, Amm. – II) übtr.: A) v. Auge: a) das Scharfe, Stechende des äußern Blickes, oculorum, Caes. b.G. 1, 39, 1. – b) die Schärfe des Auges, α) die Sehkraft, das Gesicht, mit u. ohne oculorum, Cic. u.a. (s. Bünem. Lact. 2, 3, 9): hebes acies oculorum, Cic.: oculorum longinqua acies, Weitsichtigkeit, Gell.: bonum incolumis acies, malum caecitas, Cic.: tam certā acie luminum uti, ut etc., Val. Max. – u. die Sehkraft in der Bewegung u. Tätigkeit, das Augenmerk, der Blick, ad alqm sibi dirigit aciem, Catull.: aciem in omnes partes dimittere, Ov. – poet., v. Blick = Blinken der Sterne, stellis acies obtusa videtur, Verg. – β) die Pupille, Cic. de nat. deor. 2, 142. Firm. math. 8, 22. p. 228, 36. – meton. (poet.), das Auge, Verg. u.a. – c) die Schärfe, Sehkraft des Geistes, animi, ingenii, mentis, heller Geist, heller Verstand, helle Einsicht usw., Cic.: ad eam rem habe omnem aciem, Verstandesschärfe, Plaut. – u. die Sehkraft des Geistes in Tätigkeit, das geistige Augenmerk, der Blick, aciem in omnes partes intendere, Cic. – B) als milit. t.t., die gleichs. die Schneide eines Instrumentes vorstellende Front eines zur Schlacht aufgestellten Heeres, die Schlachtlinie, die Schlachtreihe, sowohl a) das einzelne Treffen, prima acies, das Vordertreffen, Caes.: novissima od. extrema, das Hintertreffen, Liv.: dass. postrema, Sall. u. Liv.: media, das Mitteltreffen, Zentrum, Caes.: dextra, der rechte Flügel, Liv.: tertia acies, quarta acies, Caes.: duae acies, Caes.: simplex, Auct. b. Alex., duplex, Caes.: triplicem aciem instruere, Caes. – als b) die ganze durch die einzelnen Linien gebildete Schlachtreihe, Schlachtordnung, ac. exercitus nostri, Cic.: aciem instituere od. constituere, Caes., instruere, Cic.: legiones in acie constituere, collocare, Caes.: in acie consistere, Auct. b. Afr.: agmina potius, quam acies pugnabant, mehr in Marschkolonnen als in Schlachtlinien, Liv.: totā acie dimicare, Liv.: cum in acie stare (standhalten) ac pugnare decuerat, tum in castra refugerunt, Liv. – von Reiterei, acies equitum, Liv., equestris, Vell. – von Schiffen, quarum (navium) acie constitutā, Nep. – als c) das in geordneter Schlachtreihe gegen den Feind tätige Heer, die förmliche Schlacht, die Feldschlacht (Ggstz. expeditio, ein Streifzug), una hostica acies, Varr. fr.: ac. Pharsalica, Cic. : Plur., Italicae et Pharsalicae acies, Sen. rhet.: equestris, Curt.: navalis, Mela: copias in aciem educere, Liv.: exercitum od. copias in aciem producere, Caes. u. Nep.: equites in aciem mittere, Hirt. b.G.: in aciem ire, Curt.: in aciem prodire, Cic.: in aciem egredi, Liv., descendere, Liv.: acie confligere, pugnare, Liv.: decernere acie, Nep., navali acie, Mela: in acie dimicare, Caes.: acie dimicare, Liv.: in acie vincere (siegen), Caes.: alqm acie vincere (besiegen), Curt.: cadere in acie, Liv.: ex ipsa acie a fratre missus, vom Schlachtfelde weg, Liv.: acies magnam partem militum absumpsit od. abstulit, Liv. – poet., Vulcania acies, Feuermassen, großes Feuermeer, Verg. – Wieder übtr., v. Wortkampf, orationis aciem contra conferam, ich will ihn anreden, Plaut.: nos autem iam in aciem dimicationemque veniamus, Cic.
Latin > Greek
Latin > Chinese
acies, ei. f. :: 尖。刀刃。陣兵。In acie periit 陣亡。Acies ingenii 聰慧。Prima, secunda acies 前营,中營。 Postrema acies 後營。Aciem trahere 磨刀。Acie pro Aciei.