
From LSJ

Ὁ δὲ μὴ δυνάμενος κοινωνεῖν ἢ μηδὲν δεόμενος δι' αὐτάρκειαν οὐθὲν μέρος πόλεως, ὥστε θηρίον θεός → Whoever is incapable of associating, or has no need to because of self-sufficiency, is no part of a state; so he is either a beast or a god

Aristotle, Politics, 1253a25
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Full diacritics: ἀκρορρύμιον Medium diacritics: ἀκρορρύμιον Low diacritics: ακρορρύμιον Capitals: ΑΚΡΟΡΡΥΜΙΟΝ
Transliteration A: akrorrýmion Transliteration B: akrorrymion Transliteration C: akrorrymion Beta Code: a)krorru/mion

English (LSJ)

τό, fore-end of a pole, Id.1.146.

Spanish (DGE)

-ου, τό extremo de la lanza del carro, Poll.1.146.

Greek (Liddell-Scott)

ἀκρορρύμιον: τό, τὸ ἐμπρόσθιον ἄκρον τοῦ ῥυμοῦ, Πολυδ. 1. 146.

German (Pape)

τό, Deichselspitze, Poll. 1.146.