
French (Bailly abrégé)

fém. de ὅγε ou de ὅσγε.

English (Autenrieth)

(ὅ γε, etc.): the demonstr. ὅ, ἥ, τό intensified, and yet often employed where we should not only expect no emphasis, but not even any pronoun at all, as in the second of two alternatives, Il. 3.409, Il. 12.240, Od. 2.327 . ὅ γε serves, however, to keep before the mind a person once mentioned (and perhaps returned to after an interruption), thus usually the very opp. of ὃ δέ, which introduces a new person in antithesis.

Russian (Dvoretsky)

ἥγε: f к ὅγε и ὅσγε.