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ζέσιν τοῦ περὶ καρδίαν αἵματος καὶ θερμοῦ → surging of the blood and heat round the heart


Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

lăpillus: i, m.
dim. lapis,
I a little stone, a pebble (perh. not ante-Aug.).
I In gen.: invitat somnos crepitantibus unda lapillis, Ov. M. 11, 604; Plin. 10, 23, 30, § 59 sq. —Lucky days were marked with white, and unlucky ones with black stones (cf. calculus, 2. e.); hence: felix utraque lux diesque nobis Signandi melioribus lapillis, i. e. with white stones, Mart. 9, 53, 5; cf.: hunc Macrine, diem numera meliore lapillo, Pers. 2, 1; cf. also Plin. 7, 40, 41, § 131. —In trials at law, a white stone was cast as a vote for acquittal, a black stone for condemnation: mos erat antiquus niveis atrisque lapillis, His damnare reos, illis absolvere culpa, Ov. M. 15, 41.—
II In partic.
   A Stone in the bladder, gravel: ejectus calculoso, Plin. 28, 4, 9, § 42.—
   B A precious stone, gem, jewel; marble, etc.: inter niveos viridesque lapillos, i. e. pearls and emeralds, Hor. S. 1, 2, 80: caris aures onerare lapillis, Ov. A. A. 3, 129: indici, Mart. 1, 110, 4: Libyci, bits of Numidian marble, Hor. Ep. 1, 10, 19.—
   C A tombstone, Inscr. ap. Murat. 1536, 6; cf. Burm. Anth. Lat. 2, p. 269.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

lăpillus,¹² ī, m., dim. de lapis,
1 petite pierre, petit caillou : Ov. M. 11, 604 ; Plin. 10, 59 ; diem signare melioribus lapillis Mart. 9, 52, 5 ; diem numerare meliore lapillo Pers. 2, 1, marquer un jour comme heureux [avec de petits cailloux blancs], v. lapis
2 pierre précieuse : Hor. S. 1, 2, 80 ; Mart. 1, 109, 4 || pierre [de la vessie], calcul : Plin. 28, 42 || marbre : Hor. Ep. 1, 10, 19 || pierre tumulaire : Inscr.