τῶν δ᾽ ὀρθουμένων σῴζει τὰ πολλὰ σώμαθ᾽ ἡ πειθαρχία → But of those who make it through, following orders is what saves most of their lives (Sophocles, Antigone 675f.)
Latin > English
acetum aceti N N :: vinegar, sour wine; tang of vinegar; sourness of disposition; sharpness of wit
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
ăcētum: i, n. orig. P. a. fr. aceo, become sour, hence sc. vinum,
I sour wine, wine-vinegar, or simply vinegar (acc. to Varr. L. L. 9, § 66 Müll., only in the sing.).
I Lit.: cum aceto pransurus est et sale, Plaut. Rud. 4, 2, 32; Verg. M. 113: acre, Hor. S. 2, 3, 117: vetus, i. e. spoiled, id. ib. 2, 2, 62: Liv. 21, 37; Cels. 2, 18; 2, 21; Vulg. Joan. 19, 29 al.: mulsum aceti, vinegarmead, v. mulsus.—
II Trop., of acuteness of mind, sense, wit, shrewdness, sagacity (like sal, sales, wit, witty sayings, witticisms, fr. sal, salt): Ps. Ecquid habet is homo aceti in pectore? Char. Atque acidissumi, Plaut. Ps. 2, 4, 49; id. Bacch. 3, 3, 1; Hor. S. 1, 7, 32; Pers. 5, 86 al.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
(1) ăcētum,¹¹ ī, n. (aceo),
1 vinaigre : mulsum Cato Agr. 157, 6, vinaigre adouci avec du miel || [employé avec le feu pour dissoudre les rochers] : Liv. 21, 37, 2 ; Plin. 33, 71 ; Juv. 10, 153
2 [fig.] finesse, esprit caustique : Pl. Ps. 739 ; Hor. S. 1, 7, 32.
(2) ăcētum, ī, n. (ἄκοιτον), miel vierge : Plin. 11, 38.
Latin > German (Georges)
(1) acētum1, ī, n. (aceo), saurer Wein, Weinessig, u. dann Essig übh., I) eig.: acetum acre, Varr. fr.: Aegyptium, Cic. fr.: mulsum acetum, Honigmet, Plin.: prandere cum aceto et sale, Plaut.: saxa ardentia infuso aceto putrefacere, Liv. – II) übtr.: a) übh.: nunc experiar, sitne aceto tibi cor acre in pectore, ein Herz von bitterem Groll erregt, Plaut. Bacch. 405. – b) beißender Witz, scharfer Spott, acerbum acetum (Ggstz. mel), Plaut. truc. 179: PS. Ecquid is homo habet aceti in pectore? CH. Atque acidissimum, Plaut. Pseud. 738: Italo perfusus aceto, Hor. sat. 1, 7, 32.
(2) acētum2, ī, n. (ἄκοιτον), Jungfernhonig, Plin. 11, 38. Apic. 3, 69; 6, 257 (wo mel acoetum).
Latin > Chinese
acetum, i. n. :: 醋。利嘴。 Aceto eum perfundere 借言罵彼。Acetum mel 淸蜜。 — in pectore 聰明人。— moriens 無力之醋。