
From LSJ

πολλὰ μεταξὺ πέλει κύλικος καὶ χείλεος ἄκρου → there is many a slip twixt cup and lip, there's many a slip twixt cup and lip, there's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip, there's many a slip twixt the cup and the lip, there's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip


Latin > English

cantilena cantilenae N F :: oft repeated saying; refrain; ditty/little song; silly prattle (L+S); lampoon

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

cantĭlēna: ae, f. cantillo.
I In anteclass. and class. lang., a song, in a disparaging sense, an old song; vulg. for silly, trite prattle, gossip: ut crebro mihi insusurret cantilenam suam, Cic. Att. 1, 19, 8: totam istam cantilenam ex hoc pendere, ut quam plurimum lucri faciant, Brut. ap. Cic. Fam. 11, 20, 2: qui non Graeci alicujus cottidianam loquacitatem sine usu, neque ex scholis cantilenam requirunt, Cic. de Or. 1, 23, 105.—Prov.: cantilenam eandem canis, = τὸ αὐτὸ δεις σμα, ever the old song, Ter. Phorm. 3, 2, 10.—
II Postclass. in a good sense, a song, in gen., Gell. 9, 4, 14; so id. 19, 9, 8: in cantilenis et proverbiis, Vulg. Ecclus. 47, 18: cantilenas meditari pro jubilo molliores, Amm. 22, 4, 6; of a lampoon, Vop. Aur. 7, 2; cf. Fest. p. 181, 16 Müll.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

cantĭlēna,¹⁶ æ, f. (cantilo),
1 chant, chanson : Gell. 9, 4, 14 ; 10, 19, 2 ; 19, 9, 8 || air rebattu, refrain, rabâchage : Cic. Att. 1, 19, 8 ; neque ex scholis cantilenam requirunt Cic. de Or. 1, 105, ils ne recherchent pas les refrains de l’école ; cantilenam eamdem canis Ter. Phorm. 495, tu chantes toujours le même refrain [la même chanson] ; totam istam cantilenam ex eo pendere, ut Brut. d. Cic. Fam. 11, 20, 2, que tout ce bavardage dérive de l’intention de || vers satiriques, pamphlet : Vop. Aur. 7, 2
2 musique [d’instruments] : Chalc. Tim. 44 || accord : Chalc. Tim. 45 ; 46.

Latin > German (Georges)

cantilēna, ae, f. (cantilo), das Getön, I) mit der Stimme, die Singerei, a) das Lied, das nach einer bekannten Melodie geht, Gell. 9, 4, 14; 19, 9, 8. Ambros. de off. 1, 24, 114. Augustin. conf. 10, 33: in cantilenis (Volksliedern) et proverbiis, Vulg. Sirach 47, 18: cantilenas meditari pro iubilo molliores, statt des rauhen Soldatenliedes zärtliche Arien, Amm. 22, 4, 6: von einem Spottliede, Vopisc. Aur. 7. § 2. – b) im üblen Sinne, der Singsang, das Herunterleiern, denuo repetit eandem cantilenam (v. Papagei), Apul. flor. 12 extr.: u. in dem sprichw. cantilenam eandem canis, το αυτο ᾄδεις ᾷσμα, Ter. Phorm. 495: u. übtr., wie unser Litanei, alte Leier, vulgär für »allbekanntes-, abgedroschenes Geschwätz«, quasi quaedam cantilena rhetorica, Gell.: neque ex scholis cantilenam requirunt, Cic.: ut crebro mihi insusurret cantilenam suam, sein bekanntes Sprüchelchen, Cic.: totam istam cantilenam ex hoc pendēre, ut etc., das ganze Geschwätz, Brut. in Cic. ep. – II) mit musik. Instrumenten, die Musik, das Spiel, Chalcid. Tim. 44: v. Flötenspiel, Schol. Pers. 1, 119. – u. insbes., der Akkord, diatessaron c., Chalc. Tim. 45: Plur., cantilenae diatessaron et diapente, ibid. 46.

Latin > Chinese

cantilena, ae. f. :: 俗歌