ἥλιον ἐν λέσχῃ κατεδύσαμεν → we let the sun go down in talk, we let the sun go down in conversation
Latin > English
lucubro lucubrare, lucubravi, lucubratus V :: work by lamp-light, "burn the midnight oil"; make or produce at night
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
lūcū̆bro: āvi, ātum, 1, v. n. and
I a. [lux], to work by lamp-light, work at night.
I Neutr.: (Lucretiam) deditam lanae inter lucubrantes ancillas inveniunt, Liv. 1, 57, 9: sin lucubrandum est, non post cibum id facere, sed post concoctionem, Cels. 1, 2; Plin. Ep. 3, 5, 8.—
II Act., to make by lamp-light, to compose at night: parvum opusculum lucubratum his jam contractioribus noctibus, Cic. Par. prooem. § 5: nox lucubrata, spent in work, Mart. 4, 90, 9: viam, to travel by night, App. M. 6, p. 186.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
lūcŭbrō,¹⁴ āvī, ātum, āre,
1 intr., travailler à la lueur de la lampe, de nuit : Liv. 1, 57, 9 ; Plin. Min. Ep. 3, 5, 8
2 tr., faire de nuit : Cic. Par. 5 ; Apul. M. 6, 30.
Latin > German (Georges)
lūcubro, āvī, ātum, āre (luceo), I) intr. bei Nacht od. Licht arbeiten, non solum ad Aristophanis lucernam, sed etiam ad Cleanthis lucubravisse, Varro LL.: inter lucubrantes ancillas sedere, Liv.: per totam noctem, Sen. rhet.: sin lucubrandum est, non post cibum id facere, sed post concoctionem, Cels. – II) tr. bei Nacht od. Licht etwas ausarbeiten, accipies igitur hoc parvum opusculum lucubratum his iam contractioribus noctibus, Cic. parad. prooem. § 5. – od. bei Nacht etw. unternehmen, quorsum istam festinanti vestigio lucubratis viam, Apul. met. 6, 30.
Latin > Chinese
lucubro, as, are. act. n. (lux.) :: 夜間用功。夜成。— viam 夜行路。披星戴月。Lucubrata nox 終夜學文。