Ὕπνος πέφυκε σωμάτων σωτηρία → Incolumitas est corporis nostri sopor → Der rechte Weg ist zur Gesunderhaltung Schlaf
Greek > English (Woodhouse Verbs Reversed)
(see also ὑπολαμβάνω): assume, consider, hold, imagine, interject, interpret, interrupt, retort, suppose, take, understand, assume as a basis, assume as a principle, assume to be so and so, break in, chime in, conceive in the mind, form a conception of, form a notion of, form an idea of, grasp in the mind, grasp with the mind, in conversation, interpret in a certain sense, interrupt a person speaking, interrupt in speaking, interrupt talk, lay down, make of understand, strike in, take away by stealth, take for granted, take for, take in a certain sense, take in any particular sense
Lexicon Thucydideum
surripere, to steal, pilfer, 6.58.2,
subtrahere, to withdraw, 1.68.4,
abducere, to lead away, 1.121.3,
similiter similarly 1.143.1.
intercipere, to intercept, cut off, 8.105.3,
excipere, arripere, to snatch up, seize, 6.28.2,
existimare, to judge, consider, 4.106.1, [vulgo commonly ἐλάμβανον]. 6.84.1,
respondere, to respond, answer, 2.72.1, 2.113.4, 5.49.4, 5.85.1.