ἐν δὲ μηνὸς πρῶτον τύχεν ἆμαρ → it chanced to be on the first of the month, that day fell on the first of the month
Full diacritics: κομβίον | Medium diacritics: κομβίον | Low diacritics: κομβίον | Capitals: ΚΟΜΒΙΟΝ |
Transliteration A: kombíon | Transliteration B: kombion | Transliteration C: komvion | Beta Code: kombi/on |
τό, = περόνη, buckle, Eust.794.13, Sch.E.Hec.1170.
[Seite 1477] τό, dim. zu κόμβος, VLL. u. Sp.