οὐχὶ σοῦσθ'; οὐκ ἐς κόρακας; οὐκ ἄπιτε; παῖε τῷ ξύλῳ → You will not go? The plague seize you! Will you not clear off? Hit them with your stick!
ος, ον :qui vient d’enfanter.Étymologie: νέος, τίκτω.
νεοτόκος 1 of recent childbirth ]ἄπεπλος ἐκ λεχέων νεοτόκων[ (sc. Ἀλκμήνα, from the bed where she had just given birth to Herakles and Iphikles) (Pae. 20.14)