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Μούνη γὰρ ἄγειν οὐκέτι σωκῶ λύπης ἀντίρροπον ἄχθος → I have no longer strength to bear alone the burden of grief that weighs me down

Sophocles, Electra, 119-120

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

incūso: āvi, ātum, āre, v. a. in-causa,
I to accuse one of something, to complain of, find fault with, blame (cf.: arguo, accuso, vitupero; class., but not in Cic.).—Constr. aliquem alicujus rei, aliquem quod, aliquid, etc.—With acc. of person: qui alterum incusat probri, Plaut. Truc. 1, 2, 58: te ipse jure optumo merito incuses licet, id. Most. 3, 2, 24: aliquem luxūs et superbiae, Tac. A. 2, 78: vehementer eos incusavit, quod, Caes. B. G. 1, 40; 2, 15; Verg. A. 11, 471.— With acc. of the thing (post-class.), Liv. 1, 9, 13; 8, 23, 4: factum alicujus, Ov. R. Am. 479: angustias stipendii, duritiam operum, to complain of, Tac. A. 1, 35: casus, id. ib. 6, 23.—With acc. and inf.: incusaverat bella ex bellis seri, Liv. 31, 6, 4; 26, 12, 11; 33, 35, 11: cum Poenus dolo dimissum Romanum incusaret, id. 24, 1, 10; cf. pass., with nom. and inf., Amm. 14, 11, 24.—In part. pass.: incūsātus, a, um, complained of, found fault with: sterilitas cacuminis jure incusata, Col. 3, 17, 3: in Augusto incusatae liberorum mortes, charged upon, attributed to, Plin. 7, 45, 46, § 149.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

incūsō,¹⁰ āvī, ātum, āre (in, causa), tr., accuser [au sens de faire des reproches à], blâmer : aliquem vehementer Cæs. G. 1, 40, 1, accabler qqn de violents reproches, cf. G. 2, 15, 5 ; Virg. En. 11, 471 ; aliquem superbiæ Tac. Ann. 2, 78, accuser qqn d’orgueil || reprocher, se plaindre de qqch. : injurias Romanorum Liv. 8, 23, 4, reprocher les injustices des Romains, cf. Liv. 1, 9, 14 ; Tac. Ann. 1, 35 ; 6, 23 || [avec prop. inf.], articuler comme grief, comme reproche, que : Liv. 24, 1, 10 ; 26, 12, 11 ; 31, 6, 4 ; Tac. Ann. 4, 17 ; incusabatur toleraturus... Tac. Ann. 6, 3, on arguait contre lui qu’il supporterait || [avec quod et subj.] : incusat se quod me moretur Plin. Min. Ep. 6, 20, 12, elle s’accuse, (se reproche) de me retarder.

Latin > German (Georges)

in-cūso, āvī, ātum, āre (in u. causa), jmd. od. etw. beschuldigen, sich über jmd. od. etw. beschweren, alqm, Caes.: alqm graviter ob defectionem, Liv.: alqm probri, Plaut.: alqm luxus et superbiae, Tac.: iniurias Romanorum, Liv.: factum alcis, Ov.: alienam culpam, Quint.: quietem Africani nostri somniantis, Cic. de rep. 6, 7 B. (bei Macr. somn. Scip. 1, 2, 5, wo Jan accusant): in Blaesum multa foedaque, Tac. ann. 5, 7: m. folg. Acc. u. Infin., Liv. 24, 1, 10 u. ö. Tac. ann. 3, 38; 4, 17 u. 6, 27: im Passiv m. folg. Nom. u. Infin., Tac. ann. 6, 3. Amm. 14, 11, 24: m. folg. quod u. Konj., Plin. ep. 6, 20, 12. Tac. hist. 3, 38: m. folg. indir. Fragesatz, Verg. Aen. 11, 471. – Partic. Perf. incūsātus, zum Vorwurfe gemacht, zur Last gelegt, Colum. u. Plin.

Latin > English

incuso incusare, incusavi, incusatus V :: accuse, blame, criticize, condemn