αἱ μέν ἀποφάσεις ἐπί τῶν θείων ἀληθεῖς, αἱ δέ καταφάσεις ἀνάρμοστοι τῇ κρυφιότητι τῶν ἀποῤῥήτων → as concerns the things of the gods, negative pronouncements are true, but positive ones are inadequate to their hidden character
Latin > English
primaevus primaeva, primaevum ADJ :: youthful
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
prīmaevus: a, um, adj. primus-aevum,
I in the first period of life, young, youthful (poet. and late Lat.): primaevus Helenor, Verg. A. 9, 545: natus, Cat. 64, 401: Helix, Val. Fl. 6, 570: vix primaevus eras, cum, etc., Claud. I. Cons. Stil. 1, 51: corpus, Verg. A. 10, 345; Luc. 6, 562: corpora, Val. Fl. 2, 653: flos, Verg. A. 7, 162: recepisti primaevus originis tuae florem, Amm. 15, 8, 11: adulescens, id. 16, 1, 5.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
prīmævus,¹⁴ a, um (primus, ævum), qui est du premier âge : Virg. En. 7, 162 ; 9, 545.
Latin > German (Georges)
prīmaevus, a, um (primus u. aevum), in den ersten Jahren, jugendlich, natus (Sohn), Catull.: Helenor, Verg.: corpus, Verg. u. Lucan.: primaevo flore, in der ersten Blüte, Verg.
Latin > Chinese
primaevus, a, um. adj. :: 元年者。首初者。— natus 長子。Primaevo flore juventae 初幼年之時。
Armenian: երիտասարդ; Catalan: juvenil, jovenívol; Chinese Mandarin: 青春的, 年輕, 年轻; Danish: ungdommelig; Finnish: nuorekas, nuorehko; French: juvénile, jeune; Galician: xuvenil; Georgian: ახალგაზრდა, ახალგაზრდული, ჭაბუკური; German: jugendlich, jung; Ancient Greek: ἡβητής, ἡβατάς, ἁβατάς, νεαρός; Irish: anaosta; Italian: giovanile; Japanese: 若々しい; Latin: iuvenis, primaevus; Maori: taiohi; Middle English: yongly; Norwegian Bokmål: ungdommelig; Nynorsk: ungdomleg, ungdommeleg; Portuguese: juvenil, jovem; Russian: юношеский, моложавый, молодой; Sanskrit: अर्भग; Scottish Gaelic: ògail; Spanish: juvenil, joven; Swedish: ungdomlig, ung; Yiddish: יוגנטלעך