
From LSJ

Θυσία μεγίστη τῷ θεῷ τό γ' εὐσεβεῖν → Pietate maius nil offertur numini → Das größte Opfer für den Gott ist Frömmigkeit

Menander, Monostichoi, 246

Latin > English

adulescens adulescentis N C :: young man, youth; youthful person; young woman/girl
adulescens adulescens adulescentis (gen.), adulescentior -or -us, adulescentissimus -a -um ADJ :: young, youthful; "minor" (in reference to the younger of two having same name)

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

ădŭlescens: (only ădŏl- in the
I verb and part. proper), entis (gen. plur. usu. adulescentium, e. g. Cic. Tusc. 5, 27 al.: adulescentum, Plaut. Ps. 1, 3, 130).
   A P. a., growing up, not yet come to full growth, young: eodem ut jure uti senem liceat, quo jure sum usus adulescentior, Ter. Hec. prol. alt. 3: uti adulescentior aetati concederet, etc., Sall. H. 1, 11 (Fragm. ap. Prisc. 902).— Trop., of the new Academic philosophy: adulescentior Academia, Cic. Fam. 9, 8, 1.— Sup. and adv. not used.—
   B Subst. comm. gen., one who has not yet attained maturity, a youth, a young man; a young woman, a maiden (between the puer and juvenis, from the 15th or 17th until past the 30th year, often even until near the 40th; but the same person is often called in one place adulescens, and in another juvenis, e. g. Cic. Fam. 2, 1, with Att. 2, 12; cf. id. Top. 7; often the adulescentia passes beyond the period of manhood, even to senectus; while in other cases adulescentia is limited to 25 years, Cic. Tusc. 2, 1, 2 Goer.: “Primo gradu usque ad annum XV. pueros dictos, quod sint puri, i. e. impubes. Secundo ad XXX. annum ab adolescendo sic nominatos,” Varr. ap. Censor. cap. 14. “Tertia (aetas) adulescentia ad gignendum adulta, quae porrigitur (ab anno XIV.) usque ad vigesimum octavum annum,” Isid. Orig. 11, 2, 4. Thus Cicero, in de Or. 2, 2, calls Crassus adulescens, though he was 34 years old; in id. Phil. 2, 44, Brutus and Cassius, when in their 40th year, are called adulescentes; and in id. ib. 46, Cicero calls himself, at the time of his consulship, i. e. in his 44th year, adulescens; cf. Manut. ap. Cic. Fam. 2, 1, p. 146): tute me ut fateare faciam esse adulescentem moribus, Plaut. Mil. 3, 1, 67: bonus adulescens, Ter. And. 4, 7, 4: adulescentes bonā indole praediti, Cic. Sen. 8, 26: adulescens luxu perditus, Ter. Ad. 4, 7, 42: adulescens perditus et dissolutus, Cic. Tusc. 4, 25; Vulg. Gen. 34, 19; ib. Matt. 19, 20.—Homo and adulescens are often used together: amanti homini adulescenti, Plaut. Trin. 4, 2, 94; Ter. Phorm. 5, 9, 53; Cic. Fam. 2, 15: hoc se labore durant homines adulescentes, Caes. B. G. 6, 28; Sall. C. 38; id. J. 6; Liv. 2, 6.— Fem.: optimae adulescenti facere injuriam, Ter. And. 3, 2, 8: Africani filia adulescens, Cic. Div. 1, 18 fin. The young Romans who attended the proconsuls and propraetors in the provinces were sometimes called adulescentes (commonly contubernales), Caes. B. C. 1, 23; 1, 51. Sometimes adulescens serves to distinguish the younger of two persons of the same name: Brutus adulescens, Caes. B. G. 7, 87: P. Crassus adulescens, id. ib. 1, 52, and 3, 7: L. Caesar adulescens, id. B. C. 1, 8.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

ădŭlēscēns, tis,
1 part. prés. de adulesco pris adjt : adulescentior Ter. Hec. 11 ; Cic. Fam. 9, 8, 1 ; Sall. H. 1, 85, qui est plus jeune, plus jeune homme ; cum duobus adulescentibus filiis Cic. Amer. 64, avec ses fils, deux jeunes gens ; adulescentior Academia Cic. Fam. 9, 8, 1, la nouvelle Académie
2 subst. m., jeune homme ; subst. f., jeune femme [en principe de 17 ans à 30 ans ( Censor. 14, 2 ); mais parfois au-delà] : honestus adulescens Cic. Clu. 11, jeune homme honorable ; optuma Ter. Andr. 488, excellente jeune femme || [pour distinguer des pers. du même nom]: D. Brutum adulescentem... præficit Cæs. G. 3, 11, 5, il met à la tête de... D. Brutus, le jeune.
     gén. pl. adulescentium, mais adulescentum Pl. As. 133 ; Ps. 364.

Latin > German (Georges)

adulēscēns, entis (eig. Partic. v. adolesco), I) Adj. (m. Compar.), heranwachsend = jung, admodum adulescens (v. Pers.), Cic.: oppido adulescens (v. Pers.), Liv.: adul. aetas (Ggstz. iuniores, Apul.): eodem ut iure uti senem liceat, quo iure sum usus adulescentior, Ter.: adulescentior Academia, Cic. – II) Subst., adulescens, a) masc. der bereits zum Mann heranwachsende junge Mensch ohne Rücksicht auf ein bestimmtes Alter, puer sive iam adulescens, Cic.: adulescens vel puer potius, Cic.: bella gerebat ut adulescens, cum plane grandis esset, Cic.: alter adulescens decessit, alter senex, Sen.: attrib. = jung, homo ad. (Ggstz. homo senex), Komik.: u. im Ggstz. zum gleichnamigen älteren, der junge, der jüngere, Brutus adul., Caes.: P. Crassus adul., Caes. – b) fem., das Mädchen, die Jungfrau, optuma. Ter. Andr. 488: gew. attrib. = jung, ad. mulier, Ter. Hec. 661: filia ad., Cic. de div. 1, 36. – / Abl. Sing. auch adulescenti, Corp. inscr. Lat. 8, 828: Genet. Plur. gew. adulescentium, doch auch adulescentum (Plaut. asin. 133; Pseud. 364); vgl. Neue-Wagener Formenl.3 3, 406 u. 407. – Über die Schreibung adulescens, -centia u.f.s. Ellendt Cic. de orat. 1, 5 not. crit. u. Osann Cic. de rep. 1, 23. – vulg. adulīscēns, Commod. instr. 1, 7, 8.



Arabic: فَتًى‎, فَتَاة‎; Armenian: պատանի; Asturian: adolescente; Azerbaijani: yeniyetmə; Bashkir: үҫмер; Belarusian: падлетак; Bulgarian: юноша, девойка, юношески; Catalan: adolescent; Chinese Mandarin: 青少年, 少年, 姑娘; Czech: dospívající, puberťák, adolescent; Esperanto: adoleska, adoleskulo, adoleskanto; Estonian: noor, teismeline; Finnish: nuori; French: adolescent; Galician: adolescente, rapaz, rapazolo, mozo, rapazola, rapariga, rapaza, moza; German: Jugendliche; Greek: έφηβος; Ancient Greek: ἁβατάς, ἀγένειος, εἱβάτας, ἔφαβος, ἔφηβος, ἐφῆλιξ, ἡβατάς, ἡβητήρ, ἡβητής, ἡβήτωρ, μειράκιον, μελλείρην, μελλέφηβος, μελλίρην, μέσωρος, νεανισκάριον, νεανίσκος, νεηνίσκος, πάλλαξ, πρόσηβος; Hebrew: נַעַר‎; Hungarian: kamasz, kamaszkori; Ido: adolecanta, adolecanto; Italian: adolescente; Japanese: 青春, 少年, 少女; Korean: 10대, 청소년; Latin: adulescens; Macedonian: малолетник, малолетничка, младинец; Malay: remaja; Persian: برنا‎; Polish: nastolatek, nastolatka, adolescent, nastoletni, dojrzewający, adolescencyjny; Portuguese: adolescente, rapaz, rapariga, moço, moça; Romagnol: adulescént; Serbo-Croatian Roman: adolèscent; Romanian: adolescent, adolescentă; Russian:; Russian: подросток, юноша, девушка, подростковый, юношеский; Scottish Gaelic: ògail, òigear, òganach; Slovene: mladoleten, mladoletnik, mladoletnica; Spanish: adolescente, muchacho, muchacha, chico, chica; Swedish: tonåring; Telugu: కౌమార; Turkish: ergen; Ukrainian: підлі́ток