
From LSJ

Πόλις γὰρ οὐκ ἔσθ' ἥτις ἀνδρός ἐσθ' ἑνός → The state which belongs to one man is no state at all

Sophocles, Antigone, 737

English > Greek (Woodhouse)

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place of refuge: P. and V. καταφυγή, ἡ, ἀποστροφή, ἡ, P. ἀποφυγή, ἡ.

protection, subs.: P. and V. φυλακή, ἡ.

right of asylum: see sanctuary.

what stranger will protect my life, offering an asylum and a home where I may be safe? V. τίς γῆν ἄσυλον καὶ δόμους ἐχεγγύους ξένος παρασχὼν ῥύσεται τοὐμὸν δέμας; (Euripides, Medea 387).

Latin > English

asylum asyli N N :: place of refuge, asylum, sanctuary; place for relaxation/recuperation, retreat

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

ăsȳlum: i, n., = ἄσυλον,
I a place of refuge, a sanctuary, an asylum: servus, qui in illud asylum confugisset, Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 33: Romulus asylum aperit, Liv. 1, 8: lucum asylum referre, Verg. A. 8, 342: Junonis asylum, id. ib. 2, 761: asyla statuere, Tac. A. 3, 60: lucus asyli, id. H. 3, 71; Gell. 6, 2 fin.: de asylo procedere, * Vulg. 2 Macc. 4, 34 al.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

ăsȳlum,¹² ī, n. (ἄσυλον), temple, lieu inviolable, refuge : [fondé par Romulus Virg. En. 8, 342 ; Liv. 1, 8 ; [en gén.] Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 85 ; Virg. En. 2, 761.

Latin > German (Georges)

asȳlum, ī, n. (ἄσυλον), die Freistätte, das Asyl, asylum Iunonis, Verg., Aesculapii, Tac., Romuli, Min. Fel.: lucus asyli, Tac.: vetustum asyli ius, Tac.: ubi et in fano lucoque eā religione eo iure sancto, quo sunt templa, quae asyla Graeci appellant, Liv.: asylum aperire, Liv., constituere, Schol. Iuv. u. Lact.: asyla statuere, Tac.: lucum asylum (zum A.) facere, Flor.: asylum facere inter duos lucos, Vell.: in illud asylum confugere, Cic.: de asylo procedere, Vulg. – übtr., Papinianus, iuris asylum, der Hort, Spart. Sev. 21, 8.

Latin > Chinese

asylum, i. n. :: 避難所不可犯之處