μούνη γὰρ ἄγειν οὐκέτι σωκῶ λύπης ἀντίρροπον ἄχθος → I have no longer strength to bear alone the burden of grief that weighs me down, I no longer have the strength to hold up alone the weight of grief that pushes against me, I no longer have the strength to counterbalance alone the weight of grief that acts as counterweight, I have no longer strength to balance alone the counterpoising weight of sorrow
Latin > English
camella camellae N F :: cup, bowl, goblet
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
cămella: ae,
I f dim. camera, a kind of drinking vessel, a wine-goblet, wine-cup, cup, Laber. ap. Gell. 16, 7, 9; Ov. F. 4, 779; Petr. 135, 3; 137, 10; 64, 13; cf. Pollux, id. 10, 24.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
cămella,¹⁴ æ, f. (dim. de camera), écuelle, bol : Ov. F. 4, 779 ; Petr. 135, 3.
Latin > German (Georges)
(1) camella1, s. camela.
(2) camella2, ae, f. (Demin. v. camera), eine Schale für Flüssigkeiten, Laber. com. 60 (bei Gell. 16, 7, 9). Ov. fast. 4, 779. Petr. 64, 13; 135, 3; 137, 10.