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English > Greek (Woodhouse)
Ἀγαμέμνων, -ονος, ὁ, or use Ἀτρείδης, -ου, ὁ, or say, son of Atreus.
of Agamemnon, adj.: Ἀγαμεμνόνειος
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
Ăgămemnon: ŏnis, m. (nom. Agamemno, Enn. ap. Cic. Att. 13, 47; Cic. Tusc. 4, 8, 17; Stat. Achill. 1, 553), = Ἀγαμέμνων,
I king of Mycenœ, son of Atreus and of Aërope, brother of Menelaüs, husband of Clytœmnestra, father of Orestes, Iphigenia, and Electra, commander-in-chief of the Grecian forces before Troy, and murdered by his wife, with the aid of Ægisthus, her paramour.—Poet., for his time: vixēre fortes ante Agamemnona Multi, Hor. C. 4, 9, 25- 28.—Hence,
1 Ăgămemnŏnĭdēs, ae, patr. m., = Ἀγαμεμνονίδης, a male descendant of Agamemnon; his son Orestes: par Agamemnonidae crimen, i. e. the matricide of Orestes, Juv. 8, 215.—
2 Ăgămem-nŏnĭus, a, um, adj., = Ἀγαμεμνόνιος, of or pertaining to Agamemnon (poet.): phalanges, i. e. the Grecian troops before Troy, commanded by Agamemnon, Verg. A. 6, 489: Mycenae, ruled by Agamemnon, id. ib. 6, 838: Orestes, son of Agamemnon, id. ib. 4, 471: puella, daughter of Agamemnon, i. e. Iphigenia, Prop. 5, 1, 111.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
Ăgămemnōn¹¹ et Ăgamemnō, ŏnis, m., Agamemnon [roi de Mycènes, généralissime des Grecs au siège de Troie] : Cic. Tusc. 4, 17, etc. || -nŏnĭus, a, um, Virg. En. 6, 489, etc., d’Agamemnon || -nŏnĭdēs, æ, m., fils d’Agamemnon [Oreste] : Juv. 8, 215.
Latin > German (Georges)
Agamemnōn (od. lat. Agamemno), onis, Akk. onem, bei Dichtern ona, m. (Ἀγαμέμνων), Sohn (od. Enkel) u. Nachfolger des Atreus, Königs von Mykenä, Bruder des Menelaus, Gemahl der Klytämnestra, Vater des Orestes, der Elektra und Iphigenia, Oberanführer der Griechen vor Troja, nach der Rückkehr durch seine Gemahlin mit Hilfe ihres Buhlen Ägisthus ermordet, Att. tr. 161. Plaut. Bacch. 946 (nach Ritschl viell. Agamemino). Varr. sat. Men. 570. Cic. de off. 3, 95. Hor. carm. 4, 9, 25. Petr. 59, 4: Akk. -onem, Cornif. rhet. 1, 10, 17. Cic. Tusc. 1, 37, 90 u.a. Prosaiker: griech. Akk. -ona, Hor. carm. 4, 9, 25 u.a. Dichter (vgl. üb. beide Formen Neue-Wagener Formenl.3 Bd. 1. S. 464): als Sohn des Atreus, Enkel des Pelops u. Urenkel des Tantakus heißt er Atrides (Ἀτρείδης), Prop. 2, 14, 1, Pelopēus (Πελόπειος), Prop. 4, 6, 33, Tantalides (Τανταλίδης), Ov. fast. 5, 305. – Dav. 1) Agamemnonidēs, ae, m. (Ἀγαμεμνονίδης), der (männl.) Nachkomme des Agamemnon, der Agamemnonide = Orestes, Iuven. 8, 215. – 2) Agamemnonius, a, um (Ἀγαμεμνόνιος), agamemnonisch, des Agamemnon, classis, Liv. u. Mela: phalanges, Verg.: puella, Iphigenia, Prop.: tres Agamemnoniae (puellae), Töchter des Agamemnon, Ov.
Wikipedia EN
In Greek mythology, Agamemnon /æɡəˈmɛmnɒn/ (Greek: Ἀγαμέμνων, Ἀgamémnōn) was a king of Mycenae, the son, or grandson, of King Atreus and Queen Aerope of Mycenae, the brother of Menelaus, the husband of Clytemnestra and the father of Iphigenia, Electra or Laodike (Λαοδίκη), Orestes and Chrysothemis. Legends make him the king of Mycenae or Argos, thought to be different names for the same area. When Menelaus's wife, Helen, was taken to Troy by Paris, Agamemnon commanded the united Greek armed forces in the ensuing Trojan War.
Upon Agamemnon's return from Troy, he was killed (according to the oldest surviving account, Odyssey 11.409–11) by Aegisthus, the lover of his wife Clytemnestra. In old versions of the story, the scene of the murder, when it is specified, is usually the house of Aegisthus, who has not taken up residence in Agamemnon's palace, and it involves an ambush and the deaths of Agamemnon's followers as well (or it seems to be an ancestral home of both Agamemnon and Aegisthus since Agamemnon's wife is stated to be there as well and Agamemnon was said to have wept and kissed the land of his birth). In some later versions Clytemnestra herself does the killing, or she and Aegisthus act together, killing Agamemnon in his own home.
af: Agamemnon; an: Agamenón; ar: أجاممنون; arz: اجاممنون; ast: Agamenón; az: Aqamemnon; ba: Агамемнон; be: Агамемнан; bg: Агамемнон; br: Agamemnon; bs: Agamemnon; ca: Agamèmnon; cs: Agamemnón; cy: Agamemnon; da: Agamemnon; de: Agamemnon; el: Αγαμέμνονας; en: Agamemnon; eo: Agamemno; es: Agamenón; et: Agamemnon; eu: Agamemnon; fa: آگاممنون; fi: Agamemnon; fr: Agamemnon; fur: Agamenon; ga: Agaiméamnón; gl: Agamenón; he: אגממנון; hi: अगामेमनन; hr: Agamemnon; hu: Agamemnón; hy: Ագամեմնոն; ia: Agamemnon; id: Agamemnon; io: Agamemnon; is: Agamemnon; it: Agamennone; ja: アガメムノーン; ka: აგამემნონი; kn: ಆಗಮೆಮ್ನಾನ್; ko: 아가멤논; la: Agamemnon; lb: Agamemnon; lt: Agamemnonas; lv: Agamemnons; mg: Agamemnon; mk: Агамемнон; ml: അഗമെമ്നൺ; nl: Agamemnon; no: Agamemnon; pa: ਅਗਾਮੈਮਨੌਨ; pl: Agamemnon; pt: Agamemnon; rm: Agamemnon; ro: Agamemnon; rue: Агамемнон; ru: Агамемнон; sco: Agamemnon; sh: Agamemnon; simple: Agamemnon; sk: Agamemnón; sl: Agamemnon; sq: Agamemnoni; sr: Агамемнон; sv: Agamemnon; ta: அகமம்னான்; th: อะกาเมมนอน; tl: Agamemnon; tr: Agamemnon; uk: Агамемнон; uz: Agamemnon; vi: Agamemnon; war: Agamemnon; wuu: 阿伽门农; zh: 阿伽门农