English > Greek (Woodhouse)
P. and V. ἀμφορεύς, ὁ (Eur., Cyclops), Ar. and P. ὑδρία, ἡ, κάδος, ὁ, ἀγγεῖον, τό, Ar. and V. πρόχους, ἡ, ἄγγος, τό, V. κύτος, τό, τεῦχος, τό (also Xen. but rare P.), κρῶσσοι, οἱ; see pitcher.
large jar: P. and V. πίθος, ὁ (Eur., Cyclops).
jar for wine: Ar. and P. στάμνος, ὁ, Ar. σταμνίον, τό.
jar for oil or jar for wine: P. κεράμιον, τό.
quarrel: P. and V. διαφορά, ἡ, ἔρις, ἡ,); see quarrel.
clash, noise: P. and V. ψόφος, ὁ. κτύπος, ὁ (rare P.), Ar. and V. πάταγος, ὁ, V. ἀραγμός, ὁ, ἀράγματα, τά, βρόμος, ὁ.
verb intransitive
clash, be at variance: P. διαφωνεῖν (Plato), V. διχοστατεῖν.
make loud noise: P. and V. ψοφεῖν, Ar. and V. κτυπεῖν (also Plato but rare P.), βρέμειν (Ar. in mid.).
cause offence: P. and V. πλημμελεῖν.