
From LSJ

τίς τὸν πλανήτην Οἰδίπουν καθ' ἡμέραν τὴν νῦν σπανιστοῖς δέξεται δωρήμασιν → who on this day shall receive Oedipus the wanderer with scanty gifts


Latin > English

circumvallo circumvallare, circumvallavi, circumvallatus V TRANS :: surround with wall/siegeworks; blockade; beset, surround with troops/barriers

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

circum-vallo: āvi, ātum, 1, v. a.,
I to surround with a wall, to circumvallate; in milit. lang., to blockade, invest, encompass in a hostile manner (class., esp. in the histt.): circumvallare loci natura prohibebat, Caes. B. G. 7, 17; 7, 11; id. B. C. 3, 43; Liv. 10, 35, 12 and 15; 28, 3, 4, and in part. perf. pass. Caes. B. G. 7, 44 fin.; Cic. Att. 9, 12, 1; Liv. 43, 19, 9.—
   B Trop.: tot res repente circumvallant, beset, beleaguer, Ter. Ad. 3, 2, 4.—
II In gen., to surround, encompass: locum duobus sulcis, Col. 11, 3, 4; Claud. IV. Cons. Hon. 11: insula fluctisono circumvallata profundo, Sil. 12, 358.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

circumvallō,¹³ āvī, ātum, āre, tr., faire des lignes de circonvallation, cerner, bloquer : circumvallare Pompeium instituit Cæs. C. 3, 43, 2, il entreprit de bloquer Pompée, cf. G. 7, 44, 4 ; 7, 11 ; Cic. Att. 9, 12, 1 ; luce prima jam circumvallati erant Liv. 3, 28, 8, au point du jour ils se trouvaient déjà bloqués || entourer : Col. Rust. 11, 3, 4 || [fig.] tot res circumvallant se Ter. Ad. 302, tant d’obstacles se dressent de toutes parts.

Latin > German (Georges)

circum-vallo, āvi, ātum, āre, I) mit einem Walle und Graben umgeben, blockieren, einschließen, feindlich umringen, oppidum, Caes.: Pompeium, Cic.: hostes, Liv.: eos extra telorum missum, Vitr. – im Bilde, tot res repente circumvallant, Ter. adelph. 302. – II) übtr., übh. umgeben, umringen, locum duobus sulcis, Col.: paradisum igni, Lact.: circumvallata senatu Bellona, Claud.

Latin > Chinese

circumvallo, as, are. (vallum.) :: 周立寨棚