From LSJ
Ἑαυτὸν οὐδεὶς ὁμολογεῖ κακοῦργος ὤν → Nemo maleficus se fatetur maleficum → Von sich gibt keiner zu, dass er ein Schurke ist
English > Greek (Woodhouse)
position, rank: P. and V. τάξις, ἡ.
man's estate, manhood: Ar. and P. ἡλικία, ἡ, P. and V. ἥβη, ἡ; see manhood.
land: P. χώρα, ἡ (Xen.), P. and V. ἀγρός, ὁ, or pl.
small estate: Ar. and P. χωρίον, τό, γῄδιον, τό (Xen.).
inhabited properly: P. and V. οἶκος, ὁ.
property for inheritance: P. and V. κλῆρος, ὁ.