ἄλφοιν: Revision history

From LSJ

σκηνὴ πᾶς ὁ βίος καὶ παίγνιον: ἢ μάθε παίζειν, τὴν σπουδὴν μεταθείς, ἢ φέρε τὰς ὀδύνας → all life is a stage and a play: either learn to play laying your gravity aside, or bear with life's pains | the world's a stage, and life's a toy: dress up and play your part; put every serious thought away—or risk a broken heart | Life's a performance. Either join in lightheartedly, or thole the pain. | this life a theatre we well may call, where every actor must perform with art, or laugh it through, and make a farce of all, or learn to bear with grace his tragic part


Diff selection: Mark the radio buttons of the revisions to compare and hit enter or the button at the bottom.
Legend: (cur) = difference with latest revision, (prev) = difference with preceding revision, m = minor edit.

9 August 2017