νεκρὸν ἐάν ποτ' ἴδηις καὶ μνήματα κωφὰ παράγηις κοινὸν ἔσοπτρον ὁρᾶις· ὁ θανὼν οὕτως προσεδόκα → whenever you see a body dead, or pass by silent tombs, you look into the mirror of all men's destiny: the dead man expected nothing else | if you ever see a corpse or walk by quiet graves, that's when you look into the mirror we all share: the dead expected this
English (LSJ)
εως, ἡ,
A strength, efficacy, Luc.Trag.276. 2 sacrifice, Hsch. 3 Gramm., active force of a verb, A.D.Pron.44.1, Synt. 283.23: generally, action, opp. passivity, Mich. in EN275.8. II (δράω B) vision, EM287.8.
German (Pape)
[Seite 665] ἡ, das Thun, Handeln, VLL.; die Wirksamkeit, φαρμάκου Luc. Tragödop. 275.
Greek (Liddell-Scott)
δρᾶσις: -εως, ἡ, πρᾶξις, δύναμις, ἐνέργεια, ἀποτελεσματικότης, φαρμάκου Λουκ. Τραγ. 275· θυσία, Ἡσύχ. ΙΙ. (δράω Β), ὅραμα, Ἐτυμ. Μ. 287. 7.