
From LSJ

μέγα γὰρ τὸ τῆς θαλάσσης κράτοςgreat is the power of the country that controls the sea, control of the sea is a great thing, the dominion of the sea is a great matter, the rule of the sea is a great matter, the rule of the sea is indeed a great matter, control of the sea is a paramount advantage

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Full diacritics: δεδοίκω Medium diacritics: δεδοίκω Low diacritics: δεδοίκω Capitals: ΔΕΔΟΙΚΩ
Transliteration A: dedoíkō Transliteration B: dedoikō Transliteration C: dedoiko Beta Code: dedoi/kw

English (LSJ)

Dor. pres., = δείδω, δέδια, Theoc.15.58: fut. δεδοικήσω Macr.Diff.p.610K. (Syrac.).

Spanish (DGE)

• Morfología: fut. δεδοικήσω Macr.Exc.610
temer δε δοίκω μή τι κακόν Epich.85.157Au., ἵππον καὶ ... ὄφιν Theoc.15.58, cf. Macr.l.c.; cf. δείδω.

German (Pape)

[Seite 534] = δείδω, Theocr. 15, 58.

French (Bailly abrégé)

prés. dor. c. δείδω.
Étymologie: formé de δέδοικα.

Dutch (Woordenboekgrieks.nl)

δεδοίκω [δέδοικα] bang zijn (voor), met acc.: ἵππον καὶ... ὄφιν... δεδοίκω ik ben bang voor een paard en een slang Theocr. 15.58.

Russian (Dvoretsky)

δεδοίκω: Theocr. = δείδω.

Greek (Liddell-Scott)

δεδοίκω: Δωρ. ἐνεστώς,= δείδω, δέδοικα,Θεόκρ. 15.58.

Greek Monotonic

δεδοίκω: Δωρ. ενεστ., = δείδω, δέδια, σε Θεόκρ.