Καὶ ζῶν ὁ φαῦλος καὶ θανὼν κολάζεται → Vivisque mortuisque poena instat malis → Der Schlechte wird im Leben und im Tod bestraft
English > Greek (Woodhouse)
affair, work: P. and V. πρᾶγμα, τό, ἔργον, τό, πρᾶξις, ἡ, Ar. and V. πρᾶγος, τό, V. ἔργμα, τό.
occupation: P. ἐργασία, ἡ, πραγματεία, ἡ, ἀσχολία, ἡ, ἐπιτήδευμα, τό, Ar. and P. διατριβή, ἡ.
handicraft: Ar. and P. χειρουργία, ἡ, V. χειρωναξία, ἡ, P. and V. τέχνη, ἡ.
object of attention: P. and V. σπουδή, ἡ.
duty, work: P. and V. ἔργον, τό.
do business, v.: Ar. and P. χρηματίζειν.
business dealings: P. συμβόλαια, τά.
do business with, v.: P. συμβάλλειν (dat., or πρός, acc.); see have dealings with, under dealings.
the business of banking: P. ἡ ἐργασία τῆς τραπέζης (Dem. 946).
there having been many business transactions between us: P. πολλῶν συμβολαίων ἡμῖν πρὸς ἀλλήλους γεγενημένων (Lys. 102).
man of business: P. χρηματιστής, ὁ.
agent, steward: P. and V. ταμίας, ὁ.
be a bad man of business: P. μὴ χρηστὸς εἶναι περὶ τὰ συμβόλαια (Isoc. 292A).
mind one's own business: P. and V. τὰ αὑτοῦ πράσσειν.
none saw them save those whose business it was to know: P. ᾔσθετο οὐδεὶς εἰ μὴ… οἷς ἐπιμελὲς ἦν εἰδέναι (Thuc. 4, 67).