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Οὐ γὰρ ἀργίας ὤνιονὑγίεια καὶ ἀπραξίας, ἅ γε δὴ μέγιστα κακῶν ταῖς νόσοις πρόσεστι, καὶ οὐδὲν διαφέρει τοῦ τὰ ὄμματα τῷ μὴ διαβλέπειν καὶ τὴν φωνὴν τῷ μὴ φθέγγεσθαι φυλάττοντος ὁ τὴν ὑγίειαν ἀχρηστίᾳ καὶ ἡσυχίᾳ σῴζειν οἰόμενος → For health is not to be purchased by idleness and inactivity, which are the greatest evils attendant on sickness, and the man who thinks to conserve his health by uselessness and ease does not differ from him who guards his eyes by not seeing, and his voice by not speaking

Plutarch, Advice about Keeping Well, section 24

Latin > English

gustus gustus N M :: tasting, appetite; draught of water

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

gustus: ūs, m. kindred with Sanscr. ǵush, to be fond of; Gr. γεύω, γεύομαι, γεῦσις, taste,
I a tasting of food, a partaking slightly or eating a little of any thing (mostly post-Aug.; not in Cic.; cf.: gustatus, sapor).
I Lit.
   1    In gen.: minister inferre epulas et explorare gustu solitus, Tac. A. 12, 66: explorare aliquid gustu, Col. 1, 8, 18; 2, 2, 20; cf. Plin. 31, 10, 46, § 114: gustu libata potio, Tac. A. 13, 16: cum ille ad primum gustum concidisset, Suet. Ner. 33: sine crebro salis gustu, Plin. 31, 6, 32, § 61.—
   2    In partic.
   a A light dish at the beginning of a Roman meal, an antepast, whet, relish, = gustatio, Mart. 11, 31, 4; 11, 52, 12: gustus elementa per omnia quaerunt, Juv. 11, 14.—Also in a neutr. form: gustum versatile sic facies, Apic. 4, 5, § 181 sqq.—
   b A draught of water: profer ex illa amphora gustum, Petr. 77 fin.—
   B Transf., taste, flavor, = sapor (post-Aug.): attrahatur spiritu is sucus, donec in ore gustus ejus sentiatur, Cels. 6, 8, 6; Col. 3, 2, 24; Plin. 14, 1, 3, § 12; 26, 8, 50, § 82; 27, 12, 96, § 121 sq.—
II Trop. (post-Aug.).
   A (Acc. to I. 2. a.) A foretaste, specimen: ad hunc gustum totum librum repromitto, Plin. Ep. 4, 27, 5: expetens versificationis nostrae gustum, Col. 11, 1, 2: gustum tibi dare volui, Sen. Ep. 114, 18.—
   B (Acc. to I. B.) Taste: urbanitas significat sermonem praeferentem in verbis et sono et usu proprium quendam gustum urbis, Quint. 6, 3, 17.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

gustŭs,¹² ūs, m.,
1 action de goûter, dégustation : Pl. Cist. 70 ; Plin. 31, 114 ; Tac. Ann. 12, 66 ; Suet. Nero 33
2 goût d’une chose, saveur : Cels. Med. 6, 8, 6 ; [fig.] Quint. 6, 3, 17
3 [fig.] goût, avant-goût, échantillon : Sen. Ep. 114, 18 ; Plin. Min. Ep. 4, 27, 5
4 = gustatio, plat d’entrée : Mart. 11, 31, 4 ; 11, 52, 12 || de quoi goûter, une gorgée : Petr. 77, 7.

Latin > German (Georges)

gūstus, ūs, m. (gotisch kustus, ahd. kust, Prüfung), das Kosten, I) im allg., das (mäßige) Genießen, der (mäßige) Genuß von etwas, graminis cuiusdam, Quint. 5, 8, 1: sine crebro salis gustu, Plin. 31, 61. – II) insbes., das Kosten einer Speise, um ihren Geschmack kennen zu lernen, das Schmecken, der Geschmack, A) eig. u. übtr., 1) eig.: gustu explorare cibum, potum alcis, Tac., panis, potionis bonitatem, Col.: gustu libata potio, ein vorhergekostetes G., Tac. – 2) übtr., der Vorschmack, die Probe, das Pröbchen, Plin. ep.: dare alci gustum, Sen., gustum alcis rei, Col.: si hoc, quod gustui mittimus, non displicebit, *Fronto princ. hist. in. p. 202 N. (cod. gusto). – B) meton.: 1) das Gekostete: a) das Vorgericht, die Vorspeise, Mart. 11, 31, 4 u.a.: dass. Nbf. gūstum, ī, n., Apic., 4, 181 sqq. Porphyr. Hor. sat. 1, 3, 6. – b) ein Schluck Wasser, Petron. 77. § 7. – 2) = sapor, der Geschmack einer Sache, a) eig., Cels. u.a.: gustus vini austerior, Plin. – b) übtr.: sermo prae se ferens in verbis proprium quendam gustum urbis, Quint. 6, 3, 17. – 3) = gustatus, der Geschmack als Sinn, der Geschmackssinn, Cels. 4, 26 (19). Col. 1, 8, 18: neben den andern Sinnen (visus, auditus, tactus, odoratus), Gell. 6, 7 (6), 1 u. 19, 2, 1. Macr. 7, 9, 16. Augustin. epist. 137, 6. Ambros. in Luc. 7. § 113 u. 140. Schol. Bern. Verg. georg. 2, 246. – / Cic. Phil. 2, 115 liest man längst gustatum, u. Cic. in Clod. et Cur. 4. no. 4 ist wahrsch. auch gustatu st. gustu (Dat.) zu lesen. – Form gusti = gustui, Petron. 76, 5 non mehercules mi haec iactura gusti fuit.

Latin > Chinese

gustus, us. m. :: 滋味昧官