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Πάντως γὰρ ὁ σοφὸς εὐτελείας ἀνέχεται → Vel vilitatem, sapiens qui sit, sustinet → Auf jeden Fall erträgt der Weise Einfachheit

Menander, Monostichoi, 458
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Full diacritics: ἀναθεωρέω Medium diacritics: ἀναθεωρέω Low diacritics: αναθεωρέω Capitals: ΑΝΑΘΕΩΡΕΩ
Transliteration A: anatheōréō Transliteration B: anatheōreō Transliteration C: anatheoreo Beta Code: a)naqewre/w

English (LSJ)

examine carefully, Thphr.HP8.6.2, D.S.12.15 (Pass.); consider a second time, Thphr.HP1.5.1.

Spanish (DGE)

considerar, observar detenidamente τὴν θέσιν Thphr.HP 8.6.2, ἐλλείμματα μυρία τοῦ καλοῦ Plu.2.65e, τὸν ἀμφοῖν ... βίον Philostr.VA 2.39, τὰ προγεγονότα M.Ant.7.49, op. ἐξ ἐπιπολής θεωρεῖν una ley, D.S.12.15, cf. Thphr.HP 1.5.1, Luc.Vit.Auct.2, Nec.15, Act.Ap.17.23, Ep.Hebr.13.7, Plu.Cat.Mi.14, Longin.7.3
c. dat. fijarse ἀναθεωρεῖν δέ σε παρακαλῶ τῇ λογοθεσίᾳ Bito 45.1.

German (Pape)

[Seite 188] wieder-, genau betrachten, Diod. Sic. 12, 15; Plut. Aem. P. 1.

Russian (Dvoretsky)

ἀναθεωρέω: сызнова или основательно рассматривать (τι Plut., Diod.).

Greek (Liddell-Scott)

ἀναθεωρέω: θεωρῶ τι, παρατηρῶ μετὰ προσοχῆς, βλέπωἐξετάζω ἐκ νέου, Θεοφρ. Ἱστ. Φ. 1. 5, 1., 8. 6, 2, Διόδ. 12. 15

English (Strong)

from ἀνά and θεωρέω; to look again (i.e. attentively) at (literally or figuratively): behold, consider.

English (Thayer)

(ῶ; properly, 'to survey a series of things from the lowest to the highest, German daran hinsehen, längs durchsehen (to look along up or through) (Winer s De verb. comp. Part iii., p. 3); hence, to look at attentively, to observe accurately, consider well: τί, Diodorus Siculus 12,15 ἐξ ἐπιπολῆς μέν θεωρούμενος ... ἀναθεωρούμενος δέ καί μετ' ἀκριβείας ἐξεταζόμενος; 14,109; 2,5; Lucian, vit. auct. 2; necyom. 15; Plutarch, Aem. P. 1 (uncertain); Cat. min. 14; (adverb Colot. 21,2).)


原文音譯:¢naqewršw 安那-帖哦雷哦
原文字根:向上-安置 看見
字義溯源:重覆察看,檢查,觀看,留心看;由(ἀνά)*=上,回復)與(θεωρέω)=在觀看)組成;而 (θεωρέω)出自(θεάομαι)*=察看)
1) 留心看(1) 來13:7;
2) 觀看(1) 徒17:23

French (New Testament)

regarder attentivement, bien considérer, observer précisément
[ἀνά, θεωρέω]