
Latin > English

impendeo impendere, -, - V :: overhang, hang over; threaten; be imminent, impend; (w/DAT)

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

impendĕo: (inp-), ēre, v. n. and (anteclass.)
I a. [in-pendeo, to hang over any thing, to overhang (class.; esp. freq. in the trop. signif.; cf. immineo).
I Lit.
   a Neutr.: arbor in aedes illius impendet, Dig. 43, 26, 1: ut (gladius) impenderet illius beati cervicibus, Cic. Tusc. 5, 21, 62: poëtae impendere apud inferos saxum Tantalo faciunt, id. ib. 4, 16, 35; id. Fin. 1, 18, 60; cf. Lucr. 3, 980: nucem impendere super tegulas, Plaut. Fragm. ap. Macr. S. 2, 14; Lucr. 6, 564; cf.: impendentium montium altitudines, Cic. N. D. 2, 39, 98.—
   b Act.: nec, mare quae impendent, vesco sale saxa peresa, etc., Lucr. 1, 326.—
II Trop., to hang or hover over a thing, to impend, to be near or imminent, to threaten.
   a Neutr., constr. in aliquem, alicui, or absol.
   (a)    With in aliquem: tantae in te impendent ruinae, Plaut. Ep. 1, 1, 77: licet undique omnes in me terrores impendeant, Cic. Rosc. Am. 11, 31.—
   (b)    With dat.: nunc jam alia cura impendet pectori, Plaut. Ep. 1, 2, 32: omnibus semper aliqui talis terror impendet, Cic. Tusc. 4, 16, 35: poenas impendere iis, a quibus, etc., id. Rep. 3, 11 fin.: quid sibi impenderet, coepit suspicari, id. Clu. 24, 66.—
   (g)    Absol.: nimborum nocte coortā Inpendent atrae formidinis ora superne, Lucr. 4, 174; 6, 254: quae vero aderant jam et impendebant, quonam modo ea depellere potuissetis? Cic. Mil. 28, 76; cf.: ut ea, quae partim jam assunt, partim impendent moderate feramus, id. Fam. 4, 14, 1: dum impendere Parthi videbantur, id. Att. 6, 6, 3: tanta malorum impendet Ἰλιάς, id. ib. 8, 11, 3: belli magni timor impendet, id. Fam. 2, 11, 1; cf.: ille quidem semper impendebit timor, ne, etc., id. Rep. 2, 28: Ea contentio quae impendet, id. Att. 2, 22, 3: vento impendente, Verg. G. 1, 365: pluviā, id. ib. 4, 191: magnum bellum impendet a Parthis, Cic. Att. 6, 2, 6; cf. id. Verr. 2, 5, 60, § 157; id. Prov. Cons. 17, 42: impendentia ex ruinis et commutatione status publici pericula, Vell. 2, 35, 3.—
   b Act.: quae res me impendet, Lucil. ap. Fest. s. v. me, p. 16 Müll.: tanta te impendent mala, Ter. Phorm. 1, 4, 2.!*? Part. pass.: impensus, a, um; poet. for impendens: tempestas atque tenebrae coperiunt maria ac terras inpensa superne, Lucr. 6, 491 Munro ad loc.; cf.: impensum ferrum, Sen. Herc. Oet. 1592.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

impendĕō,¹⁰ ēre (in, pendeo),
1 intr., a) pendre au-dessus de, être suspendu sur qqn, qqch., alicui, alicui rei : Cic. Tusc. 5, 62 ; Fin. 1, 60 ; b) [fig.] menacer, être imminent : Cic. Amer. 31 ; Mil. 76 ; bellum impendet a Parthis Cic. Att. 6, 2, 6, une guerre nous menace du côté des Parthes ; c) être suspendu, in aliquem Cic. Amer. 31, sur la tête de qqn, ou alicui Cic. Tusc. 4, 35 ; Clu. 66
2 tr., [poét.] a) saxa quæ impendent mare Lucr. 1, 326, les rochers qui surplombent la mer ; b) [fig.] mala te impendent Ter. Phorm. 180, des malheurs te menacent, cf. Lucil. Sat. 1227.

Latin > German (Georges)

im-pendeo, ēre (in u. pendeo), herein-, herüberhangen, I) eig.: cervicibus, über dem Nacken, Cic.: super tegulas, Plaut.: saxum impendēre Tantalo, Cic.: montes impendentes, Cic.: arbor in aedes impendet, ICt.: tantae in te impendent ruinae (bildl.), Plaut. – m. Acc., mare quae impendent, Lucr. 1, 326: impendebat autem sellam istam vertigo quaedam ad modum mundi figurata, Iul. Val. 3, 53 (29). – II) übtr., gleichs. über jmds. Haupte schweben = nahe bevorstehen, nahe sein, absol., impendet scelus, Cic.: ventus, Verg. – mit Dat. od. Praepos., omnibus terror impendet, Cic.: in me terrores impendent, Cic.: magnum etiam bellum impendet a Parthis, Cic.: impendentia ex ruinis incendiisque urbis pericula, Vell. – m. Acc., subito tanta te impendent mala, Ter. Phorm. 180: quae res me impendet, Lucil. 1227.

Latin > Chinese

impendeo, es, ere. n. 2. :: 臨近。將來。Impendet nobis belli timor 兵荒之懼已 臨我等。Omnes in me terrores impendent 驚惶之事萃於我身。