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From LSJ

Οὐ γὰρ ἀργίας ὤνιονὑγίεια καὶ ἀπραξίας, ἅ γε δὴ μέγιστα κακῶν ταῖς νόσοις πρόσεστι, καὶ οὐδὲν διαφέρει τοῦ τὰ ὄμματα τῷ μὴ διαβλέπειν καὶ τὴν φωνὴν τῷ μὴ φθέγγεσθαι φυλάττοντος ὁ τὴν ὑγίειαν ἀχρηστίᾳ καὶ ἡσυχίᾳ σῴζειν οἰόμενος → For health is not to be purchased by idleness and inactivity, which are the greatest evils attendant on sickness, and the man who thinks to conserve his health by uselessness and ease does not differ from him who guards his eyes by not seeing, and his voice by not speaking

Plutarch, Advice about Keeping Well, section 24

Latin > English

omnipotens (gen.), omnipotentis ADJ :: all-powerful, omnipotent

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

omnĭpŏtens: ntis, adj. omnis-potens,
I all-powerful, almighty, omnipotent (poet. and in post-class. prose), Enn. ap. Non. 111, 15 (Trag. v. 202 Vahl.): Juppiter, id. ap. Serv. ad Verg. A. 1, 254 (Ann. v. 446 Vahl.); Cat. 64, 171: pater, Ov. M. 1, 154.—Absol.: arcuit omnipotens, Ov. M. 2, 505; so, annuit omnipotens, id. ib. 14, 816: Neptunus, Turp. ap. Cic. Tusc. 4, 34, 73: regina, i. e. Juno, Val. Fl. 1, 81: fortuna, Verg. A. 8, 334: Juppiter, Val. Max. 1, 6, 12 init.—Comp.: nam si ideo omnipotens Pater, qui Filium habet, omnipotentior ergo esse potuit, si plures haberet, Ambros. Fide, 4, 8, § 85.— Sup.: deus ille omnipotentissimus, Macr. Somn. Scip. 1, 17 med.; Aug. Conf. 1, 4: creator, id. Civ. Dei, 21, 9.—Very freq. in eccl. Lat., with Dominus, Deus, etc.; and as subst.: Omnĭpŏtens, ntis, m., the Almighty: Omnipotens nomen ejus, Vulg. Exod. 15, 3: nec Omnipotens subvertet judicium, id. Job, 34, 12.—Hence, adv.: om-nĭpŏtenter, almightily, omnipotently, Aug. Civ. Dei, 14, 27 init.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

omnĭpŏtēns,¹¹ tis (omnis, potens), tout- puissant : Enn. Scen. 177 ; Ann. 458 ; Virg. En. 8, 334 || subst. m., Jupiter, le Tout-Puissant : Ov. M. 2, 505 || -tior Ambr. De Fide 4, 8, 85 ; -tissimus Aug. Conf. 1, 4.

Latin > German (Georges)

omnipotēns, entis (omnis u. potens), allmächtig, Neptunus, Turpil. com. fr.: Iuppiter, Enn. ann. fr., Catull. u. Val. Max.: Fortuna, Verg.: deus, Eccl.: ego omnipotens ted posco, Enn. tr. fr. – Compar., nam si ideo omnipotens Pater, qui Filium habet, omnipotentior ergo esse potuit, si plures haberet, Ambros. de fide 4, 8. § 85. – Superl., omnipotentissimus deus, Macr. somn. Scip. 1, 17, 12. Augustin. conf. 1, 4. § 4, od. creator, Augustin. de civ. dei 21, 9, 2. Cl. Mam. de stat. anim. 1, 5, 1.

Latin > Chinese

omnipotens, tis. adj. :: 全能者



Arabic: عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ‎; Armenian: ամենազոր, ամենակարող; Bulgarian: всемогъщ; Catalan: omnipotent; Chinese Mandarin: 全能的; Czech: všemohoucí, všemocný; Dutch: almachtig; Esperanto: ĉiopova; Finnish: kaikkivoipa, kaikkivaltias; French: omnipotent; Old French: omnipotent; Georgian: ყოვლისშემძლე, ყოვლადძლიერი; German: allmächtig, omnipotent; Greek: παντοδύναμος; Ancient Greek: παγκρατής, παγκράτωρ, παμβίας, παναλκής, πανδύναμος, πανσθενής, πανταρκής, παντεξούσιος, παντοδύναμος, παντοκράτωρ, παντοποιός, τέλειος, τέλεος, ὑπερμενής; Hebrew: כל יכול‎; Hungarian: mindenható; Icelandic: almáttugur; Indonesian: mahakuasa; Irish: uilechumhachtach, mórchumhachtach, ollchumhachtach; Italian: onnipotente; Japanese: 全能の; Latin: omnipotens; Macedonian: семоќен; Norwegian Bokmål: allmektig; Nynorsk: allmektig; Occitan: omnipotent; Old English: ælmihtiġ; Old Occitan: omnipotent; Polish: wszechmocny; Portuguese: omnipotente, onipotente, todo-poderoso; Romanian: omnipotent, atotputernic; Russian: всемогущий, всесильный; Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic: свемогућ, свемоћан; Latin: svemoguć, svemoćan; Spanish: omnipotente, todopoderoso; Swedish: omnipotent, allsmäktig; Tagalog: kayanggawinlahat; Telugu: సర్వ శక్తివంతుడు; Turkish: muktedir; Ukrainian: всесильний, всемогутній; Vietnamese: toàn năng; Welsh: hollalluog


Armenian: ամենազոր, ամենակարող; Catalan: totpoderós; Danish: almægtig; Esperanto: ĉiopova; Finnish: kaikkivoipa, kaikkivaltias; Georgian: ყოვლისშემძლე; German: allmächtig; Ancient Greek: παντοκράτωρ; Irish: uilechumhachtach; Latin: omnipotens; Norwegian Bokmål: allmektig; Nynorsk: allmektig; Old English: ælmihtiġ; Russian: всемогущий; Scottish Gaelic: uile-neartmhor; Ukrainian: всесильний