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Ὁ αὐτὸς ἔφησε τὸν μὲν ὕπνον ὀλιγοχρόνιον θάνατον, τὸν δὲ θάνατον πολυχρόνιον ὕπνον → Plato said that sleep was a short-lived death but death was a long-lived sleep

Gnomologium Vaticanum, 446
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|lnetxt=festino festinare, festinavi, festinatus V :: [[hasten]], [[hurry]]
|lshtext=<b>festīno</b>: āvi, ātum, 1, v. n. and<br /><b>I</b> a. [cf. Gr. [[θείνω]]; Lat. -[[fendo]] in [[defendo]], [[offendo]], -[[festus]] in [[manifestus]], etc., and [[fustis]], Corss. Ausspr. 2, 190; Curt. Gr. Etym. p. 255].<br /><b>I</b> Neutr., to [[hasten]], [[make]] [[haste]], [[hurry]], be [[quick]] ([[class]].; not in Caes.; syn.: [[propero]], [[celero]], [[maturo]]): aliud est properare, aliud festinare. Qui unum [[quid]] [[mature]] transigit, is properat: qui [[multa]] [[simul]] incipit [[neque]] perficit, is festinat, [[Cato]] ap. Gell. 16, 14, 2; id. ap. Paul. ex Fest. s. v. properare, p. 235 Müll.; ap. Non. 441, 22: [[propemodum]] [[quid]] [[illic]] festinet [[sentio]], Plaut. Trin. 3, 1, 14: [[aput]] nos [[eccillam]] festinat cum sorore [[uxor]] tua, id. Stich. 4, 1, 30: [[quid]] festinas? Ter. Eun. 4, 3, 8; cf.: [[quamquam]] festinas, non est [[mora]] longa, Hor. C. 1, 28, 35; Sall. Fragm. ap. [[Don]]. Ter. Eun. 4, 3, 8: ibi, Plaut. Stich. 5, 3, 4: plura scripsissem, [[nisi]] tui festinarent, Cic. Fam. 12, 22, 4; cf. id. Att. 6, 2 fin.: solent nautae festinare [[quaestus]] sui [[causa]], id. Fam. 16, 9, 4: [[esseda]] festinant, pilenta, petorrita, naves, Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 192: in provinciam festinare, Quint. 6, 3, 39: ad portas, Sall. J. 69, 2; cf.: ad singulare Antonii [[factum]] festinat [[oratio]], Cic. Phil. 1, 1, 3: ad probationem, Quint. 4, 3, 8; cf. id. 4, 5, 10: [[quis]] te festinare jubet? Juv. 14, 212.—Prov.: festina [[lente]] (σπεῦδε βραδέως), Suet. Aug. 25.<br /><b>II</b> Transf., as v. a., to [[make]] [[haste]] [[with]] a [[thing]], to [[hasten]], [[hurry]], [[accelerate]], do [[speedily]].<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>(a)</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; With an [[object]]-[[clause]] ([[class]].): ut migrare tanto opere festines, Cic. Fam. 7, 23 fin.: ne festinaret abire, Sall. J. 64, 4: ultum [[ire]] injurias, id. ib. 68, 1: finem imponere, Quint. 9, 4, 146: sequi, Curt. 6, 6, 25: componere lites, Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 12: quae laedunt oculum, festinas demere, id. ib. 1, 2, 38: terris advertere proram, Verg. G. 4, 117: aram congerere arboribus, id. A. 6, 177; cf.: [[callidus]] id [[modo]] festinabat, Bocchi pacem imminuere, ne, etc., Sall. J. 81 fin.: universis [[prodesse]] festinet, Inscr. Orell. 775.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>(b)</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; With acc. (not in Cic.): festivum festinant diem, [[hasten]] to [[celebrate]], Enn. ap. Serv. Verg. A. 9, 401 (Trag. v. 434 ed. Vahl.): ni id festinaret, Sall. J. 77, 1: ad [[bellum]] cuncta, id. ib. 73, 1: soleas festinate (sc. [[dare]]), id. Fragm. ap. Serv. Verg. A. 12, 425: festinare fugam, Verg. A. 4, 575: vias, Stat. Th. 2, 478: poenas, Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 61: pyram, Sil. 8, 52: vestes, Stat. S. 2, 1, 128: [[caedes]], patibula, ignes, cruces, Tac. A. 14, 33: mortem in se, to [[bring]] on [[speedily]], id. ib. 4, 28: pyram, prepares in [[haste]], Sil. 8, 52.—In [[pass]].: [[quod]] [[animo]] cupienti [[nihil]] [[satis]] festinatur, Sall. J. 64 fin.: ea cuncta per idoneos ministros festinabantur, Tac. H. 2, 82: cum belli [[civilis]] praemia festinarentur, id. ib. 3, 37: nec virgines festinantur, are not married [[early]], id. G. 20: [[adoptio]] festinatur, id. A. 12, 25; 6, 50; id. H. 3, 37.—In [[part]]. perf., hastened, accelerated: festinata [[maturitas]], Quint. 6 praef. § 10; [[iter]], Ov. P. 4, 5, 8: [[missio]], Tac. A. 1, 52: [[casus]], id. ib. 6, 44: [[nuptiae]], Suet. Aug. 69: honores, i. e. obtained [[before]] the [[proper]] [[time]], Luc. 8, 24; Plin. [[Pan]]. 69, 5: festinatis annis [[raptus]], by an [[early]] [[death]], Mart. 7, 40, 7; cf.: festinatis lictorum manibus in carcerem [[raptus]], Tac. A. 6, 40: [[mors]] domini gladiis tam festinata, [[prematurely]] inflicted, Juv. 4, 96.—*<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>(g)</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; With se, to [[make]] [[haste]], Gell. 14, 2, 9.—Hence,<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>1</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; festīnans, antis, P. a., [[hasty]], in [[haste]]: [[ille]] [[properans]], [[festinans]], mandata vestra conficere [[cupiens]], Cic. Phil. 9, 3, 6: haec [[festinans]] scripsi in itinere [[atque]] agmine, id. Att. 6, 4 fin. —Adv.: festīnanter, [[hastily]], [[speedily]], [[quickly]] ([[class]].): [[improbe]], [[turbide]], [[festinanter]], [[rapide]] omnia videtis esse suscepta, Cic. Scaur. § 37: [[nimium]] [[festinanter]] [[dictum]], id. Fin. 5, 26, 77.—Comp.: compositius cuncta [[quam]] festinantius agerent, Tac. A. 15, 3: [[factum]] [[quid]], Gell. 10, 11, 8: publicatum, Suet. Aug. 29: germinant, Plin. 17, 11, 15, § 78.—Sup.: festinantissime, Aug. Ep. 250.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>2</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; festīnāto, adv., [[hastily]], [[hurriedly]] ([[post]]-Aug.): [[quam]] [[nihil]] [[praeparato]], [[nihil]] [[festinato]] fecisse videtur [[Milo]], Quint. 4, 2, 58; Suet. Claud. 16; Vulg. Gen. 44, 11 al.
|lshtext=<b>festīno</b>: āvi, ātum, 1, v. n. and<br /><b>I</b> a. [cf. Gr. [[θείνω]]; Lat. -[[fendo]] in [[defendo]], [[offendo]], -[[festus]] in [[manifestus]], etc., and [[fustis]], Corss. Ausspr. 2, 190; Curt. Gr. Etym. p. 255].<br /><b>I</b> Neutr., to [[hasten]], [[make]] [[haste]], [[hurry]], be [[quick]] ([[class]].; not in Caes.; syn.: [[propero]], [[celero]], [[maturo]]): aliud est properare, aliud festinare. Qui unum [[quid]] [[mature]] transigit, is properat: qui [[multa]] [[simul]] incipit [[neque]] perficit, is festinat, [[Cato]] ap. Gell. 16, 14, 2; id. ap. Paul. ex Fest. s. v. properare, p. 235 Müll.; ap. Non. 441, 22: [[propemodum]] [[quid]] [[illic]] festinet [[sentio]], Plaut. Trin. 3, 1, 14: [[aput]] nos [[eccillam]] festinat cum sorore [[uxor]] tua, id. Stich. 4, 1, 30: [[quid]] festinas? Ter. Eun. 4, 3, 8; cf.: [[quamquam]] festinas, non est [[mora]] longa, Hor. C. 1, 28, 35; Sall. Fragm. ap. [[Don]]. Ter. Eun. 4, 3, 8: ibi, Plaut. Stich. 5, 3, 4: plura scripsissem, [[nisi]] tui festinarent, Cic. Fam. 12, 22, 4; cf. id. Att. 6, 2 fin.: solent nautae festinare [[quaestus]] sui [[causa]], id. Fam. 16, 9, 4: [[esseda]] festinant, pilenta, petorrita, naves, Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 192: in provinciam festinare, Quint. 6, 3, 39: ad portas, Sall. J. 69, 2; cf.: ad singulare Antonii [[factum]] festinat [[oratio]], Cic. Phil. 1, 1, 3: ad probationem, Quint. 4, 3, 8; cf. id. 4, 5, 10: [[quis]] te festinare jubet? Juv. 14, 212.—Prov.: festina [[lente]] (σπεῦδε βραδέως), Suet. Aug. 25.<br /><b>II</b> Transf., as v. a., to [[make]] [[haste]] [[with]] a [[thing]], to [[hasten]], [[hurry]], [[accelerate]], do [[speedily]].<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>(a)</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; With an [[object]]-[[clause]] ([[class]].): ut migrare tanto opere festines, Cic. Fam. 7, 23 fin.: ne festinaret abire, Sall. J. 64, 4: ultum [[ire]] injurias, id. ib. 68, 1: finem imponere, Quint. 9, 4, 146: sequi, Curt. 6, 6, 25: componere lites, Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 12: quae laedunt oculum, festinas demere, id. ib. 1, 2, 38: terris advertere proram, Verg. G. 4, 117: aram congerere arboribus, id. A. 6, 177; cf.: [[callidus]] id [[modo]] festinabat, Bocchi pacem imminuere, ne, etc., Sall. J. 81 fin.: universis [[prodesse]] festinet, Inscr. Orell. 775.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>(b)</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; With acc. (not in Cic.): festivum festinant diem, [[hasten]] to [[celebrate]], Enn. ap. Serv. Verg. A. 9, 401 (Trag. v. 434 ed. Vahl.): ni id festinaret, Sall. J. 77, 1: ad [[bellum]] cuncta, id. ib. 73, 1: soleas festinate (sc. [[dare]]), id. Fragm. ap. Serv. Verg. A. 12, 425: festinare fugam, Verg. A. 4, 575: vias, Stat. Th. 2, 478: poenas, Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 61: pyram, Sil. 8, 52: vestes, Stat. S. 2, 1, 128: [[caedes]], patibula, ignes, cruces, Tac. A. 14, 33: mortem in se, to [[bring]] on [[speedily]], id. ib. 4, 28: pyram, prepares in [[haste]], Sil. 8, 52.—In [[pass]].: [[quod]] [[animo]] cupienti [[nihil]] [[satis]] festinatur, Sall. J. 64 fin.: ea cuncta per idoneos ministros festinabantur, Tac. H. 2, 82: cum belli [[civilis]] praemia festinarentur, id. ib. 3, 37: nec virgines festinantur, are not married [[early]], id. G. 20: [[adoptio]] festinatur, id. A. 12, 25; 6, 50; id. H. 3, 37.—In [[part]]. perf., hastened, accelerated: festinata [[maturitas]], Quint. 6 praef. § 10; [[iter]], Ov. P. 4, 5, 8: [[missio]], Tac. A. 1, 52: [[casus]], id. ib. 6, 44: [[nuptiae]], Suet. Aug. 69: honores, i. e. obtained [[before]] the [[proper]] [[time]], Luc. 8, 24; Plin. [[Pan]]. 69, 5: festinatis annis [[raptus]], by an [[early]] [[death]], Mart. 7, 40, 7; cf.: festinatis lictorum manibus in carcerem [[raptus]], Tac. A. 6, 40: [[mors]] domini gladiis tam festinata, [[prematurely]] inflicted, Juv. 4, 96.—*<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>(g)</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; With se, to [[make]] [[haste]], Gell. 14, 2, 9.—Hence,<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>1</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; festīnans, antis, P. a., [[hasty]], in [[haste]]: [[ille]] [[properans]], [[festinans]], mandata vestra conficere [[cupiens]], Cic. Phil. 9, 3, 6: haec [[festinans]] scripsi in itinere [[atque]] agmine, id. Att. 6, 4 fin. —Adv.: festīnanter, [[hastily]], [[speedily]], [[quickly]] ([[class]].): [[improbe]], [[turbide]], [[festinanter]], [[rapide]] omnia videtis esse suscepta, Cic. Scaur. § 37: [[nimium]] [[festinanter]] [[dictum]], id. Fin. 5, 26, 77.—Comp.: compositius cuncta [[quam]] festinantius agerent, Tac. A. 15, 3: [[factum]] [[quid]], Gell. 10, 11, 8: publicatum, Suet. Aug. 29: germinant, Plin. 17, 11, 15, § 78.—Sup.: festinantissime, Aug. Ep. 250.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>2</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; festīnāto, adv., [[hastily]], [[hurriedly]] ([[post]]-Aug.): [[quam]] [[nihil]] [[praeparato]], [[nihil]] [[festinato]] fecisse videtur [[Milo]], Quint. 4, 2, 58; Suet. Claud. 16; Vulg. Gen. 44, 11 al.
|gf=(1) <b>festīnō</b> ([[festinus]]), à la hâte, rapidement : Capit. Alb. 6, 6.<br />(2) <b>festīnō</b>,⁹ āvī, ātum, āre (cf. [[confestim]]),<br /><b>1</b> intr., se hâter, se presser, se dépêcher : Pl., p. ex. Pl. Cas. 763 ; Ter., p. ex. Ter. Ad. 323 ; Cic. Fam. 12, 22, 4 ; Phil. 1, 3 ; Sall. J. 69, 2<br /><b>2</b> tr., hâter, presser, accélérer : Enn. Scen. 426 ; Sall. H. 1, 81 ; J. 73, 1 ; 77, 1 ; fugam Virg. En. 4, 575, hâter, presser la fuite ; pœnas Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 61, se hâter de punir ; mortem Tac. Ann. 4, 28, presser la mort ; [[nec]] virgines festinantur Tac. G. 20, l’on ne hâte pas [[non]] [[plus]] le mariage des filles ; festinatum [[iter]] Ov. P. 4, 5, 8, voyage précipité &#124;&#124; [avec inf.] se hâter de : Cic. Fam. 7, 23, 4 ; Att. 3, 26.||[avec inf.] se hâter de : Cic. Fam. 7, 23, 4 ; Att. 3, 26.
|georg=(1) fēstīno<sup>1</sup>, āvī, ātum, āre (vgl. cōnfēstim), I) intr. [[eilig]] [[tun]], [[Eile]] [[haben]], [[sich]] [[sputen]], [[eilen]], [[sich]] [[beeilen]] (Ggstz. [[cunctor]]), [[quid]] festinas? Ter.: omnes festinant [[intus]] totis aedibus, Plaut.: plura scripsissem, [[nisi]] tui festinarent, Cic.: [[dies]] noctesque festinare, Sall.: [[Romani]] [[domi]] militiaeque intenti festinare, parare, Sall.: [[esseda]], naves festinant, Hor.: m. in u. Akk., in Italiam, Vell.: in provinciam, Quint. – m. ad u. Akk., ad suos, Amm.: ad portas, Sall.: ad [[bellum]] civile, Eutr.: ad curationem, Cels.: ad [[effectum]] operis, Liv. – II) tr. [[etwas]] [[beeilen]], [[beschleunigen]], [[mit]] [[etwas]] [[eilen]], [[sich]] [[beeilen]], α) m. Acc. (s. Nipperd. Tac. ann. 13, 17), profectionem, Sall. fr.: fugam, Verg.: soleas, [[eilig]] [[anlegen]], Sall. fr.: so [[auch]] vestes, Ov.: pyram, Sil.: mortem in se, Tac.: se, [[sich]] [[fördern]], -[[beeilen]], Gell.: [[nec]] virgines festinantur, [[man]] beeilt [[sich]] [[nicht]] [[mit]] den I., d.i. [[man]] verheiratet [[sich]] [[nicht]] zu [[früh]], Tac. – Partic. fēstīnātus, a, um, beschleunigt, [[iter]], Ov.: [[nuptiae]], Suet.: annis festinatis [[raptus]], [[durch]] [[einen]] frühzeitigen [[Tod]], Mart. – β) m. folg. Infin., [[tanto]] opere migrare, Cic.: abire, Sall.: [[ideo]] maturare huius libri editionem [[festino]], Quint. – m. vorhergeh. allg. Acc., [[callidus]] id [[modo]] festinabat, Bocchi pacem imminuere, hatte [[für]] [[jetzt]] [[nichts]] Eiligeres zu [[tun]], [[als]] die friedlichen Verhältnisse [[des]] B. zu [[stören]], Sall. Iug. 81, 4. – γ) m. folg. 1. Supin., eamque [[raptum]] festinabant, Apul. de deo Socr. prol. p. 3, 9 G.<br />'''(2)''' fēstīnō<sup>2</sup>, Adv. ([[festinus]]), [[eilends]], Capit. Albin. 6, 6.
|lnztxt=festino, as, are. act. n. :: 快。速。早行。忙。— fugam 速逃。

Latest revision as of 19:00, 12 June 2024

Latin > English

festino festinare, festinavi, festinatus V :: hasten, hurry

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

festīno: āvi, ātum, 1, v. n. and
I a. [cf. Gr. θείνω; Lat. -fendo in defendo, offendo, -festus in manifestus, etc., and fustis, Corss. Ausspr. 2, 190; Curt. Gr. Etym. p. 255].
I Neutr., to hasten, make haste, hurry, be quick (class.; not in Caes.; syn.: propero, celero, maturo): aliud est properare, aliud festinare. Qui unum quid mature transigit, is properat: qui multa simul incipit neque perficit, is festinat, Cato ap. Gell. 16, 14, 2; id. ap. Paul. ex Fest. s. v. properare, p. 235 Müll.; ap. Non. 441, 22: propemodum quid illic festinet sentio, Plaut. Trin. 3, 1, 14: aput nos eccillam festinat cum sorore uxor tua, id. Stich. 4, 1, 30: quid festinas? Ter. Eun. 4, 3, 8; cf.: quamquam festinas, non est mora longa, Hor. C. 1, 28, 35; Sall. Fragm. ap. Don. Ter. Eun. 4, 3, 8: ibi, Plaut. Stich. 5, 3, 4: plura scripsissem, nisi tui festinarent, Cic. Fam. 12, 22, 4; cf. id. Att. 6, 2 fin.: solent nautae festinare quaestus sui causa, id. Fam. 16, 9, 4: esseda festinant, pilenta, petorrita, naves, Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 192: in provinciam festinare, Quint. 6, 3, 39: ad portas, Sall. J. 69, 2; cf.: ad singulare Antonii factum festinat oratio, Cic. Phil. 1, 1, 3: ad probationem, Quint. 4, 3, 8; cf. id. 4, 5, 10: quis te festinare jubet? Juv. 14, 212.—Prov.: festina lente (σπεῦδε βραδέως), Suet. Aug. 25.
II Transf., as v. a., to make haste with a thing, to hasten, hurry, accelerate, do speedily.
   (a)    With an object-clause (class.): ut migrare tanto opere festines, Cic. Fam. 7, 23 fin.: ne festinaret abire, Sall. J. 64, 4: ultum ire injurias, id. ib. 68, 1: finem imponere, Quint. 9, 4, 146: sequi, Curt. 6, 6, 25: componere lites, Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 12: quae laedunt oculum, festinas demere, id. ib. 1, 2, 38: terris advertere proram, Verg. G. 4, 117: aram congerere arboribus, id. A. 6, 177; cf.: callidus id modo festinabat, Bocchi pacem imminuere, ne, etc., Sall. J. 81 fin.: universis prodesse festinet, Inscr. Orell. 775.—
   (b)    With acc. (not in Cic.): festivum festinant diem, hasten to celebrate, Enn. ap. Serv. Verg. A. 9, 401 (Trag. v. 434 ed. Vahl.): ni id festinaret, Sall. J. 77, 1: ad bellum cuncta, id. ib. 73, 1: soleas festinate (sc. dare), id. Fragm. ap. Serv. Verg. A. 12, 425: festinare fugam, Verg. A. 4, 575: vias, Stat. Th. 2, 478: poenas, Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 61: pyram, Sil. 8, 52: vestes, Stat. S. 2, 1, 128: caedes, patibula, ignes, cruces, Tac. A. 14, 33: mortem in se, to bring on speedily, id. ib. 4, 28: pyram, prepares in haste, Sil. 8, 52.—In pass.: quod animo cupienti nihil satis festinatur, Sall. J. 64 fin.: ea cuncta per idoneos ministros festinabantur, Tac. H. 2, 82: cum belli civilis praemia festinarentur, id. ib. 3, 37: nec virgines festinantur, are not married early, id. G. 20: adoptio festinatur, id. A. 12, 25; 6, 50; id. H. 3, 37.—In part. perf., hastened, accelerated: festinata maturitas, Quint. 6 praef. § 10; iter, Ov. P. 4, 5, 8: missio, Tac. A. 1, 52: casus, id. ib. 6, 44: nuptiae, Suet. Aug. 69: honores, i. e. obtained before the proper time, Luc. 8, 24; Plin. Pan. 69, 5: festinatis annis raptus, by an early death, Mart. 7, 40, 7; cf.: festinatis lictorum manibus in carcerem raptus, Tac. A. 6, 40: mors domini gladiis tam festinata, prematurely inflicted, Juv. 4, 96.—*
   (g)    With se, to make haste, Gell. 14, 2, 9.—Hence,
   1    festīnans, antis, P. a., hasty, in haste: ille properans, festinans, mandata vestra conficere cupiens, Cic. Phil. 9, 3, 6: haec festinans scripsi in itinere atque agmine, id. Att. 6, 4 fin. —Adv.: festīnanter, hastily, speedily, quickly (class.): improbe, turbide, festinanter, rapide omnia videtis esse suscepta, Cic. Scaur. § 37: nimium festinanter dictum, id. Fin. 5, 26, 77.—Comp.: compositius cuncta quam festinantius agerent, Tac. A. 15, 3: factum quid, Gell. 10, 11, 8: publicatum, Suet. Aug. 29: germinant, Plin. 17, 11, 15, § 78.—Sup.: festinantissime, Aug. Ep. 250.—
   2    festīnāto, adv., hastily, hurriedly (post-Aug.): quam nihil praeparato, nihil festinato fecisse videtur Milo, Quint. 4, 2, 58; Suet. Claud. 16; Vulg. Gen. 44, 11 al.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

(1) festīnō (festinus), à la hâte, rapidement : Capit. Alb. 6, 6.
(2) festīnō,⁹ āvī, ātum, āre (cf. confestim),
1 intr., se hâter, se presser, se dépêcher : Pl., p. ex. Pl. Cas. 763 ; Ter., p. ex. Ter. Ad. 323 ; Cic. Fam. 12, 22, 4 ; Phil. 1, 3 ; Sall. J. 69, 2
2 tr., hâter, presser, accélérer : Enn. Scen. 426 ; Sall. H. 1, 81 ; J. 73, 1 ; 77, 1 ; fugam Virg. En. 4, 575, hâter, presser la fuite ; pœnas Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 61, se hâter de punir ; mortem Tac. Ann. 4, 28, presser la mort ; nec virgines festinantur Tac. G. 20, l’on ne hâte pas non plus le mariage des filles ; festinatum iter Ov. P. 4, 5, 8, voyage précipité || [avec inf.] se hâter de : Cic. Fam. 7, 23, 4 ; Att. 3, 26.

Latin > German (Georges)

(1) fēstīno1, āvī, ātum, āre (vgl. cōnfēstim), I) intr. eilig tun, Eile haben, sich sputen, eilen, sich beeilen (Ggstz. cunctor), quid festinas? Ter.: omnes festinant intus totis aedibus, Plaut.: plura scripsissem, nisi tui festinarent, Cic.: dies noctesque festinare, Sall.: Romani domi militiaeque intenti festinare, parare, Sall.: esseda, naves festinant, Hor.: m. in u. Akk., in Italiam, Vell.: in provinciam, Quint. – m. ad u. Akk., ad suos, Amm.: ad portas, Sall.: ad bellum civile, Eutr.: ad curationem, Cels.: ad effectum operis, Liv. – II) tr. etwas beeilen, beschleunigen, mit etwas eilen, sich beeilen, α) m. Acc. (s. Nipperd. Tac. ann. 13, 17), profectionem, Sall. fr.: fugam, Verg.: soleas, eilig anlegen, Sall. fr.: so auch vestes, Ov.: pyram, Sil.: mortem in se, Tac.: se, sich fördern, -beeilen, Gell.: nec virgines festinantur, man beeilt sich nicht mit den I., d.i. man verheiratet sich nicht zu früh, Tac. – Partic. fēstīnātus, a, um, beschleunigt, iter, Ov.: nuptiae, Suet.: annis festinatis raptus, durch einen frühzeitigen Tod, Mart. – β) m. folg. Infin., tanto opere migrare, Cic.: abire, Sall.: ideo maturare huius libri editionem festino, Quint. – m. vorhergeh. allg. Acc., callidus id modo festinabat, Bocchi pacem imminuere, hatte für jetzt nichts Eiligeres zu tun, als die friedlichen Verhältnisse des B. zu stören, Sall. Iug. 81, 4. – γ) m. folg. 1. Supin., eamque raptum festinabant, Apul. de deo Socr. prol. p. 3, 9 G.
(2) fēstīnō2, Adv. (festinus), eilends, Capit. Albin. 6, 6.

Latin > Chinese

festino, as, are. act. n. :: 快。速。早行。忙。— fugam 速逃。