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Οὐ γὰρ ἀργίας ὤνιονὑγίεια καὶ ἀπραξίας, ἅ γε δὴ μέγιστα κακῶν ταῖς νόσοις πρόσεστι, καὶ οὐδὲν διαφέρει τοῦ τὰ ὄμματα τῷ μὴ διαβλέπειν καὶ τὴν φωνὴν τῷ μὴ φθέγγεσθαι φυλάττοντος ὁ τὴν ὑγίειαν ἀχρηστίᾳ καὶ ἡσυχίᾳ σῴζειν οἰόμενος → For health is not to be purchased by idleness and inactivity, which are the greatest evils attendant on sickness, and the man who thinks to conserve his health by uselessness and ease does not differ from him who guards his eyes by not seeing, and his voice by not speaking

Plutarch, Advice about Keeping Well, section 24

Latin > English

ebriosus ebriosa, ebriosum ADJ :: addicted to drink

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

ēbrĭōsus: a, um, adj. ebrius,
I given to drinking, addicted to drunkenness.
I Prop.: hunc scribunt ebriosum esse, Cic. Fat. 5, 10: plurimum interesse inter ebrium et ebriosum, Sen. Ep. 83, 11.—As subst.: ēbrĭōsus, i, m., a drunkard, sot: exempla ebriosorum, Cic. Ac. 2, 17, 53; Plin. 30, 15, 51, § 145 al.—Comp., Cat. 27, 4.—
II Transf.: acina, i. e. full of juice, juicy, Cat. 27, 4.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

ēbrĭōsus,¹³ a, um (ebrius), ivrogne, adonné au vin : Cic. Fato 10 || subst. m., un ivrogne : Cic. Ac. 2, 53 || [fig.] qui nage dans le jus ou juteux : Catul. 27, 4 || ebriosior Sen. Ep. 88, 33.

Latin > German (Georges)

ēbriōsus, a, um (ebrius), dem Trunke ergeben, der Trunkenbold, Cic. u.a. – Compar., in his libidinosior Anacreon an ebriosior vixerit, Sen. ep. 88, 33: ebriosa (saftreiche) acina ebriosioris (Postumiae), Catull. 27, 4.

Latin > Chinese

ebriosus, a, um. adj. :: 慣醉者



Afrikaans: dronk; Albanian: i dehur; Arabic: سَكْرَان, ثَمِل; Egyptian Arabic: سكران; Hijazi Arabic: سكران; Moroccan Arabic: سكران, سكرانة; Armenian: խմած, հարբած; Asturian: borrachu; Azerbaijani: içkili, sərxoş, kefli; Bashkir: иҫерек; Basque: mozkor; Belarusian: п'яны; Bengali: মাতাল, মস্ত; Big Nambas: im'ənm'ən; Bikol Central: burat, buyong; Breton: mezv; Bulgarian: пиян; Catalan: borratxo, embriac, begut; Cebuano: hubog; Chechen: вехна, вехана, йехана, йехна, бехна, бехана, деха, мелла; Cherokee: ᎤᏴᏍᏕᏓ; Chinese Cantonese: 醉; Mandarin: 醉; Czech: opilý; Danish: fuld, beruset, drukken, lakket til, bedugget, anløben, overrislet, stænket, snaldret, stiv; Dutch: dronken, zat, bezopen, blauw, beschonken; Elfdalian: druttjin, full; Emilian: inberiàg, imberiêg, puôs, ciòcc, ciùc; English: 6ed, a bit on, a couple of chapters into the novel, a public mess, a weeble, about gone, about right, Adrian Quist, afflicted, afloat, alcoholized, alcoholled, alkied-up, all gone, all gowed up, ambushed, annihilated, arseholed, assed, at peace with the floor, backwards, banged up on sauce, banjaxed, bassackwards, be in one's altitudes, bedrunken, beered-up, beerified, befuddled, behind the cork, beligerant, belted, bent, besoffen, besotted, besotten, bezopen, bibacious, bibulous, bingoed, blackout Drive, bladdered, blasted, bleary Eyed, blind, blind drunk, blitzed, blitzkrieged, blobbin', blocked, blootered, blotto, blottoed, blowin' a 2, blowin' beer bubbles, blown-away, boiled, bollocksed, bolloxed, bombarded, bombed, boozed-up, boozy, borracho, bottled, Brahms, brahms and List, Brahms and Liszt, brandy-faced, broken, buckled, bull-dozed, bullet, bungfu, burlin', butt wasted, buzzed, canceled, canned, can't see a hole in a ladder, catching a good buzz, caught the Irish flu, chemically enhanced, chemically imbalanced, clobbered, cocked, cockeyed, cognacked, comblasted, comblinded, corked-up, corned, count Drunkula, cracked, cranked, crapulous, crocked, crushed, cued up, cunted, cup-shot, cup-shotten, cut, dead drunk, dead to the world, derailed, destroyed, disguised, disorderly, dizzy as a coot, down the creek, drita, driving home 'cause I can't fucking walk, drucking Funk, drunk, drunk as a hand cart, drunk as a lord, drunk as a ships cat, drunk as a skunk, drunked up, drunken, drunkity drunk, drunky drunk, ebriated, ebriose, elephant's, elephant's trunk, elevated, embalmed, envergado, faced, fap, fears no man, fece-faced, feeling Irish, feeling no pain, fermented, fired-up, floatin', flooey, floored, flush, flushed, flustered, fluted, flutered, fou, fractured, frayed, fresh, fried, frosted, fubar, FUBARed, fucked, fucked up, fuckered up, fuddled, full, fully kroizoned, furschnickered, gansado, gassed, gassosa, gattered, gesuip, gilded, ginned, ginned-up, gished, glazed, glorious, goggled, gone, gone Borneo, gonzo, good to go, greased, groggified, groggy, had one over the eight, had one too many, had tutu many, half cut, half lit, half polluted, half polluted, half seas over, half-cocked, halfcut, half-cut, half-gone, hammered, happy, has a package on, has a perma smile, having had a drop too much, hazed, high, high as a kite, hooched up, hooched-up, horizontal, hosed, how-came-you-so?, hummin', humored, hurting a turtle, imbibed, impaired, in a ditch, in his cups, in liquor, in one's altitudes, in one's cups, in rare form, in the bag, in the drink, in the gutter, in the horrors, in the ozone, inebriate, inebriated, inebrious, influenced, insober, insobrietous, inter pocula, intoxed, intoxicated, invincible, jacked, jaked, jazzed, jazzed-up, jD'd to the max, jiggered, juiced, just south of bejesus, k.o.'d, kaylied, keilazarus, keyed, la Femme Drunkita, lamped, langered, langers, larruped, lash, lazarus, leaked, leanin', legless, leg-less, licked, liquored up, liquory, lit, lit up, loaded, locked, logged, looking like Weekend At Bernie's, looped, loopy, loose, lubed up, lubricated, lushed, lushed-up, maggot, maggoted, mareado, marinated, mashed, massacred, maudlin, medicated, medicated, mellow, merry, messed up, mingin', monged, mortal drunk, muddled, mullered, munted, nappy, not so Farfrompuken, nuked, obfuscated, obliterated, obliviated, off of his trolley, off one's box, off one's head, off one's head, off one's tits, off one's tree, off ya face, off ya nut, Oliver, Oliver Twist, ossified, out of his mind, out of his tree, out of it, out of one's box, out of one's head, out of one's tree, out of sight, over the limit, overcome, overrefreshed, overtaken, paralatic, paralytic, parro, pealaid, pickled, pie eyed, pie-eyed, pig, pissed, pissed as a fart, pissed as a fart, pissed as a newt, pissed as a newt, pissed out his face, pissin', pixilated, plastered, plowed, plowed over, poegaai, poisoned, polluted, porch climbing, possessed, potted, pounded, primed, put one on, quaffed, raddled, rat-arsed, rat-arsed, ratted, razzled, redirected, reekin', retarded, ripe, ripped, roaring, rocked, rolling, rooked, roped, ruined, rummed-up, saturated, sauced, schlonkered, schnockered, schtumphy, schwacked, screwed, scuppered, scuttered, seasoned, seeing triple, sewed up, shedded, shellacked, shicker, shickered, shit faced, shitfaced, shit-faced, shithoused, shitty, silly, skunked, slambasted, slammed, slappered, slappin' happy, slarmied, slaughtered, slickered, slobbered, sloppy, sloshed, sloshed to the gills, slozzled, smashed, smoked, smuckered, smurfed Up, snockered, snookered, snozzled, so lit you could read by him, so wet he ripples, soaked, sodden, sotally Tober, sotted, sottish, soused, sozzled, sozzly, spanceled, spanked, splashed, spongy, sprung, squashed, squiffed, squiffy, stewed, stinking, stinko, stinky, stocious, stonato, stoned, stoned , stonkered, stooped, stotious, strontzat, stuk in men Kloten, stupid, stupified, sunk, swacked, swipey, tanglefooted, tanked, tanked up, tanked-up, tatered, temulent, temulentive, tepo, terried, three sheets to the wind, throwed, throwed off, tiddly, tied one on, tight, tight, tight as a tick, tilted, tipped, tippled, tipsey, tipsy, tired and emotional, tired and emotional, to' up from the flo' up, toasted, top-heavy with drink, toping, topped off, torqued, totalled, toxed, toxic, trashed, trollied, trounced, trousered, tuned, tuned up, twatfaced, twatted, tweeked, twisted, umbriacco, under the influence, under the table, unk-dray, unsober, vulcanized, wankered, wankered, wasted, wazzed, wearing a wobbly boot, well oiled, well-bottled, well-oiled, wet, whiskeyfied, whiskey-frisky, whittled, wicked retarded, wired-up, withered, wobbly, woozy, worse for liquor, worse for wear, wrecked, ziced, zipped, zoned, zonked, zooted, zorched, zotzed; Esperanto: ebria; Estonian: purjus; Faroese: fullur, drukkin; Finnish: juovuksissa, juopunut, humalainen, humalassa, humaltunut, päihtynyt, kännissä, päissään, tillin-tallin,, hönöissä, jurrissa, kekkulissa, naamat, naamoissa, kuoseissa, lärvit, niiteissä, perse olalla, perseet, pienessä sievässä, pöhnässä, tuiterissa, umpitunnelissa, hiprakassa, huppelissa, hutikassa; French: ivre, soûl, bourré, paqueté, saoul, schlass; Middle French: yvre; Old French: yvre; Galician: bébedo, borracho, peneque; Georgian: მთვრალი, ნასვამი; German: betrunken, besoffen, dicht, zu, blau, voll; Gothic: 𐌳𐍂𐌿𐌲𐌺𐌰𐌽𐍃; Greek: μεθυσμένος, πιωμένος, σουρωμένος; Ancient Greek: ἀκρατοκώθων, ἀμπέλινος, βεβρεγμένος, διάχριστος, ἔξοινος, ἐξῳνωμένος, κάτοινος, μέθῃ βρεχθείς, μεθυπλήξ, μεθυσθείς, μέθυσος, μεθυστάς, μεθυστής, μεθύων, οἰνοβρεχής, οἰνόληπτος, οἰνοπλήξ, οἰνόφλυξ, οἰνῳθείς, παροινικός, πάροινος, πεπωκώς, ποτός, ὑπερπλησθεὶς μέθῃ, ᾠνωμένος; Greenlandic: aalakoortoq; Hawaiian: ʻona; Hebrew: שִׁכּוֹר, שָׁתוּי; Hiligaynon: hubog; Hindi: मतवाला, शराबी, मत्त, मदहोश; Hungarian: ittas, részeg; Icelandic: fullur, drukkinn; Ilocano: nabartek; Indonesian: mabuk; Ingrian: humalikas; Irish: ólta, ar meisce; Italian: ubriaco, avvinazzato, ebbro, sborniato, sbronzo; Ivatan: mavuuk; Japanese: 酔っ払い, 酔い, 酔っぱらった; Jarai: măt tơpai; Kabuverdianu: fusku; Kazakh: мас; Khmer: ស្រវឹង; Korean: 취하다; Kuna: mummu; Kurdish Central Kurdish: سەرخۆش; Northern Kurdish: serxweş, mest, sermest, serxweş, mest, sermest; Ladin: menà, ciòch, tëis, bëus, trat, avëi na bëusa; Lao: ເມົາເຫຼົ້າ, ເມົາ, ຂີ້ເຫຼົ້າ; Latin: ebrius, ebriosus, elixus, potus, temulentus, uvidus, vinolentus, vinosus; Latvian: dzēris; Limburgish: zaat; Lithuanian: girtas; Louisiana Creole French: sou, ho, piké, chak; Low German Dutch Low Saxon: doen; Luxembourgish: ukréien, voll; Macedonian: пијан, опиен; Malay: mabuk; Maltese: fis-sakra; Manx: er meshtey, scooyrit; Maori: haurangi; Maranao: obog; Mauritian Creole: nisa; Middle English: drunken; Mongolian: согтуу; Norman: bédé-ouinne, blindé, bragi, bringuesingue, chonmé, en bouaisson, envitoué, gâté d'béthe, gris, ivre, souîn, soûl; Northern Sami: gárremiin; Norwegian: drita; Bokmål: full, beruset; Nynorsk: full; Occitan: ebri, embriac; Old English: druncen; Old Norse: ǫlr, drukkinn; Oromo: machooftuu; Ossetian: расыг; Ottoman Turkish: سرخوش, مخمور; Persian: مست, پیان, گرست; Plautdietsch: bedrunken, besopen; Polish: pijany, wstawiony, spity, podpity, napity, zapity, przepity, upity, nietrzeźwy; Portuguese: bêbado, bêbedo, ébrio, alcoolizado; Quechua: macasga, sinka, şinka, machasqa; Romagnol: imbariêg; Romanian: beat, băut, îmbătat; Romansch: storn, tschuc, blau; Russian: пьяный, бухой; Sanskrit: मत्त, प्रमत्त; Scottish Gaelic: air mhisg; Serbo-Croatian: pìjan, пѝјан; Slovak: opitý; Slovene: pijan; Spanish: a verga, achispado, alcoholizado, alegre, alumbrado, bebido, beodo, bolinga, bolo, borracho, briago, calamocano, caneco, cargado, chispo, chumado, ciego, colocado, como una cuba, contento, cufifo, curado, curda, duro, ebrio, embriagado, embrocado, escabiado, escabio, jalado, jumo, mamado, pedo, piripi, rascado, tiznado, tocado, tomado, trompa; Sranan Tongo: drungu; Swahili: mlevi; Swedish: drucken, full, berusad, redlös, överförfriskad, stupfull, dragen, packad, aspackad, dyngrak, askalas, dretfull; Tagalog: lasing, lango, barik; Thai: ขี้เหล้า, เมาเหล้า; Tibetan: མྱོས་པ, སྨྱོ་བ; Turkish: sarhoş, esrik; Ukrainian: п'яний, бухий, мекнутий, налиганий, нетверезий; Urdu: متوالا; Vietnamese: say, xỉn; Walloon: sô, sôle; Waray-Waray: hubog; Welsh: meddw, wedi meddwi; West Frisian: dronken; White Yiddish: שיכּור, באַטרונקען