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L'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelleLove that moves the sun and the other stars

Dante Alighieri, Paradiso, XXXIII, v. 145

Latin > English

eluo eluere, elui, elutus V :: wash clean; wash away, clear oneself (of)

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

ē-lŭo: ŭi, ūtum, 3, v. a.,
I to wash out, rinse out; to wash off, wash clean (class.).
I Lit.: vascula, Plaut. Aul. 2, 3, 3: patinas, id. Capt. 4, 2, 66: argentum (the silver vessels, the plate), id. Ps. 1, 2, 29: bacas immundas, Col. 12, 52, 21; 6, 3, 4: os, Cels. 3, 4: maculas vestium, Plin. 20, 8, 28, § 72; cf. Plaut. Poen. 1, 1, 71; Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 46; id. Sest. 29, 63: purpureum colorem omnibus undis, Lucr. 6, 1077; so, colorem, Quint. 1, 1, 5; cf. atramentum, Plin. 35, 6, 25, § 43: aliquid ex aqua, Cels. 7, 21 fin.: corpus, Ov. M. 11, 141: se asinino lacte, Cels. 4, 24 et saep.—
   B Transf.
   1    To purify: vasa eluto auro, of pure gold (al. elato), Capitol. Pertin. 8.—
   2    To clear, to lay bare: Ponticum Phasim et stagna Maeotidis (sc. avibus), Col. 8, 8, 10.—
   b In Plautus (like elavo, II.), to strip one's self of, to get rid of, squander one's property, Plaut. Rud. 2, 7, 21 sq.; id. Stich. 5, 2, 21; of money lavished on expensive baths: elutum in balineis, Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 5.—
II Trop., to dispose of, remove, clear, or wash away, etc.: ut centurionum profusus sanguis eluatur: num elui praedicatio crudelitatis potest? Cic. Phil. 12, 6; cf.: infectum scelus sub gurgite vasto, Verg. A. 6, 742: crimen, Ov. M. 11, 141: vitia, Quint. 2, 3, 2 et saep.: tales amicitiae sunt remissione usus eluendae, i. e. to get rid of, Cic. Lael. 21; cf.: amara curarum (cadus), Hor. C. 4, 12, 20.—
   B To cleanse, purify, make pure or clear: mentes maculatas crimine, Sil. 11, 200; cf. Sen. Ep. 59: mentem, Lact. 5, 19, 34.—Hence, ēlūtus, a, um, P. a., washed out, i. e. watery, insipid; in the comp.: irriguo nihil est elutius horto (= magis fatuum), Hor. S. 2, 4, 16: (spodi) elutior vis est, Plin. 34, 13, 33, § 129.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

ēlŭō,¹¹ ī, ūtum, ĕre, tr.,
1 laver, rincer, nettoyer : [de la vaisselle] Pl. Aul. 270, etc. || os Cels. Med. 3, 4, se rincer la bouche ; des taches] Cic. Sest. 63 ; Plin. 20, 72 ; Lucr. 6, 1077
2 [fig.] purifier : Sen. Ep. 59, 9 || effacer, laver : Cic. Phil. 12, 6 ; tales amicitiæ eluendæ sunt Cic. Læl. 76, il faut effacer, dissoudre de pareilles amitiés || [fig.] nettoyer sa fortune : Pl. Rud. 579 ; St. 670 ; elutus Pl. Trin. 406, nettoyé || dépeupler, épuiser : Col. Rust. 8, 8, 10.

Latin > German (Georges)

ē-luo, luī, lūtum, ere, auswaschen, ausspülen, abspülen, I) im allg.: patinas, Plaut.: os, Cels.: vulnera, Sulp. Sev.: se lacte, sich abwaschen, sich baden, Cels.: alqd sale et aceto diligenter, Gargil. – II) prägn.: A) wie auswaschen = durch Auswaschen tilgen, 1) eig.: maculas vestium, atramentum, Plin.: colorem, Quint.: sanguinem, Cic. – 2) übtr., etwas von sich abspülen, tilgen, entfernen, peregrina omnia, Plaut.: amoris maculam, Plaut.: maculas furtorum, Cic.: vitia, Quint.: crimen, Ov.: amicitias remissione usus, allmählich auflösen, Cic.: amara curarum, gleichs. fortspülen, Hor. – B) reinigen, läutern, vestimenta luto, Lucil. 647: vasa eluto auro, Capit. Pert. 8, 4: eluta alica, enthülste, Cael. Aur. de morb. acut. 1, 11, 92. – übtr., mentem, Lact. 5, 19, 34: maculatas crimine mentes, Sil. 11, 200. – C) gleichs. rein machen, abräumen, Ponticum Phasim et Scythica stagna Maeotidis, alle Vögel dort wegholen, Col. 8, 8, 10. – D) sein Vermögen verbaden, elutum (verspült) in balneis, Plaut. trin. 406. – übtr., absol., sich blank machen = durch Verschwendung sich zugrunde richten, sich ruinieren, Plaut. rud. 579. – / Archaist. Perf. elevi (= eluvi, elui), Lucil. 647.

Latin > Chinese

eluo, is, i, utum, uere. 3. :: 洗淨。浪費。— crimen 脫罪。