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τύχας ὀνησίμους γαίας ἐξαμβρῦσαιcause happiness to spring forth from the earth

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|lnetxt=heres heredis N C :: [[heir]]/[[heiress]]
|lshtext=<b>hēres</b>: (ēres, Inscr. Orell. 188 al.), ēdis (archaic<br /><b>I</b> acc. [[sing]]. herem, Naev. ap. Non. 486, 33; Inscr. Orell. 4379; cf. the [[art]]. ‡ herem), comm. Sanscr. har-āmi, [[seize]]; har-anam, [[hand]]; Gr. [[χείρ]], [[χέρης]]; cf. [[erus]], an [[heir]], [[heiress]].<br /><b>I</b> Lit.: testamento [[facto]] [[mulier]] moritur: facit heredem ex deunce et [[semuncia]] Caecinam, ex duabus sextulis M. Fulcinium, Cic. Caecin. 6, 17; cf.: me [[nemo]] [[nisi]] [[amicus]] fecit heredem, etc. ... aliquem [[palam]] heredem factitare, id. Phil. 2, 16, 41: [[mulier]] testamento fecit heredem filiam, id. Verr. 2, 1, 43, § 111; id. Mil. 18, 48; cf. id. Rep. 3, 10, 17; Ov. H. 9, 110; Dig. 37, 7, 2; 37, 7, 9; Ven. Fort. Carm. 8, 6, 44: in testamento Ptolemaei patris heredes erant scripti ex duobus filiis major, et ex duabus ea, quae aetate antecedebat, Caes. B. C. 3, 108, 3: scripserunt heredes [[secum]] M. Crassum et Q. Hortensium, Cic. Off. 3, 18, 73: aliquem heredem testamento relinquere, id. Quint. 4, 14: [[relictus]] ab eo in amplis opibus [[heres]], Plin. 9, 35, 59, § 122: aliquem heredem instituere, Cic. Clu. 7, 22; Quint. 8, 5, 17; cf.: per leges institui [[uxor]] non poterat [[heres]], id. 9, 2, 74: instituto herede abdicato, id. 3, 6, 97: [[substitutus]] [[heres]] erat, id. 7, 6, 10: [[virgo]] Vestalis [[neque]] [[heres]] est cuiquam, etc., [[Labeo]] ap. Gell. 1, 12, 18: substituere heredem, Dig. 28, 6, 1: [[heres]] ex parte dimidia et tertia est [[Capito]]: in sextante sunt ii, quorum, etc., Cic. Fam. 13, 26, 2: ex asse [[heres]], [[sole]] [[heir]], Quint. 7, 1, 20; so, [[heres]] ex parte sexta, Plin. Ep. 6, 33, 6: ex dodrante, Suet. Caes. 83: (L. Mescinius) [[heres]] est M. Mindio fratri suo, Cic. Fam. 13, 26, 2; so, [[cur]] virgini Vestali [[sit]] [[heres]], non [[sit]] matri suae? id. Rep. 3, 10; cf.: quem suis bonis heredem esse cupiebat, id. Caecin. 4, 12; and: [[atque]] meis bonis omnibus ego te herem faciam, Naev. ap. Non. 486, 33; for [[which]]: quem [[quis]] heredem suum esse voluit, Quint. 5, 10, 74: [[repentinus]] [[heres]], Cic. Phil. 2, 25, 62: liberti heredem sequantur, Quint. 7, 7, 9; so the [[formula]] [[frequently]] occurring on inscriptions: HIC LOCVS, HOC MONVMENTVM HEREDEM NON SEQVITVR, USU. [[abbreviated]] H. L. or H. M. H. N. S., Inscr. Orell. 4379; 3926; 4455; 575; 2807; 4182; cf. opp.: HOC MONVMENTVM HEREDEM SEQVITVR, Inscr. Orell. 4397: [[heres]] [[secundus]], the [[second]] [[heir]], [[next]] [[heir]], [[when]] the [[first]] [[dies]]: qui me [[secundum]] heredem instituerit. Cic. Fam. 13, 61, 1; cf.: [[possessio]] heredum secundorum, id. Inv. 2, 21, 62: [[secundus]], Quint. 8, 4, 11; Hor. S. 2, 5, 48; Inscr. Orell. 3416; also used of a [[female]]: [[Marcus]] ait: Heres ipsius [[secundus]], de muliere loquens, [[Charis]]. p. 79 P.: [[heres]] [[necessarius]], a [[slave]] made [[heir]] [[with]] a [[grant]] of [[freedom]], and compelled to [[assume]] the liabilities of the [[estate]], Just. Inst. 1, 6, 1 Sandars: [[ideo]] sic appellatus, [[quia]], [[sive]] velit [[sive]] nolit, [[omnimodo]] [[post]] mortem testatoris [[protinus]] [[liber]] et [[heres]] est, Gai. Inst. 2, 153: [[heres]] [[suus]] et [[necessarius]], a [[natural]] [[heir]] [[who]] [[was]] in the [[potestas]] of the [[deceased]], id. ib. 2, § 153; 156; Dig. 38, 16, 1; opp.: [[heres]] [[extraneus]], Gai. Inst. 2, § 161.— Poet.: tanti certaminis (i. e. armorum Achillis), Ov. M. 13, 129.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>B</b> Transf.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>1</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Owner, [[possessor]], [[master]] ([[ante]]-[[class]].): [[heres]] [[apud]] antiquos pro domino ponebatur, Paul. ex Fest. p. 99 Müll.; cf. Just. Inst. 2, 19 fin.: apstuli hanc, quojus [[heres]] [[numquam]] erit [[post]] hunc diem, Plaut. Men. 3, 2, 12; cf. v. 28.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>2</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A [[successor]], [[after]]-[[growth]] ([[poet]].): nec ullum [[caput]] est [[impune]] recisum, [[quin]] [[gemino]] [[cervix]] herede valentior esset, of the heads of the Lernean [[Hydra]], Ov. M. 9, 74; cf.: alni caesae densius innumero herede prosunt, Plin. 16, 37, 67, § 173. —<br /><b>II</b> Trop. ([[very]] [[rare]]): [[illa]] [[vetus]] Academia [[atque]] ejus [[heres]] Aristus, Cic. Brut. 97, 332; cf. artis, Plin. 36, 5, 4, § 24: laudis, Ov. H. 9, 110: fraudis, id. ib. 2, 78: criminis. id. A. A. 3, 459.
|lshtext=<b>hēres</b>: (ēres, Inscr. Orell. 188 al.), ēdis (archaic<br /><b>I</b> acc. [[sing]]. herem, Naev. ap. Non. 486, 33; Inscr. Orell. 4379; cf. the [[art]]. ‡ herem), comm. Sanscr. har-āmi, [[seize]]; har-anam, [[hand]]; Gr. [[χείρ]], [[χέρης]]; cf. [[erus]], an [[heir]], [[heiress]].<br /><b>I</b> Lit.: testamento [[facto]] [[mulier]] moritur: facit heredem ex deunce et [[semuncia]] Caecinam, ex duabus sextulis M. Fulcinium, Cic. Caecin. 6, 17; cf.: me [[nemo]] [[nisi]] [[amicus]] fecit heredem, etc. ... aliquem [[palam]] heredem factitare, id. Phil. 2, 16, 41: [[mulier]] testamento fecit heredem filiam, id. Verr. 2, 1, 43, § 111; id. Mil. 18, 48; cf. id. Rep. 3, 10, 17; Ov. H. 9, 110; Dig. 37, 7, 2; 37, 7, 9; Ven. Fort. Carm. 8, 6, 44: in testamento Ptolemaei patris heredes erant scripti ex duobus filiis major, et ex duabus ea, quae aetate antecedebat, Caes. B. C. 3, 108, 3: scripserunt heredes [[secum]] M. Crassum et Q. Hortensium, Cic. Off. 3, 18, 73: aliquem heredem testamento relinquere, id. Quint. 4, 14: [[relictus]] ab eo in amplis opibus [[heres]], Plin. 9, 35, 59, § 122: aliquem heredem instituere, Cic. Clu. 7, 22; Quint. 8, 5, 17; cf.: per leges institui [[uxor]] non poterat [[heres]], id. 9, 2, 74: instituto herede abdicato, id. 3, 6, 97: [[substitutus]] [[heres]] erat, id. 7, 6, 10: [[virgo]] Vestalis [[neque]] [[heres]] est cuiquam, etc., [[Labeo]] ap. Gell. 1, 12, 18: substituere heredem, Dig. 28, 6, 1: [[heres]] ex parte dimidia et tertia est [[Capito]]: in sextante sunt ii, quorum, etc., Cic. Fam. 13, 26, 2: ex asse [[heres]], [[sole]] [[heir]], Quint. 7, 1, 20; so, [[heres]] ex parte sexta, Plin. Ep. 6, 33, 6: ex dodrante, Suet. Caes. 83: (L. Mescinius) [[heres]] est M. Mindio fratri suo, Cic. Fam. 13, 26, 2; so, [[cur]] virgini Vestali [[sit]] [[heres]], non [[sit]] matri suae? id. Rep. 3, 10; cf.: quem suis bonis heredem esse cupiebat, id. Caecin. 4, 12; and: [[atque]] meis bonis omnibus ego te herem faciam, Naev. ap. Non. 486, 33; for [[which]]: quem [[quis]] heredem suum esse voluit, Quint. 5, 10, 74: [[repentinus]] [[heres]], Cic. Phil. 2, 25, 62: liberti heredem sequantur, Quint. 7, 7, 9; so the [[formula]] [[frequently]] occurring on inscriptions: HIC LOCVS, HOC MONVMENTVM HEREDEM NON SEQVITVR, USU. [[abbreviated]] H. L. or H. M. H. N. S., Inscr. Orell. 4379; 3926; 4455; 575; 2807; 4182; cf. opp.: HOC MONVMENTVM HEREDEM SEQVITVR, Inscr. Orell. 4397: [[heres]] [[secundus]], the [[second]] [[heir]], [[next]] [[heir]], [[when]] the [[first]] [[dies]]: qui me [[secundum]] heredem instituerit. Cic. Fam. 13, 61, 1; cf.: [[possessio]] heredum secundorum, id. Inv. 2, 21, 62: [[secundus]], Quint. 8, 4, 11; Hor. S. 2, 5, 48; Inscr. Orell. 3416; also used of a [[female]]: [[Marcus]] ait: Heres ipsius [[secundus]], de muliere loquens, [[Charis]]. p. 79 P.: [[heres]] [[necessarius]], a [[slave]] made [[heir]] [[with]] a [[grant]] of [[freedom]], and compelled to [[assume]] the liabilities of the [[estate]], Just. Inst. 1, 6, 1 Sandars: [[ideo]] sic appellatus, [[quia]], [[sive]] velit [[sive]] nolit, [[omnimodo]] [[post]] mortem testatoris [[protinus]] [[liber]] et [[heres]] est, Gai. Inst. 2, 153: [[heres]] [[suus]] et [[necessarius]], a [[natural]] [[heir]] [[who]] [[was]] in the [[potestas]] of the [[deceased]], id. ib. 2, § 153; 156; Dig. 38, 16, 1; opp.: [[heres]] [[extraneus]], Gai. Inst. 2, § 161.— Poet.: tanti certaminis (i. e. armorum Achillis), Ov. M. 13, 129.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>B</b> Transf.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>1</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Owner, [[possessor]], [[master]] (ante-class.): [[heres]] [[apud]] antiquos pro domino ponebatur, Paul. ex Fest. p. 99 Müll.; cf. Just. Inst. 2, 19 fin.: apstuli hanc, quojus [[heres]] [[numquam]] erit [[post]] hunc diem, Plaut. Men. 3, 2, 12; cf. v. 28.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>2</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A [[successor]], [[after]]-[[growth]] ([[poet]].): nec ullum [[caput]] est [[impune]] recisum, [[quin]] [[gemino]] [[cervix]] herede valentior esset, of the heads of the Lernean [[Hydra]], Ov. M. 9, 74; cf.: alni caesae densius innumero herede prosunt, Plin. 16, 37, 67, § 173. —<br /><b>II</b> Trop. ([[very]] [[rare]]): [[illa]] [[vetus]] Academia [[atque]] ejus [[heres]] Aristus, Cic. Brut. 97, 332; cf. artis, Plin. 36, 5, 4, § 24: laudis, Ov. H. 9, 110: fraudis, id. ib. 2, 78: criminis. id. A. A. 3, 459.
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|georg=hērēs (ērēs, haerēs), ēdis, c. (viell. abgeschwächte [[Form]] v. χηρος, [[verwaist]]), der [[Erbe]], die [[Erbin]], I) eig.: h. ex asse, der [[Totalerbe]], Haupterbe, Plin. ep. u. Mart. (vgl. as): [[ebenso]] h. bonorum omnium, Liv., u. h. [[primus]], Ps. Quint. decl.: [[secundus]], der [[Beierbe]], der substituierte [[Erbe]], der eintritt, [[wenn]] der eig. [[Erbe]] die [[Erbschaft]] [[nicht]] [[erwerben]] kann od. will, Cic. u.a.: [[heres]] ex dodrante, Nep., ex [[tertia]] parte, Cic.: [[eius]] [[heredes]], Quint.: [[heres]] [[sum]] alcis od. alci, Cic.: alqm heredem scribere, facere, instituere, Cic.: alqm heredem bonorum omnium relinquere, Val. Max.: [[nondum]] in Pompei locum [[repentinus]] [[heres]] successerat, Cic.: heredem habuit, quem voluit, Val. Max. – Sing. kollekt., [[nec]] [[multus]] [[intra]] [[limen]] [[heres]] est, Sen. contr. 2, 1 (9), 7. – v. Frauen, testamento fecit heredem filiam, Cic. II. Verr. 1, 111; vgl. Cic. de rep. 3, 17. Ov. her. 9, 110. [[Gaius]] dig. 37, 7, 2: si sua [[heres]] [[filia]] patri cum fratribus, [[Tryphon]]. dig. 37, 7, 9: clara [[heres]], Ven. [[Fort]]. carm. 8, 6, 44. – II) übtr.: A) der [[Erbe]] = [[Nachfolger]], Academiae, Cic.: regni, Liv. – B) scherzh. = der Besitzer, [[Eigentümer]], Plaut. Men. 477. – C) = [[stolo]], Plin. 16, 173. – D) personif., Heres Martea, eine [[nach]] [[Antritt]] [[einer]] [[Erbschaft]] verehrte [[Göttin]], Paul. ex [[Fest]]. 100, 2. – / Archaist. Akk. [[herem]], Naev. com. 58. Paul. ex [[Fest]] 100, 2. – Abl. Sing. heredi, Corp. inscr. Lat. 1, 200. lin. 23. – [[Schreibung]] [[eres]], zB. Corp. inscr. Lat. 13, 6230 (Plur. eredes), [[haeres]], zB. Corp. inscr. Lat. 10, 3645.
|georg=hērēs (ērēs, haerēs), ēdis, c. (viell. abgeschwächte [[Form]] v. χηρος, [[verwaist]]), der [[Erbe]], die [[Erbin]], I) eig.: h. ex asse, der [[Totalerbe]], Haupterbe, Plin. ep. u. Mart. (vgl. as): [[ebenso]] h. bonorum omnium, Liv., u. h. [[primus]], Ps. Quint. decl.: [[secundus]], der [[Beierbe]], der substituierte [[Erbe]], der eintritt, [[wenn]] der eig. [[Erbe]] die [[Erbschaft]] [[nicht]] [[erwerben]] kann od. will, Cic. u.a.: [[heres]] ex dodrante, Nep., ex [[tertia]] parte, Cic.: [[eius]] [[heredes]], Quint.: [[heres]] [[sum]] alcis od. alci, Cic.: alqm heredem scribere, facere, instituere, Cic.: alqm heredem bonorum omnium relinquere, Val. Max.: [[nondum]] in Pompei locum [[repentinus]] [[heres]] successerat, Cic.: heredem habuit, quem voluit, Val. Max. – Sing. kollekt., [[nec]] [[multus]] [[intra]] [[limen]] [[heres]] est, Sen. contr. 2, 1 (9), 7. – v. Frauen, testamento fecit heredem filiam, Cic. II. Verr. 1, 111; vgl. Cic. de rep. 3, 17. Ov. her. 9, 110. [[Gaius]] dig. 37, 7, 2: si sua [[heres]] [[filia]] patri cum fratribus, [[Tryphon]]. dig. 37, 7, 9: clara [[heres]], Ven. [[Fort]]. carm. 8, 6, 44. – II) übtr.: A) der [[Erbe]] = [[Nachfolger]], Academiae, Cic.: regni, Liv. – B) scherzh. = der Besitzer, [[Eigentümer]], Plaut. Men. 477. – C) = [[stolo]], Plin. 16, 173. – D) personif., Heres Martea, eine [[nach]] [[Antritt]] [[einer]] [[Erbschaft]] verehrte [[Göttin]], Paul. ex [[Fest]]. 100, 2. – / Archaist. Akk. [[herem]], Naev. com. 58. Paul. ex [[Fest]] 100, 2. – Abl. Sing. heredi, Corp. inscr. Lat. 1, 200. lin. 23. – [[Schreibung]] [[eres]], zB. Corp. inscr. Lat. 13, 6230 (Plur. eredes), [[haeres]], zB. Corp. inscr. Lat. 10, 3645.
Albanian: trashëgimtar; Arabic: وَارِث‎, وَارِثَة‎; Egyptian Arabic: وارس‎; Moroccan Arabic: ورتة‎; Aragonese: hereu; Armenian: ժառանգ; Asturian: herederu; Azerbaijani: varis; Basque: jaraunsle, oinordeko, oinorde; Belarusian: наследнік, наследніца; Bulgarian: наследник, наследничка; Catalan: hereu, hereter; Cebuano: manununod; Chinese Mandarin: 繼承人/继承人, 繼承者/继承者; Czech: dědic, dědička; Danish: arving; Dutch: [[erfgenaam]], [[erfgename]]; Esperanto: heredanto; Estonian: pärija; Extremaduran: hereeru; Finnish: perillinen, perijä; French: [[héritier]], [[héritière]], [[successeur]], [[successeuse]], [[successrice]]; Galician: herdeiro, heree; Georgian: მემკვიდრე; German: [[Erbe]], [[Erbin]]; Gothic: 𐌰𐍂𐌱𐌾𐌰, 𐌰𐍂𐌱𐌾𐍉; Greek: [[κληρονόμος]]; Ancient Greek: [[κληρονόμος]], [[κλαρονόμος]], [[ἔγκληρος]], [[ἐπίκληρος]], [[ἐπίκλαρος]], [[ἐχεπάμων]]; Hebrew: יוֹרֵשׁ‎, יורשת‎; Higaonon: manonod; Hindi: वारिस; Hungarian: örökös; Hunsrik: Erreb; Icelandic: erfingi; Indonesian: pewaris; Irish: oidhre, beangán; Italian: [[erede]], [[ereditiera]]; Japanese: 相続人, 跡取り, 継承者; Kabuverdianu: erderu; Kazakh: мұрагер; Khmer: ទាយាទ; Korean: 상속인(相續人), 계승자(繼承者); Kurdish Northern Kurdish: mîratgir, wêris; Kyrgyz: мураскор, мурасчы; Lao: ທາຍາດ; Latin: [[heres]]; Latvian: mantinieks, mantiniece; Lithuanian: įpėdinis, paveldėtojas, paveldėtoja; Macedonian: наследник, наследничка; Malay: pewaris, waris; Maori: whākapi, kaiwhakakapi, kairīwhi; Norwegian Bokmål: arving; Occitan: eiretièr; Pashto: وارث‎; Persian: وارث‎; Piedmontese: erede; Plautdietsch: Oaw; Polish: spadkobierca, spadkobierczyni, dziedzic, dziedzicka, sukcesor, sukcesorka; Portuguese: [[herdeiro]]; Romanian: moștenitor, moștenitoare; Russian: [[наследник]], [[наследница]]; Scottish Gaelic: oighre; Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic: наследнӣк, насљеднӣк, наследница, насљедница; Roman: následnīk, násljednīk, následnica, násljednica; Slovak: dedič, dedička; Slovene: dedič, dedinja; Sorbian Lower Sorbian: derbnik; Spanish: [[heredero]]; Swahili: mrithi; Swedish: arvtagare, arvinge, arvtagerska; Tagalog: tagapagmana; Tajik: ворис; Thai: ทายาท; Turkish: varis, mirasçı; Ugaritic: 𐎐𐎈𐎍; Ukrainian: спадкоє́мець, спадкоє́миця, наслі́дник, наслі́дниця; Urdu: وارث‎; Uyghur: ۋارىس‎; Uzbek: voris, merosxoʻr; Vietnamese: người thừa kế; Walloon: eritî, eritresse; Welsh: etifedd, aer, aerod
Arabic: وَارِثَة‎; Belarusian: наследніца; Bulgarian: наследничка; Czech: dědička; Danish: arving; Estonian: pärijanna, pärija; Finnish: perijätär; French: [[héritière]], [[successeuse]], [[successrice]]; Georgian: მემკვიდრე; German: [[Erbin]]; Greek: κληρονόμος; Ancient Greek: [[κληρονόμος]], [[κλαρονόμος]], [[ἐπίκληρος]], [[ἐπίκλαρος]], [[ἔγκληρος]], [[πατροῦχος]]; Gothic: 𐌰𐍂𐌱𐌾𐍉; Irish: banoidhre; Italian: [[ereditiera]]; Japanese: 世継ぎ; Latin: [[heres]]; Latvian: mantiniece; Lithuanian: paveldėtoja; Macedonian: наследничка; Polish: dziedzicka, spadkobierczyni, sukcesorka; Portuguese: [[herdeira]]; Romanian: moștenitoare; Russian: [[наследница]], [[преемница]]; Scottish Gaelic: ban-oighre; Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic: наследница, насљедница; Roman: následnica, násljednica; Slovak: dedička; Slovene: dedinja, naslednica; Spanish: [[heredera]]; Swedish: arvinge, arvtagerska; Ukrainian: наслі́дниця, спадкоє́миця; Welsh: aeres

Latest revision as of 06:55, 15 October 2024

Latin > English

heres heredis N C :: heir/heiress

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

hēres: (ēres, Inscr. Orell. 188 al.), ēdis (archaic
I acc. sing. herem, Naev. ap. Non. 486, 33; Inscr. Orell. 4379; cf. the art. ‡ herem), comm. Sanscr. har-āmi, seize; har-anam, hand; Gr. χείρ, χέρης; cf. erus, an heir, heiress.
I Lit.: testamento facto mulier moritur: facit heredem ex deunce et semuncia Caecinam, ex duabus sextulis M. Fulcinium, Cic. Caecin. 6, 17; cf.: me nemo nisi amicus fecit heredem, etc. ... aliquem palam heredem factitare, id. Phil. 2, 16, 41: mulier testamento fecit heredem filiam, id. Verr. 2, 1, 43, § 111; id. Mil. 18, 48; cf. id. Rep. 3, 10, 17; Ov. H. 9, 110; Dig. 37, 7, 2; 37, 7, 9; Ven. Fort. Carm. 8, 6, 44: in testamento Ptolemaei patris heredes erant scripti ex duobus filiis major, et ex duabus ea, quae aetate antecedebat, Caes. B. C. 3, 108, 3: scripserunt heredes secum M. Crassum et Q. Hortensium, Cic. Off. 3, 18, 73: aliquem heredem testamento relinquere, id. Quint. 4, 14: relictus ab eo in amplis opibus heres, Plin. 9, 35, 59, § 122: aliquem heredem instituere, Cic. Clu. 7, 22; Quint. 8, 5, 17; cf.: per leges institui uxor non poterat heres, id. 9, 2, 74: instituto herede abdicato, id. 3, 6, 97: substitutus heres erat, id. 7, 6, 10: virgo Vestalis neque heres est cuiquam, etc., Labeo ap. Gell. 1, 12, 18: substituere heredem, Dig. 28, 6, 1: heres ex parte dimidia et tertia est Capito: in sextante sunt ii, quorum, etc., Cic. Fam. 13, 26, 2: ex asse heres, sole heir, Quint. 7, 1, 20; so, heres ex parte sexta, Plin. Ep. 6, 33, 6: ex dodrante, Suet. Caes. 83: (L. Mescinius) heres est M. Mindio fratri suo, Cic. Fam. 13, 26, 2; so, cur virgini Vestali sit heres, non sit matri suae? id. Rep. 3, 10; cf.: quem suis bonis heredem esse cupiebat, id. Caecin. 4, 12; and: atque meis bonis omnibus ego te herem faciam, Naev. ap. Non. 486, 33; for which: quem quis heredem suum esse voluit, Quint. 5, 10, 74: repentinus heres, Cic. Phil. 2, 25, 62: liberti heredem sequantur, Quint. 7, 7, 9; so the formula frequently occurring on inscriptions: HIC LOCVS, HOC MONVMENTVM HEREDEM NON SEQVITVR, USU. abbreviated H. L. or H. M. H. N. S., Inscr. Orell. 4379; 3926; 4455; 575; 2807; 4182; cf. opp.: HOC MONVMENTVM HEREDEM SEQVITVR, Inscr. Orell. 4397: heres secundus, the second heir, next heir, when the first dies: qui me secundum heredem instituerit. Cic. Fam. 13, 61, 1; cf.: possessio heredum secundorum, id. Inv. 2, 21, 62: secundus, Quint. 8, 4, 11; Hor. S. 2, 5, 48; Inscr. Orell. 3416; also used of a female: Marcus ait: Heres ipsius secundus, de muliere loquens, Charis. p. 79 P.: heres necessarius, a slave made heir with a grant of freedom, and compelled to assume the liabilities of the estate, Just. Inst. 1, 6, 1 Sandars: ideo sic appellatus, quia, sive velit sive nolit, omnimodo post mortem testatoris protinus liber et heres est, Gai. Inst. 2, 153: heres suus et necessarius, a natural heir who was in the potestas of the deceased, id. ib. 2, § 153; 156; Dig. 38, 16, 1; opp.: heres extraneus, Gai. Inst. 2, § 161.— Poet.: tanti certaminis (i. e. armorum Achillis), Ov. M. 13, 129.—
   B Transf.
   1    Owner, possessor, master (ante-class.): heres apud antiquos pro domino ponebatur, Paul. ex Fest. p. 99 Müll.; cf. Just. Inst. 2, 19 fin.: apstuli hanc, quojus heres numquam erit post hunc diem, Plaut. Men. 3, 2, 12; cf. v. 28.—
   2    A successor, after-growth (poet.): nec ullum caput est impune recisum, quin gemino cervix herede valentior esset, of the heads of the Lernean Hydra, Ov. M. 9, 74; cf.: alni caesae densius innumero herede prosunt, Plin. 16, 37, 67, § 173. —
II Trop. (very rare): illa vetus Academia atque ejus heres Aristus, Cic. Brut. 97, 332; cf. artis, Plin. 36, 5, 4, § 24: laudis, Ov. H. 9, 110: fraudis, id. ib. 2, 78: criminis. id. A. A. 3, 459.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

hērēs,⁸ ēdis, m. f., héritier, héritière, légataire : heredem aliquem facere Cic. Phil. 2, 41 ; scribere Cic. Off. 3, 73 ; instituere Cic. Clu. 22 ; relinquere Cic. Quinct. 14, instituer qqn son héritier ; heres secundus Cic. Fam. 13, 61, 1, héritier substitué ; heres ex asse Quint. 6, 1, 20, légataire universel ; heres est fratri suo Cic. Fam. 13, 26, 2, il est héritier de son frère ; quem suis bonis heredem esse cupiebat Cic. Cæc. 12, qu’elle voulait pour héritier de ses biens || [fig.] héritier, qui hérite de : Cic. Br. 332 || rejeton [d’arbre] : Plin. 16, 173 ; Ov. M. 9, 74 || [arch.] maître, possesseur : Pl. Men. 477, cf. P. Fest. 99 ; Inst. Just. 2, 19. arch. acc. herem Næv. d. Non. 486, 33.

Latin > German (Georges)

hērēs (ērēs, haerēs), ēdis, c. (viell. abgeschwächte Form v. χηρος, verwaist), der Erbe, die Erbin, I) eig.: h. ex asse, der Totalerbe, Haupterbe, Plin. ep. u. Mart. (vgl. as): ebenso h. bonorum omnium, Liv., u. h. primus, Ps. Quint. decl.: secundus, der Beierbe, der substituierte Erbe, der eintritt, wenn der eig. Erbe die Erbschaft nicht erwerben kann od. will, Cic. u.a.: heres ex dodrante, Nep., ex tertia parte, Cic.: eius heredes, Quint.: heres sum alcis od. alci, Cic.: alqm heredem scribere, facere, instituere, Cic.: alqm heredem bonorum omnium relinquere, Val. Max.: nondum in Pompei locum repentinus heres successerat, Cic.: heredem habuit, quem voluit, Val. Max. – Sing. kollekt., nec multus intra limen heres est, Sen. contr. 2, 1 (9), 7. – v. Frauen, testamento fecit heredem filiam, Cic. II. Verr. 1, 111; vgl. Cic. de rep. 3, 17. Ov. her. 9, 110. Gaius dig. 37, 7, 2: si sua heres filia patri cum fratribus, Tryphon. dig. 37, 7, 9: clara heres, Ven. Fort. carm. 8, 6, 44. – II) übtr.: A) der Erbe = Nachfolger, Academiae, Cic.: regni, Liv. – B) scherzh. = der Besitzer, Eigentümer, Plaut. Men. 477. – C) = stolo, Plin. 16, 173. – D) personif., Heres Martea, eine nach Antritt einer Erbschaft verehrte Göttin, Paul. ex Fest. 100, 2. – / Archaist. Akk. herem, Naev. com. 58. Paul. ex Fest 100, 2. – Abl. Sing. heredi, Corp. inscr. Lat. 1, 200. lin. 23. – Schreibung eres, zB. Corp. inscr. Lat. 13, 6230 (Plur. eredes), haeres, zB. Corp. inscr. Lat. 10, 3645.



Albanian: trashëgimtar; Arabic: وَارِث‎, وَارِثَة‎; Egyptian Arabic: وارس‎; Moroccan Arabic: ورتة‎; Aragonese: hereu; Armenian: ժառանգ; Asturian: herederu; Azerbaijani: varis; Basque: jaraunsle, oinordeko, oinorde; Belarusian: наследнік, наследніца; Bulgarian: наследник, наследничка; Catalan: hereu, hereter; Cebuano: manununod; Chinese Mandarin: 繼承人/继承人, 繼承者/继承者; Czech: dědic, dědička; Danish: arving; Dutch: erfgenaam, erfgename; Esperanto: heredanto; Estonian: pärija; Extremaduran: hereeru; Finnish: perillinen, perijä; French: héritier, héritière, successeur, successeuse, successrice; Galician: herdeiro, heree; Georgian: მემკვიდრე; German: Erbe, Erbin; Gothic: 𐌰𐍂𐌱𐌾𐌰, 𐌰𐍂𐌱𐌾𐍉; Greek: κληρονόμος; Ancient Greek: κληρονόμος, κλαρονόμος, ἔγκληρος, ἐπίκληρος, ἐπίκλαρος, ἐχεπάμων; Hebrew: יוֹרֵשׁ‎, יורשת‎; Higaonon: manonod; Hindi: वारिस; Hungarian: örökös; Hunsrik: Erreb; Icelandic: erfingi; Indonesian: pewaris; Irish: oidhre, beangán; Italian: erede, ereditiera; Japanese: 相続人, 跡取り, 継承者; Kabuverdianu: erderu; Kazakh: мұрагер; Khmer: ទាយាទ; Korean: 상속인(相續人), 계승자(繼承者); Kurdish Northern Kurdish: mîratgir, wêris; Kyrgyz: мураскор, мурасчы; Lao: ທາຍາດ; Latin: heres; Latvian: mantinieks, mantiniece; Lithuanian: įpėdinis, paveldėtojas, paveldėtoja; Macedonian: наследник, наследничка; Malay: pewaris, waris; Maori: whākapi, kaiwhakakapi, kairīwhi; Norwegian Bokmål: arving; Occitan: eiretièr; Pashto: وارث‎; Persian: وارث‎; Piedmontese: erede; Plautdietsch: Oaw; Polish: spadkobierca, spadkobierczyni, dziedzic, dziedzicka, sukcesor, sukcesorka; Portuguese: herdeiro; Romanian: moștenitor, moștenitoare; Russian: наследник, наследница; Scottish Gaelic: oighre; Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic: наследнӣк, насљеднӣк, наследница, насљедница; Roman: následnīk, násljednīk, následnica, násljednica; Slovak: dedič, dedička; Slovene: dedič, dedinja; Sorbian Lower Sorbian: derbnik; Spanish: heredero; Swahili: mrithi; Swedish: arvtagare, arvinge, arvtagerska; Tagalog: tagapagmana; Tajik: ворис; Thai: ทายาท; Turkish: varis, mirasçı; Ugaritic: 𐎐𐎈𐎍; Ukrainian: спадкоє́мець, спадкоє́миця, наслі́дник, наслі́дниця; Urdu: وارث‎; Uyghur: ۋارىس‎; Uzbek: voris, merosxoʻr; Vietnamese: người thừa kế; Walloon: eritî, eritresse; Welsh: etifedd, aer, aerod


Arabic: وَارِثَة‎; Belarusian: наследніца; Bulgarian: наследничка; Czech: dědička; Danish: arving; Estonian: pärijanna, pärija; Finnish: perijätär; French: héritière, successeuse, successrice; Georgian: მემკვიდრე; German: Erbin; Greek: κληρονόμος; Ancient Greek: κληρονόμος, κλαρονόμος, ἐπίκληρος, ἐπίκλαρος, ἔγκληρος, πατροῦχος; Gothic: 𐌰𐍂𐌱𐌾𐍉; Irish: banoidhre; Italian: ereditiera; Japanese: 世継ぎ; Latin: heres; Latvian: mantiniece; Lithuanian: paveldėtoja; Macedonian: наследничка; Polish: dziedzicka, spadkobierczyni, sukcesorka; Portuguese: herdeira; Romanian: moștenitoare; Russian: наследница, преемница; Scottish Gaelic: ban-oighre; Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic: наследница, насљедница; Roman: následnica, násljednica; Slovak: dedička; Slovene: dedinja, naslednica; Spanish: heredera; Swedish: arvinge, arvtagerska; Ukrainian: наслі́дниця, спадкоє́миця; Welsh: aeres