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Οὐ γὰρ ἀργίας ὤνιονὑγίεια καὶ ἀπραξίας, ἅ γε δὴ μέγιστα κακῶν ταῖς νόσοις πρόσεστι, καὶ οὐδὲν διαφέρει τοῦ τὰ ὄμματα τῷ μὴ διαβλέπειν καὶ τὴν φωνὴν τῷ μὴ φθέγγεσθαι φυλάττοντος ὁ τὴν ὑγίειαν ἀχρηστίᾳ καὶ ἡσυχίᾳ σῴζειν οἰόμενος → For health is not to be purchased by idleness and inactivity, which are the greatest evils attendant on sickness, and the man who thinks to conserve his health by uselessness and ease does not differ from him who guards his eyes by not seeing, and his voice by not speaking

Plutarch, Advice about Keeping Well, section 24

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

ex-clūdo: si, sum, 3 (
I perf. sync. exclusti for exclusisti, Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 18) cludo, claudo, to shut out, exclude; to cut off, remove, separate from any thing (class.).
I Lit.
   1    In gen.: aliquem a portu et perfugio, Cic. Fam. 5, 15, 3: aliquem ab re frumentaria, Caes. B. G. 7, 55, 9: aliquem ab acie, id. B. C. 2, 41, 6: Gaditani Poenos moenibus excluserunt, Cic. Balb. 17, 39: nulla exclusura dolentes Janua, Tib. 2, 3, 73.—With inanimate objects: spissa ramis laurea fervidos Excludet ictus (solis), Hor. C. 2, 15, 10: aquam quae exundante palude in agrum refluere solet, Dig. 39, 3, 1: exclusere diem telis, shut out, obscured, Stat. Th. 8, 412: Euphrates Armeniae regiones a Cappadocia excludens, separating, Plin. 5, 24, 20, § 83.—
   2    Esp., to shut out, refuse to receive a visitor: quo pacto excludi, quaeso, potis est planius, quam exclusus nunc sum, Plaut. Truc. 2, 8, 5: ego excludor, ille recipitur, Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 79; id. ib. 1, 1, 4: aliquem foras, Plaut. Mil. 4, 1, 30; Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 18: quae me non excludet ab se, sed apud se occludet domi, Plaut. Men. 4, 2, 108; cf.: ut ab illa excludar, huc concludar, Ter. And. 2, 3, 12; Hor. S. 2, 3, 260; Ov. Am. 1, 8, 78; cf.: priusquam Caesar me abs te excludere posset, Pomp. ap. Cic. Att. 8, 12 B. 1.—
   B Transf.
   1    To drive out, to put, press, thrust, or take out: excludito mihi hercle oculum, si dedero, i. e. to knock out, Plaut. Ps. 1, 5, 95: vel oculum exclude, Ter. Phorm. 5, 7, 96: gemmam, Dig. 10, 4, 6: liquorem, Scrib. Comp. 84: pallio caput, Petr. 32, 2.—
   b In partic. of birds, to hatch their young: volucres Ova relinquebant, exclusae tempore verno, Lucr. 5, 802; cf.: gallinae avesque reliquae, cum ex ovis pullos excluserint, etc., Cic. N. D. 2, 52, 129: pullos, id. ib. 2, 48, 124; Col. 8, 5, 7; 8, 14, 11; Suet. Tib. 14 al.—And transf., by way of pun, to the pupils of the rhetorician Corax (raven): Coracem istum patiamur pullos suos excludere in nido, qui evolent, clamatores odiosi ac molesti, Cic. de Or. 3, 21, 81.—
   2    To make prominent (eccl. Lat.), = eminere, Aug. in Psa. 67, § 39; Vulg. Psa. 67, 31; cf. Aug. Spir. et Litt. § 17.—*
   3    To close, complete: volumen, Stat. S. 2 praef. fin.
II Trop., to exclude, except, remove, hinder, prevent: Crassus tres legatos decernit, nec excludit Pompeium, Cic. Fam. 1, 1, 3: excludi ab omni doctrina, id. de Or. 1, 11, 46; cf.: exclusit illum a re publica, id. Phil. 5, 11, 29: ab hereditate fraterna excludi, id. Clu. 11, 31; cf. also: ne anni tempore a navigatione excluderetur, Caes. B. G. 5, 23, 5: ut reditu in Asiam excluderetur, Nep. Them. 5, 1: exceptione excludi, Cic. de Or. 1, 37, 168: multas actiones praetoriis exceptionibus, id. Inv. 1, 19, 57: angustiis temporis excluduntur omnes, id. Verr. 2, 1, 56, § 148: tempore exclusus, hindered, prevented, Caes. B. G. 6, 31, 1: diei tempore exclusus, id. ib. 7, 11, 5: si qui se in hoc judicium forte projecerint, excluditote eorum cupiditatem, Cic. Cael. 9, 22: servitutem, Lucil. ap. Non. 301, 14: consuetudinem libere dicendi, Cic. Phil. 5, 7, 19.—Hence, * exclūsus, a, um, P. a., shut out, locked out: nunc ego sum exclusissimus, Plaut. Men. 4, 3, 24.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

exclūdō,⁹ sī, sum, ĕre (ex, claudo), tr.,
1 ne pas laisser entrer, ne pas admettre, exclure : Gaditani Pœnos mœnibus excluserunt Cic. Balbo 37, les habitants de Gadès ne laissèrent pas entrer les Carthaginois dans leurs murs ; [avec ab ] Fam. 5, 15, 3 || ejicere nos magnum fuit, excludere facile est Cic. Fam. 14, 3, 2, s’il y a eu fort à faire pour me chasser, il est aisé de me fermer le retour || [en part.] ne pas recevoir chez soi, laisser dehors : Pl. Truc. 626 : Ter. Eun. 49 ; 481 ; Ad. 119 ; Cic. Att. 12, 40, 2
2 faire sortir, chasser, éloigner, repousser, rejeter [pr. et fig.] : excludere pullos ex ovis Cic. Nat. 2, 129, faire éclore des petits ; excludere a republica Cic. Phil. 5, 29, éloigner du gouvernement ; a re frumentaria Cæs. G. 7, 55, 9, couper le ravitaillement
3 empêcher : tempore exclusus Cæs. G. 6, 31, 1, arrêté par le manque de temps, cf. 7, 11, 5 ; anni tempore a navigatione excludi Cæs. G. 5, 23, 5, être empêché de prendre la mer par la saison ; non excludi quominus Cassius d. Cic. Fam. 12, 13, 2, ne pas être empêché de
4 clore, terminer : Stat. S. 2, pr., 23. pf. sync. exclusti Ter. Eun. 98.