δρυὸς πεσούσης πᾶς ἀνὴρ ξυλεύεται → when the oak falls, everyone cuts wood | when an oak has fallen, every man gathers wood | on the fall of an oak, every man gathers wood | when an oak has fallen, every man becomes a woodcutter | one takes advantage of somebody who has lost his strength | one takes advantage of somebody who has lost his power | when the tree is fallen, every man goes to it with his hatchet
Latin > English
foras ADV :: out of doors, abroad, forth, out
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
fŏras: adv. acc. form like alias, alteras, utrasque; while foris is an abl. form; both from an obsol. nom. fora; Sanscr. dvār; Gr. θύρα; O. H. Germ. tor; Engl. door,
I out through the doors, out of doors, forth, out (class.): crepuit foris: Amphitruo exit foras, Plaut. Am. 1, 2, 35; cf.: exeundum hercle tibi hinc est foras, id. Aul. 1, 1, 1: i foras, mulier, id. Cas. 2, 2, 36: quid tu foras egressa es? id. Am. 5, 1, 28; Ter. Phorm. 5, 6, 38: foras aedibus me eici? Plaut. As. 1, 2, 1; cf.: homo hercle hinc exclusu'st foras, id. ib. 3, 3, 6: anum foras extrudit, id. Aul. prol. 38; id. Cas. 4, 1, 10: te huc foras seduxi, Ut, etc., id. Aul. 2, 1, 14: sese portā foras universi proripiunt, Caes. B. C. 2, 12, 1: portis se foras erumpunt, id. ib. 2, 14, 1: fer cineres, Amarylli, foras, Verg. E. 8, 101: filium foras mittere ad cenam, Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 26, § 65: quae (urbs) laetari mihi videtur, quod tantam pestem evomuerit forasque projecerit, id. Cat. 2, 1, 2: vides, tuum peccatum esse elatum foras, Ter. Phorm. 5, 7, 65; cf.: domus, in qua nihil geratur, quod foras perferendum sit, Cic. Cael. 23, 57; and: efferri hoc foras et ad populi Romani aures pervenire, id. Phil. 10, 3, 6; cf. Lucr. 3, 123: si (animus) eminebit foras, et ea quae extra sunt contemplans, etc., Cic. Rep. 6, 26; cf.: justitia foras spectat et projecta tota est atque eminet, id. Fragm. ap. Non. 373, 25 (Rep. 3, 7 ed. Mos.): (scripta) foras dare, to spread abroad, publish, = edere, proferre, id. Att. 13, 22, 3: vendere, Plaut. Stich. 1, 3, 66: locitare agellum, to strangers, Ter. Ad. 5, 8, 26: uxor, vade foras, aut moribus utere nostris, i. e. leave the house, separale from me, Mart. 11, 104, 1.—
(b) Connected with a noun: ite hac simul heri damnigeruli, foras gerones, Bonorum hamaxagogae, carriers out, Plaut. Truc. 2, 7, 1.—
(g) Post-class. with gen., or like a preposition with the acc.: ea namque tabes, si foras corporis prospiravit, out of the body, ἐκτὸς τοῦ σώματος, App. Mag. p. 306, 11: extra urbem et foras portam, outside of, without, Hier. in Matt. 27, 33; so, foras exteriorem partem, Vulg. Ezech. 47, 2: usque foras civitatem, id. Act. 21, 5.—
2 For foris, abroad: foras cenare, Petr. 30.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
I adv. dehors [avec mouv.] : Cic. Cæl. 57 ; foras Pl. Cas. 212, à la porte ! foras projicere Cic. Cat. 2, 2, jeter dehors ; (scripta) foras dare Cic. Att. 13, 22, 3, publier, rendre publics (des écrits) || foras cenare Petr. 30, 4, aller dîner en ville.
II prép. [décad.] a) [avec gén.] foras corporis Apul. Apol. 50, hors du corps ; b) [avec acc.] foras civitatem Vulg. Act. 21, 5, hors de la cité.
Latin > German (Georges)
forās, Adv. = θύραζε (eigentl. Akk. v. *forae), I) heraus, hinaus, nach außen, auswärts (Ggstz. intro), a) in bezug auf leb. Wesen: α) übh.: abire f., Plaut. u. Catull.: se ducere od. educere f., Ter.: egredi f., Plaut.: exire f., Komik.: alqm eicere, excludere, extrudere f., Ter.: ire f., Ov. u. (v. Bienen) Varro.: prodire f., Plaut. u. Phaedr.: progredi f., Plaut.: alqm pellere f., Ter.: alqm proicere f., Cic.: vadere f., Phaedr. – mit nähern Bestimmungen, ambulare hinc f., Plaut.: ire hinc f., Ter.: inde egredi f., Ter.: inde huc egredi f., Ter.: egredi domo f., Ter.: quisnam a nobis egreditur f.? Ter.: hinc ire f., Ter.: huc effugere f., huc f. puerum evocare, Ter.: portis se f. erumpere, Cic.: foribus procedere f., Plaut. – β) in der Scheidungsformel: ei f., mulier! geh' aus meinem Hause! Plaut. Cas. 212: u. so uxor, vade f.! Mart. 11, 104. 1. – b) in bezug auf Lebl.: ferre cineres f., Verg.: f. necessum est, quidquid habeo, vendere, Plaut.: f. (außer Haus) dare pallium, Plaut.: ea (scripta) f. dare, Cic.: dicta f. eliminare, Hor.: in qua (domo) nihil geratur, quod f. perferendum sit, Cic.: evasit vox f., Poët. inc. bei Cic.: quae (vestigia) ubi omnia f. versa vidit, Liv. – m. Genet., ea tabes si foras corporis prospiravit, Apul. apol. 50. – m. Acc., extra urbem et foras portam (draußen vor dem Th.) loca sunt, in quibus truncantur capita damnatorum, Hieron. in Matth. 27, 33. – absol., aquam foras, vinum intro! Petron. 52, 7. – neben Substst., foras eiectus largior eius (animae), Lucr. 4, 957: foras castra, Vulg. Levit. 16, 27. – II) (in der Vulgärspr.) = foris, draußen, auswärts, foras cenare, Petron. 30, 3: omnia foras parata sunt, Petron. 47, 5.
Latin > Chinese
foras. adv. :: 往外