
From LSJ

Περὶ τοῦ ἐπέκεινα τοῦ νοῦ κατὰ μὲν νόησιν πολλὰ λέγεται, θεωρεῖται δὲ ἀνοησίᾳ κρείττονι νοήσεως → On the subject of that which is beyond intellect, many statements are made on the basis of intellection, but it may be immediately cognised only by means of a non-intellection superior to intellection

Porphyry, Sententiae, 25

Latin > English

oppido ADV :: exceedingly, utterly, altogether

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

oppĭdō: adv. etym. dub.; cf. ἔμπεδον; v. oppidum,
I very, very much, completely, exceedingly, exactly, precisely (already obs. in the time of Quint.: oppido sunt usi paululum tempore nostro superiores, Quint. 8, 3, 25. Confined altogether to familiar discourse; we meet with no example of oppido in Cicero's orations): oppido, valde multum. Ortum est autem hoc verbum ex sermone inter se confabulantium, quantum quisque frugum faceret, utque multitudo significaretur, saepe respondebatur, Quantum vel oppido satis esset. Hinc in consuetudinem venit, ut diceretur oppido pro valde multum, Fest. p. 184 Müll.: oppido interii, I am completely done for, Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 143: perii, id. Aul. 3, 1, 4: iratus, greatly, Ter. Phorm, 2, 2, 3: opportune, id. Ad. 3, 2, 24: ridiculus, Cic. de Or. 2, 64, 259: pauci, id. Fam. 14, 4, 4: inter se differunt, id. Fin. 3, 10, 33: adulescens, Liv 42, 28, 13: perambula aedīs oppido tamquam tuas, just as if they were, Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 122.—Also, as an affirmative reply to a question: Omnene? Oppido, Plaut. Bacch. 4, 4, 29.—In a lusus verbb. with oppidum: lignum a me toto oppido et quidem oppido quaesitum, App. Mag. p. 326; Vulg. Gen. 19, 3; id. 2 Par. 35, 23: oppido quam, exceedingly, Vitr. 8, 3: oppido quam breve intervallum, Liv 36, 25, 3: oppido quam parva, id. 39, 47, 2.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

oppĭdō,¹³ adv., beaucoup, fort : paulum oppido Cic. Fin. 3, 33, tout à fait peu ; oppido pauci Cic. Fam. 14, 4, 4, fort peu nombreux ; oppido quam (= sane quam) Liv. 36, 25, 3, tout à fait, cf. 39, 47, 2 ; v. quam § 9 || bien sûr, oui, sans doute [dans le dialogue] : Pl. Bacch. 681 || entièrement, tout à fait : Pl. Aul. 410. peu usité au temps de Quint., v. Quint. 8, 3, 25.

Latin > German (Georges)

oppidō, Adv. (altindisch ā padād, von Grund aus; zu Quintilians Zeit veraltet, s. Quint. 8, 3, 25), gewaltig, gar, ganz völlig, steigernd bei Adjj. u. Advv., seltener bei Verben, forensium negotiorum opp. gnarus, Amm.: servirent praeterquam opp. pauci, äußerst wenige, Cic. ep.: mimus vetus opp. ridiculus, Cic.: opp. adulescens sacerdos lectus, Liv.: opp. perquam pauci, Auct. b. Afr.: opp. deterrimi, Apul.: opp. opportune te obtulisti mihi obviam, Ter.: reddidi aurum omne opp., bis auf den letzten Heller, Plaut.: perii ego opp., ich bin völlig verloren, Plaut.: m. Compar., opp. formido cumulatior, Apul. met. 2, 25. – opp. quam (= sane quam), ungemein, überaus, oppido quam breve intervallum videtur, Liv.: pleraque opp. quam parva erant, Liv. – opp. in der Wechselrede als Antwort, wo es zu dem aus der Frage zu ergänzenden Adj. od. Adv. gehört, estne ita uti dixi liberalis? De. oppido, übergenug, Ter.

Latin > Chinese

oppido. adv. :: 甚。大。— pauci 甚少。