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Wikipedia EN
The Pharisees (/ˈfærəsiːz/; Hebrew: פְּרוּשִׁים Pərūšīm) were a social movement and a school of thought in the Levant during the time of Second Temple Judaism. After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, Pharisaic beliefs became the foundational, liturgical, and ritualistic basis for Rabbinic Judaism.
Conflicts between Pharisees and Sadducees took place in the context of much broader and longstanding social and religious conflicts among Jews, made worse by the Roman conquest. Another conflict was cultural, between those who favored Hellenization (the Sadducees) and those who resisted it (the Pharisees). A third was juridico-religious, between those who emphasized the importance of the Second Temple with its rites and services, and those who emphasized the importance of other Mosaic Laws. A fourth point of conflict, specifically religious, involved different interpretations of the Torah and how to apply it to current Jewish life, with Sadducees recognizing only the Written Torah (with Greek philosophy) and rejecting doctrines such as the Oral Torah, the Prophets, the Writings, and the resurrection of the dead.
English (Thayer)
Φαρισαίου, ὁ, a Pharisee, a member of the sect or party of the Pharisees (Syriac)SYrP , rabbinic writings פְּרוּשִׁין, from פָּרַשׁ, 'to separate', because deviating in their life from the general usage; Suidas, under the word, quotes Cedrenus as follows, Φαρισαῖοι, οἱ ἐρμηνευόμενοι ἀφωρισμένοι. παρά τό μερίζειν καί ἀφορίζειν ἑαυτούς τῶν ἄλλων ἁπάντων εἰς τέ τό καθαρωτατον τοῦ βίου καί ἀκριβεστατον, καί εἰς τά τοῦ νόμου ἐντάλματα). The first and feeble beginnings of this sect seem to be traceable to the age immediately succeeding the return from exile. In addition to the books of the O. T. the Pharisees recognized in oral tradition (see παράδοσις, 2) a standard of belief and life (Josephus, Antiquities 13,10, 6; Romans , they stoutly upheld the theocracy and their country's cause, and possessed great influence with the common people. According to Josephus (Antiquities 17,2, 4) they numbered more than 6,000. They were bitter enemies of Jesus and his cause; and were in turn severely rebuked by him for their avarice, ambition, hollow reliance on outward works, and affectation of piety in order to gain notoriety: L in brackets T); G T Tr WH omit; L brackets the clause),Winer s RWB, under the word, Pharisäer; Reuss in Herzog xi., p. 496, and the works referred to above under the word Σαδδουκαῖος, at the end (especially Sieffert's dissertation in Herzog edition 2 (vol. xiii., p. 210ff) and the copious references at its close). An admirable idea of the opinions and practices of the Pharisees may be gathered also from Paret, Ueber d. Pharisäismus des Josephus, in the Theol. Studien und Kritiken for 1856, No. 4, p. 809ff.
French (Bailly abrégé)
adj. m.
Étymologie: rac. hébr. parash « séparé », employé pour la 1ᵉ fois par Fl. Josèphe.
English (Strong)
of Hebrew origin (compare פָּרַשׁ); a separatist, i.e. exclusively religious; a Pharisean, i.e. Jewish sectary: Pharisee.
Greek Monotonic
Φαρισαῖος: -ου, ὁ, Φαρισαίος, Σχισματικός, Αιρετικός (από phârash, ξεχωρίζω, διαχωρίζομαι), μέλος σχηματικής ομάδας, η οποία διαχώριζε τον εαυτό της από τους υπόλοιπους Εβραίους, με το πρόσχημα ότι μετέχουν εξαιρετικής και υπέρτερης αγιοσύνης.
Russian (Dvoretsky)
Φαρισαῖος: ὁ фарисей NT.
Middle Liddell
Φαρισαῖος, ου,
a Pharisee, Separatist (from pharash, to distinguish), one of a sect who separated themselves from other Jews as affecting superior holiness.
原文音譯:Farisa‹oj 法里賽哦士
原文字根:散播 (獨立)
字義溯源:法利賽人;法利賽是獨立主義者,排外自恃的教派,比較希伯來文(פָּרַשׁ)=分開)。自猶太人從被擄到巴比倫返回後,就開始有這個教派,他們將自己與大部分無神觀念的猶太分開,生活為人嚴謹遵守律法與遺傳,真誠敬拜神。當主耶穌在地上工作時,這教派頗孚眾望,相當受人尊敬。撒都該派的行事常受法利賽教派的左右。法利賽人和主耶穌敵對,因為主耶穌責備法利賽人,因著人的遺傳而犯神的誡命( 太15:1-20)。主耶穌說,他們將人的吩咐當作道理教導人,所以拜我也是枉然( 可7:7)。其實,並非所有法利賽人都那樣與主作對,就如尼哥底母,也來向主耶穌尋求裏面的滿足
1) 法利賽人(90) 太3:7; 太9:11; 太9:14; 太9:34; 太12:2; 太12:14; 太12:24; 太12:38; 太15:12; 太16:1; 太16:6; 太16:11; 太16:12; 太19:3; 太21:45; 太22:15; 太22:34; 太22:41; 太23:2; 太23:13; 太23:14; 太23:15; 太23:23; 太23:25; 太23:27; 太23:29; 太27:62; 可2:16; 可2:18; 可2:18; 可2:24; 可3:6; 可7:1; 可7:3; 可7:5; 可8:11; 可8:15; 可10:2; 可12:13; 路5:17; 路5:21; 路5:30; 路5:33; 路6:2; 路6:7; 路7:30; 路7:36; 路7:36; 路7:37; 路7:39; 路11:38; 路11:39; 路11:42; 路11:43; 路11:53; 路12:1; 路13:31; 路14:1; 路14:3; 路15:2; 路16:14; 路17:20; 路18:10; 路18:11; 路19:39; 約1:24; 約4:1; 約7:32; 約7:32; 約7:45; 約7:47; 約7:48; 約8:3; 約8:13; 約9:13; 約9:15; 約9:16; 約9:40; 約11:46; 約11:47; 約11:57; 約12:19; 約12:42; 約18:3; 徒5:34; 徒23:6; 徒23:6; 徒23:7; 徒23:8; 腓3:5;
2) 法利賽人的(3) 太5:20; 徒23:6; 徒26:5;
3) 法利賽(2) 徒15:5; 徒23:9;
4) 法利賽的(1) 約3:1;
5) 法利賽人哪(1) 太23:26;
6) 眾法利賽人(1) 太15:1;
7) 一個法利賽人(1) 路11:37
Wikipedia EL
Οι Φαρισαίοι ήταν κατά διαφορετικούς καιρούς πολιτικό κόμμα, κοινωνικό κίνημα, και σχολή (ρεύμα) σκέψης στους Αγίους Τόπους κατά την περίοδο περίπου 515 π.Χ. έως 70 μ.Χ. Μετά την καταστροφή του δεύτερου Ναού το 70 μ.Χ., τα Φαρισαϊκά είχαν γίνει η ιδρυτική, λειτουργική, και τελετουργική βάση του Ραβινικού Ιουδαϊσμού (ο όρος 'Ιουδαϊσμός' σήμερα αναφέρεται σχεδόν πάντα στον Ραβινικό Ιουδαϊσμό).
Léxico de magia
-ον Fariseo una clase de demon σὺ λάλησον, ὁποῖον ἐὰν ᾖς, ... καταχθόνιον ἢ Ἐβουσαῖον ἢ Χερσαῖον ἢ Φαρισαῖον tú habla, seas del tipo que seas, subterráneo, Ebuseo, Querseo o Fariseo P IV 3044
als: Pharisäer; an: Fariseu; ar: فريسيون; arz: الفريسيون; be: Фарысеі; bg: Фарисеи; br: Fariseed; ca: Fariseus; cs: Farizeové; cv: Фарисейсем; da: Farisæere; de: Pharisäer; el: Φαρισαίοι; en: Pharisees; eo: Fariseoj; es: Fariseos; et: Variserid; eu: Fariseu; fa: فریسیان; fi: Farisealaiset; fo: Fariseararnir; frp: Farisiens; frr: Pharisäer; fr: Pharisiens; fy: Fariseeërs; ga: Fairisínigh; gl: Fariseo; he: פרושים; hr: Farizeji; hu: Farizeusok; id: Farisi; it: Farisei; ja: ファリサイ派; km: ផារិស៊ី; ko: 바리새파; la: Pharisaei; ln: Farizé; lt: Fariziejai; lv: Farizeji; mg: Fariseo; ml: പരീശന്മാർ; ms: Kaum Farisi; mt: Fariżej; nl: Farizeeën; nn: Farisearar; no: Fariseere;: Faryzeusze; pt: Fariseus; ro: Fariseu; ru: Фарисеи; sh: Fariseji; simple: Pharisees; sk: Farizej; sl: Farizeji; sr: Фарисеји; sv: Fariséer; sw: Mafarisayo; ta: பரிசேயர்; th: ฟาริสี; tl: Mga Pariseo; tr: Ferisiler; uk: Фарисеї; ur: فریسی; vi: Pharisêu; war: Fariseo; wuu: 法利赛人; zh_yue: 法利賽人; zh: 法利赛人