ἔνδον γὰρ ἁνὴρ ἄρτι τυγχάνει, κάρα στάζων ἱδρῶτι καὶ χέρας ξιφοκτόνους → yes, the man is now inside, his face and hands that have slaughtered with the sword dripping with sweat
Latin > English
huc ADV :: here, to this place; to this point
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
huc: (old form hoc, like illoc, istoc, Plaut. Capt. 3, 1, 19; id. Truc. 2, 2, 27 et saep.; Ter. Eun. 3, 2, 48; Planc. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 21, 5; Cic. Brut. 11, 10, 3; Nep. Phoc. 3, 3; Verg. A. 8, 423; Petr. 39; Inscr. Orell. 4394; 4471; 4814; cf. Serv. ad Verg. A. l. l.), adv.,
I to this place, hither, = δεῦρο.
I Lit.: imus huc, illuc hinc: cum illuc ventum est, ire illinc lubet, etc., Enn. ap. Gell. 19, 10, 12 (Trag. v. 258 Vahl.): huc illinc venire, Ter. Ad. 4, 5, 39: jam huc adveniet miles, Plaut. Bacch. 2, 2, 44: pater huc me misit ad vos oratum meus, id. Am. prol. 20: quin huc ad vos venire propero? Cic. Rep. 6, 15: hinc profecti huc revertuntur, id. ib. 6, 13 fin.: huc raro in urbem commeat, Ter. Hec. 1, 2, 100: te huc foras seduxi, Plaut. Aul. 2, 1, 14: huc est intro latus lectus, Ter. Heaut. 5, 1, 30: huc huc convenite, Petr. 23: huc mecum, Epidauria proles, huc, alti gaudens, Stat. S. 1, 4, 62: locus erat castrorum editus, huc magno cursu contenderunt, Caes. B. G. 3, 19, 1; cf. id. ib. 4, 21, 4: ubi arma esse sciam, huc veniam, Liv. 35, 19, 4: sic inde huc omnes currunt, Juv. 3, 308.—Pregn., with verbs expressing state or action after motion (poet.): huc ades, o formose puer, Verg. E. 2, 45; 7, 9; 9, 39: huc ager ille malus dulcesque a fontibus undae ad plenum calcentur, id. G. 2, 243; Stat. Th. 4, 54; id. S. 1, 3, 72: sed huc qua gratia te arcessi jussi, ausculta, Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 19; cf.: huc propius me vos ordine adite, Hor. S. 2, 3, 80; Tib. 1, 7, 49.—
B With gen.: mulier ex Andro commigravit huc viciniae, into this neighborhood, Ter. And. 1, 1, 43 Fleck., Umpfenbach (dub.; cf. Non. p. 499; Prisc. II. p. 187; Hand, Turs. III. p. 107; cf. II. B. infra).—
C Huc illuc, huc atque illuc, huc et illuc, etc.; also: huc et illo and huc et huc, hither and thither: ne cursem huc illuc via deterrima, Cic. Att. 9, 9, 2: velut salientes huc illuc, Quint. 10, 7, 6: dum huc illuc signa vertunt, Liv. 7, 34, 9: cum huc atque illuc signa transferrent, id. 5, 8, 8: huc atque illuc intuentem vagari, Cic. de Or. 1, 40, 184: tum huc, tum illuc volant alites, id. Div. 1, 53, 120; cf.: volucres huc et illuc passim vagantes, id. ib. 2, 38, 80; Cels. 2, 15: huc illucque, Plin. 37, 6, 22, § 83 (Jan., ex illo): huc illucve, Cels. 6, 6, 36; 7, 3 al.: ista sidera huc et illo diducet velocitas sua, Sen. Ben. 5, 6 med.: ut ora vertat huc et huc euntium Liberrima indignatio, Hor. Epod. 4, 9.—
D Huc usque, or in one word, hucusque, hitherto, thus far (very rare): hucusque Sesostris exercitum duxit, Plin. 6, 29, 34, § 174.—
II Transf., in non-local relations, hither, to this, to these, to this point, so far: ut haec multo ante meditere, huc te pares, haec cogites, ad haec te exerceas, Cic. Fam. 1, 7, 9: accedat huc suavitas quaedam oportet sermonis, Cic. Lael. 18, 66; so freq., huc accedit, etc.; v. accedo: Massilienses naves longas expediunt numero XVII. Multa huc minora navigia addunt, add to these, Caes. B. C. 1, 56, 1; so freq., adde huc; v. addo: legiones effecerat civium Romanorum IX., etc ... Huc Dardanos, etc., adjecerat, id. ib. 3, 4 fin.: huc natas adice septem, Ov. M. 6, 182: huc pertinet nobile apud Graecos volumen Heraclidis, Plin. 7, 52, 53, § 175 et saep.—Hence, like eo, followed by ut with subj.: huc unius mulieris libidinem esse prolapsum, ut, etc., Cic. Cael. 20, 47; cf.: rem huc deduxi, ut, etc., id. Cat. 2, 2, 4: huc flexit, ut, etc., Tac. A. 4, 41: rem Romanam huc satietate gloriae provectam, ut, etc., id. ib. 12, 11: huc cecidisse Germanici exercitus gloriam, ut, etc., id. H. 3, 13.—
B So, like eo, with gen.: huc arrogantiae venerat, ut, etc., Tac. A. 3, 73: huc deductum necessitatis, ut, etc., Val. Max. 8, 1 ext. 6; cf. above, I. B.—
C Huc et illuc: versare suam naturam et regere ad tempus atque huc et illuc torquere ac flectere, Cic. Cael. 6, 13: huc et illuc rapit, id. Off. 1, 28, 101: verses te huc atque illuc necesse est, id. Fin. 5, 28, 86; cf.: dum in dubio est animus, paulo momento huc vel illuc impellitur, Ter. And. 1, 5, 31.—
D Huc usque or hucusque, to such an extent, to such a point or pitch (cf. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 530 sq.): mirum esset profecto, hucusque profectam credulitatem antiquorum, Plin. 26, 4, 9, § 20: exercitum duxit, id. 6, 29, 34, § 174: simulatio hucusque procedit ut, etc., Quint. 5, 13, 22.—
E With the demonstr. ce, and the interrog part. ne, hucine? hitherto? to this? so far? hucine tandem omnia reciderunt, ut civis Romanus virgis caederetur? Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 63, § 163: hucine. Micipsa pater, beneficia tua evasere, Sall. J. 14, 9.—And with gen.: hucine rerum Venimus? Pers. 3, 15. —
F To this end, for this purpose (postclass.): rubrum quoque emplastrum, quod Ephesium vocatur, huc aptum est, Cels. 5, 19, 21.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
hūc,⁷ adv. (hic), question quo [mouvt vers un lieu],
1 ici, en cet endroit, dans ce lieu : pater huc me misit Pl. Amph. 20, mon père m’a envoyé ici ; locus erat castrorum editus... ; huc contenderunt Cæs. G. 3, 19, 1, l’emplacement du camp était sur une hauteur... ; c’est là qu’ils se portèrent... ; huc atque illuc intueri Cic. de Or. 1, 184, porter ses regards çà et là, de côté et d’autre ; huc illuc Cic. Att. 9, 9, 2 ; huc et illuc Cic. Off. 1, 101 ; huc et illo Sen. Ben. 5, 6, 5 ; huc et huc Hor. Epo. 4, 9, çà et là
2 [= in ou ad et acc. du pron. hic ] : quæ minime visa pars firma est, huc concurritur Cæs. G. 7, 84, 2, c’est sur le point qui apparaît le plus faible qu’on se porte en masse au pas de course huc = in hanc ] ; accedit huc = ad hoc, à cela s’ajoute, v. accedo ; huc = ad has naves Cæs. C. 1, 56, 1 ; huc = ad hos Cæs. C. 3, 4, 6 ; Cic. Phil. 13, 3 || rem huc deduxi, ut... Cic. Cat. 2, 4, j’ai amené l’affaire à un tel point que... ; huc prolapsa est ejus libido, ut... Cic. Cæl. 47, sa passion en est venue à ce point que... || huc arrogantiæ venerat, ut... Tac. Ann. 3, 73, il en était venu à ce point d’arrogance que...
Latin > German (Georges)
hūc, Adv. (hic), hierher, hierhin, I) im Raume, hierher, hier herein, hier heraus, hier herab, od. hierhin, hier hinein, hier hinaus, hier hinab, hier hinauf, od. dahin, da hinein, da hinaus, da hinab, da hinauf, darauf, auch in bezug auf Pers. = hierher zu mir u. dgl., procede tu huc, Ter.: ego cum illo abii huc, Plaut.: accede huc ad me, Ter.: huc ades, komm her zu mir, Verg.: inde huc veniet postea, Plaut.: ego huc transeo in proximum ad meam vicinam, Plaut.: ex Andro commigravit huc viciniae, hierher in die N., Ter. Andr. 70 (wo Spengel viciniam). – tum huc tum illuc, Cic.: nunc huc nunc illuc, bald hierhin, bald dahin, Verg.: huc et illuc, od. huc atque illuc, od. huc illuc, Cic., od. huc illucve, Cels., od. huc illucque, Plin., od. poet. huc et huc, Hor., od. huc atque huc, Verg., hier- u. dorthin, auf diese u. jene Seite. – II) übtr., in andern Verhältnissen, hierhin, hierzu, hierauf (darauf, auf dieses), für diesen Zweck, od. dahin, dazu, bis zu dem Grade, huc te pares, Cic.: opus est huc (zu diesem Zweck) limatulo tuo et polito iudicio, Cic.: huc (zu diesen) accedunt Alaudae etc., Cic.: accedat huc, Cic.: huc addunt, Caes.: huc adde od. adice, Ov.: huc evasit, verfiel darauf, Ter.: igitur huc intendit, dahin ging sein Streben, Tac. – huc pertinet nobile illud apud Graecos volumen Heraclidis, Plin.: quod autem posui... huc pertinet, ut etc., Quint. – rem huc deduxi, ut etc., Cic.: huc iam reduxerat rem, ut etc., Caes.: res huc erat deducta, ut etc., Caes.: m. folg. Genet., huc confidentiae venisse, so weit in der usw., Tac.: huc malorum ventum esse, Curt.
Latin > Chinese
huc. adv. (hic.) :: 往此。從此。— accedit 再者。尙有。况且。