
English > Greek (Woodhouse)

verb transitive

P. and V. λύω, λύειν, ἐκλύειν.

help to undo: V. συλλύειν.

unbar: Ar. and V. χαλᾶν (rare P.), V. διαχαλᾶν.

unfold: Ar. and P. ἀνελίσσειν, V. ἐξελίσσειν, ἀναπτύσσειν; see unfold.

slacken: P. and V. χαλᾶν, ἀνιέναι, P. ἐπανιέναι. V. ἐξανιέναι.

undo (shoes): Ar. and P. ὑπολύειν.

cancel: P. and V. καθαιρεῖν, λύω, λύειν, Ar. and P. διαλύω, διαλύειν, P. ἄκυρον καθιστάναι; see cancel.

destroy: P. and V. καθαιρεῖν; see destroy.

ruin: P. and V. διαφθείρω, διαφθείρειν; see ruin.

make undone: P. ἀγένητον τιθέναι (Plato, Protagoras 324B).

(I go) to undo my former sins: V. λύσων ὅσ' ἐξήμαρτος, ἐν τῷ πρὶν χρόνῳ (Sophocles, Philoctetes 1224).

Latin > English

undo undare, undavi, undatus V INTRANS :: surge/flood/rise in waves; gush/well up; run, stream; billow; undulate; waver

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

undo: āvi, ātum, 1, v. n. and
I a. unda.
I Neutr., to rise in waves or surges, to throw up waves, to surge, swell (poet. and in postAug. prose).
   A Lit.: undantem salum, Enn. ap. Non. 223, 24 (Trag. v. 226 Vahl.); cf.: undanti in freto, Att. ap. Cic. N. D. 2, 35, 89: solet aestus aequinoctialis ... undare, Sen. Q. N. 3, 28, 6: ad caelum undabat vortex, Verg. A. 12, 673: aëna undantia flammis, id. ib. 6, 218.—
   B Transf.
   1    To overflow with, be full of, abound in any thing, = abundare: regio Undat equis floretque viris, Val. Fl. 1, 539: vultus sanguine, Stat. Th. 1, 449: silva favis, Claud. Rapt. Pros. 3, 25: ima (aedium) viris, id. VI. Cons. Hon. 545.—
   2    To wave, undulate: vidimus undantem ruptis fornacibus Aetnam, Verg. G. 1, 472: undantes flammae, Sil. 9, 446: undante fumo, Sen. Troad. 19: undans buxo Cytorus, Verg. G. 2, 437: undans chlamys, Plaut. Ep. 3, 3, 55: undantes habenae, waving, flowing, hanging loosely, Verg. A. 12, 471; so, undantia lora, id. ib. 5, 146: ipsa (puella) decenter undabat, undulated, App. M. 2, p. 117, 38.—
   C Trop., to waver, fluctuate, be agitated: undans curis, Val. Fl. 5, 304: undantes spumis furialibus irae, Claud. in Ruf. 1, 76.—
II Act. (very rare), to overflow, inundate, deluge: sanguine campos, Stat. Achill. 1, 87: sinus cruore, Claud. in Ruf. 2, 67.—P. a.: undātus, a, um, in a wavy or wave-like form: concharum genera imbricatim undata, cancellatim reticulata, Plin. 9, 33, 52, § 103.—Hence, undan-ter, adv., in a waving manner, like waves: capillus undanter fluens, App. M. 2, p. 122, 7 (al. fluenter undans): evomere talia, Mart. Cap. 2, § 138.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

undō,¹² āvī, ātum, āre (unda),
1 intr., a) rouler des vagues, se soulever, être agité : Enn. Scen. 195 ; Acc. d. Cic. Nat. 2, 89 ; solet æstus æquinoctialis aliis major undare Sen. Nat. 3, 28, 6, la marée équinoxiale d’ordinaire roule ses flots avec plus de force que les autres || ahena undantia flammis Virg. En. 6, 118, les vases d’airain écumant (bouillonnant) sous l’action des flammes ; undans Ætna Virg. G. 1, 472, l’Etna bouillonnant || ad cælum undabat vortex Virg. En. 12, 673, une colonne [de feu] s’élevait en tourbillonnant vers le ciel ; b) = abundare, abonder, aliqua re, de qqch. : Val. Flacc. 1, 5, 39 ; Stat. Th. 1, 449 ; c) ondoyer, être ondoyant : undantes flammæ Sil. 9, 446, les flammes ondoyantes ; undans buxo Cytorus Virg. G. 2, 437, le Cytore ondoyant sous les buis, couvert de buis ondoyant || onduler, flotter [en parl. des rênes] : Virg. En. 12, 471 ; 5, 146 ; d) [fig.] être agité : undans curis Val. Flacc. 5, 304, agité de soucis
2 tr., inonder : sanguine campos Stat. Ach. 1, 87, inonder de sang les campagnes, cf. Claud. Ruf. 2, 67.

Latin > German (Georges)

undo, āvī, ātum, āre (unda), I) intr. wallen, Wellen schlagen, wogen, aufwogen, A) eig.: solet aestus aequinoctialis sub ipsum lunae solisque coitum omnibus aliis maior undare, Sen.: flammis inter tabulata volutus ad caelum undabat vortex, Verg.: cruor undans, Verg.: undans per domos sanguis, Tac.: undans fretum, Acc. tr. fr.: undans salum, Enn. tr. fr.: ahena undantia flammis, Verg.: undantes bitumine moles, Tac.: undans bello magnusque fluens Nilus, Verg. – B) übtr.: 1) wallen, d.i. gleichsam Wellen schlagen, wellenförmig sich bewegen, -sich erheben, undans buxo Cytorus, Verg.: Aetna undans, Verg.: fumus, Verg.: lora, Verg.: so auch habenae, wallende, lockere, Verg.: suam undantem chlamydem quassando facit, schwänzelte mit der Chl., Plaut.: ipsa (puella)... spinam mobilem quatiens placide, decenter undabat, schwänzelte, Apul. – bildl., Aesonides undans curis, unruhig, in unruhiger Bewegung, Val. Flacc. 5, 304. – 2) von etwas überwallen, d.i. voll sein, regio undat equis, Val. Flacc.: nigro undantia pectora felle, Sil. – II) tr. überströmen, tepido sanguine Teucros campos, Stat. Ach. 1, 87. – / Verschieden ist Adi. undātus, w.s.

Latin > Chinese

undo, as, are. n. (unda.) :: 起浪湧出澆水