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accumbo: Difference between revisions

From LSJ

L'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelleLove that moves the sun and the other stars

Dante Alighieri, Paradiso, XXXIII, v. 145
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|lnztxt=accumbo, is, cubui, cubitum, mbere. n. 3. :: 附肱。挨坐席。— epulis, ''vel'' mensae 坐席。

Latest revision as of 15:30, 12 June 2024

Latin > English

accumbo accumbere, accumbui, accumbitus V :: take a place/recline at the table; lie on (bed), lie at/prone, lie beside

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

ac-cumbo: (adc.), cŭbui, cŭbĭtum, 3, v. n.,
I to lay one's self down at a place; and hence, to lie somewhere.
I In gen. (so very rare): in via, Plaut. Most. 1, 4, 13; of one swimming: summis in undis, Manil. 5, 429.—
II In part.
   A To recline at table, in the manner in which the Romans (and finally even the Roman women, Val. Max. 2, 1, 2) reclined, after luxury and effeminacy had become prevalent. While they extended the lower part of the body upon the couch (triclinium, lectus triclinaris), they supported the upper part by the left arm upon a cushion (or upon the bosom of the one nearest; hence, in sinu accumbere, Liv. 39, 43; cf. ἀνακεῖσθαι = εἶναι ἐν τῷ κόλπῳ τινός, Ev. Ioh. 13, 23), the right hand only being used in taking food: hoc age, adcumbe, Plaut. Pers. 5, 1, 15; so id. Most. 1, 3, 150, etc.; Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 31; id. Mur. 35; Liv. 28, 18; c. acc.: mensam, Att. ap. Non. 415, 26; Lucil. Sat. 13; ib. 511, 16: cotidianis epulis in robore, Cic. Mur. 74: in convivio, id. Verr. 1, 66: in epulo, Cic. Vatin. 12: epulis, Verg. A. 1, 79; tecum, Plaut. Bacch. 5, 2, 75; absol., Cic. Deiot. 17.—Since three persons usually reclined upon such a couch (cf. Cic. Pis. 27), these expressions arose: in summo (or superiorem, also supra), medium and imum (or infra) adcumbere; and the series began on the left side, since they lay supported by the left arm. The whole arrangement is explained by the following figure: <figure /> [unresolved image link Among the three lecti, the lectus medius was the most honorable; and on each lectus, the locus medius was more honorable than the summus; and this had the preference to the imus or ultimus. The consul or other magistrate usually sat as imus of the lectus medius (fig. no. 6), in order that, by his position at the corner, he might be able, without trouble, to attend to any official business that might occur. The place no. 7 seems, for a similar reason, to have been taken by the host. See on this subject Salmas. Sol. p. 886; Smith's Antiq.; Becker's Gall. 3, p. 206 sq. (2d ed.); and Orell. excurs. ad Hor. S. 2, 8, 20. This statement explains the passages in Plaut. Pers. 5, 1, 14; id. Most. 1, 1, 42; id. Stich. 3, 2, 37, etc.; Cic. Att. 1, 9; id. Fam. 9, 26; Sall. Fragm. ap. Serv. ad Verg. A. 1, 702; Hor. S. 2, 8, 20.—
   B In mal. part. (rarely), Plaut. Bacch. 5, 2, 73; Men. 3, 2, 11; 5, 9, 82.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

accumbō,¹¹ cŭbŭī, cŭbĭtum, ĕre (ad, cumbo), intr.
1 se coucher, s’étendre : Nep. Ages. 8, 2 || [avec dat.] se coucher à côté de qqn : Tib. 1, 9, 75 ; [avec acc.] Pl. Bacch. 1189
2 s’étendre sur le lit de table ; [avec acc.] mensam Lucil. Sat. 443, prendre place à table ; [avec dat.] epulis divum Virg. En. 1, 79, prendre part aux festins des dieux || in convivio Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 66, prendre place à un repas || abst] prendre place, assister à un repas : Cic. Vat. 30 ; Dej. 17 ; de Or. 1, 27 ; Verr. 2, 5, 81 ; in robore Cic. Mur. 74, s’étendre sur le bois dur [à même le bois] ; eodem lecto Liv. 28, 18, 5, sur le même lit ; apud Volumnium (accubueram)... supra me Atticus, infra Verrius Cic. Fam. 9, 26, 1 (j’étais à table) chez Volumnius... ayant au-dessus de moi [à gauche] Atticus, au-dessous [à droite] Verrius.

Latin > German (Georges)

ac-cumbo, cubuī, cubitum, ere (ad u. *cumbo), sich hinlagern, lagernd sich hinlegen, I) im allg. (Ggstz. ambulare, sedere): cum alqo, Plaut.: in via, Plaut.: in acta cum suis, Nep.: v. Schwimmenden, summis accumbet in undis, Manil. – II) insbes.: a) bei Tische auf dem Speisesofa sich hinlagern, sich zu Tische niederlassen, Platz nehmen, Perf. accubuisse = Platz genommen haben, lagern, ire accubitum, zu Tische gehen, Plaut. u. Varr. fr.: epulandi gratiā accumbere mensam, Acc. tr. fr.: exstructam ampliter mensam, Lucil. fr.: in epulo, in convivio alcis, Cic.: epulis, Verg.: cum alqo, mit, neben jmd. (als Mitgast). Ter. u. Mart.: apud alqm, bei jmd. (als Gast), Cic.: supra od. infra alqm, Cic.: eodem lecto, Liv.: instrato pellibus lectulo, Capit.: in summo lecto, auf dem obersten Platze des Speisesofas, Plaut.: uxoris loco, immo praetoris, Sen. rhet.: m. Acc. pers., scortum, zur Tischnachbarin nehmen, Plaut. (s. Brix zu Plaut. Men. 473): accumbens, der bei Tische liegende, Sall. fr. u. Suet. – b) sich zum Beischlafe zu einer Person legen, ihr beiwohnen, sie beschlafen, alci, Tibull. u. Prop. – c) sich zu Bette legen (Krankheits halber), Vulg. 2. reg. 13, 6.

Latin > Greek


Latin > Chinese

accumbo, is, cubui, cubitum, mbere. n. 3. :: 附肱。挨坐席。— epulis, vel mensae 坐席。