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Τὸ νικᾶν αὐτὸν αὑτὸν πασῶν νικῶν πρώτη τε καὶ ἀρίστη. Τὸ δὲ ἡττᾶσθαι αὐτὸν ὑφ' ἑαυτοῦ πάντων αἴσχιστόν τε ἅμα καὶ κάκιστον. → Τo conquer yourself is the first and best victory of all, while to be conquered by yourself is of all the most shameful as well as evil

Plato, Laws, 626e

Latin > English

harundo harundinis N F :: reed, cane, fishing rod, limed twigs for catching birds; arrow shaft; pipe

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

hărundo: (better than ărundo, Bramb. s. v.; Wagn. Orthog. Verg. p. 441; Rib. Prol. Verg. p. 422, though the latter is freq. in MSS. and edd.;
v. infra), ĭnis, f. etym. dub.; perh. from root ar-, to set in motion; Sanscr. aras, swift; aranjas, a wood, as that which grows; cf.: ulmus, ulva, alnus, Corss. Ausspr. 1, 530 sq..
I Prop., the reed, cane (taller than canna; cf. also: culmus, calamus, stipula), Cato, R. R. 6, 3; Plin. 16, 36, 64, § 156 sqq.: intus medullam sabuci (habent) ... inanitatem harundines, id. 13, 22, 42, § 122: longa parvae sub arundine cannae, Ov. M. 8, 337: fluvialis, Verg. G. 2, 414; used for covering or thatching huts and houses, Plin. 16, 36, 64, § 156; Vitr. 2, 1, 3; esp. in encampments: casae ex harundinibus textae, Liv. 35, 27, 3 Weissenb.: teneris harundinum radicibus contusis equos alere, Caes. B. C. 3, 58, 3.—Prov.: arundo vento agitata, Vulg. Matt. 11, 7; Luc. 7, 24: arundinem quassatam non confringet, ib. Matt. 12, 20. —
II Meton. of any thing made of reed or cane.
   A A fishing-rod: hisce hami atque haec harundines sunt nobis quaestu, Plaut. Rud. 2, 1, 5: haec laqueo volucres, hacc captat arundine pisces, Tib. 2, 6, 23 Müll.: hos aliquis tremula, dum captat arundine pisces, vidit, Ov. M. 8, 217 Merk.; 13, 293; 14, 651.—
   B Limed twigs for catching birds: parati aucupes cum harundinibus fuerunt, Petr. 40, 6: volucres, quas textis harundinibus peritus artifex tetigit, id. 109, 7: cantu fallitur ales, callida dum tacita crescit harundo manu, Mart. 14, 218, 2 Schneidewin: aut (si) crescente levis traheretur arundine praeda, id. 9, 54, 3 id.: ut qui viscatos populatur arundine lucos, Sil. 7, 674: harundine sumptā Faunus plumoso sum deus aucupio, Prop. 4 (5), 2, 33.—
   C A wreath or crown made of reeds; as the head of Priapus: ast inportunas volucres in vertice harundo terret fixa, Hor. S. 1, 8, 6 B. and K.; v. Orell. ad loc.—Esp. worn by river deities: (Tiberini) crines umbrosa tegebat harundo, Verg. A. 8, 34 Rib.; of the river Calydonius: inornatos redimitus arundine crines, Ov. M. 9, 3: subita cur pulcher arundine crines velat Hylas, Val. Fl. 1, 218: (Glaucus) caputque redimitus arundine, Vell. Pat. 2, 83; and of the Tiber: et arundinis altae concolor in viridi fluitabat silva capillo, Sid. Paneg. Anthem. 333: velatus harundine glauca Mincius, Verg. A. 10, 205 Rib.—
   D The shaft of an arrow: quod fugat obtusum est, et habet sub arundine plumbum, Ov. M. 1, 471: pennaque citatior ibat quae redit in pugnas fugientis arundine Parthi, Sil. 10, 12; Cels. 7, 5, 2.—Hence (pars pro toto), an arrow: inque cor hamata percussit arundine Ditem, Ov. M. 5, 384; 8, 382; 10, 526; 11, 325: haeret lateri letalis harundo, Verg. A. 4, 73 Rib. (Forbig. and Conington, arundo); id. ib. 7, 499.—
   E A pen: neve notet lusus tristis harundo tuos, Mart. 1, 3, 10: inque manus chartae, nodosaque venit harundo, Pers. 3, 11. The best came from Cnidus: Cnidia, Aus. Ep. 7, 49; and: Acidalia, Mart. 9, 14, 3.—
   F A reed pipe, shepherd's pipe, Pan-pipes, = σύριγξ (an instrument made of several reeds, fastened together with wax, each successive reed somewhat shorter than the preceding): junctisque canendo vincere arundinibus servantia lumina temptat, Ov. M. 1, 684; cf. id. ib. 1, 707 sq.; 11, 154: agrestem tenui meditabor harundine Musam, Verg. E. 6, 8; cf.: compacta solitum modulatur harundine carmen, id. Cul. 100: nec crepuit fissa me propter harundine custos, Prop. 4 (5), 7, 25.—
A flute (made of the κάλαμος αὐλητικός, Theophr. 4, 12): Satyri reminiscitur alter, quem Tritoniaca Latoüs arundine victum affecit poena, Ov. M. 6, 384.—
A comb made of reed, which brought the threads of the web into their place: stamen secernit arundo, Ov. M. 6, 55.—
A reed for brushing down cobwebs: ecferte huc scopas semulque harundinem, Plaut. Stich. 2, 2, 23.—
A kind of transverse bar along which vines were trained: jugorum genera fere quatuor, ... harundo, ut in Arpino, Varr. R. R. 1, 8, 2.—
A rod (for beating, punishing): ac me iterum in cellam perduxit, et harundinem ab ostio rapuit iterumque mulcavit, Petr. 134.—
Splints for holding together injured parts of the body, Suet. Aug. 80.—
A measuring-rod, Prud. Psych. 826.—
A hobbyhorse, cane-horse, as a child's plaything: equitare in harundine longa, Hor. S. 2, 3, 248; cf.: non erubuit (Socrates) cum, interposita arundine cruribus suis, cum parvulis filiolis ludens, ab Alcibiade risus est, Val. Max. 8, 8 ext. 1.



Aghwan: 𐕒𐔱𐕒𐕡𐕣; Arabic: قَصَبَة‎, بُوصَة‎; Egyptian Arabic: قصبة‎, بوصة‎; Moroccan Arabic: قصب‎, قصبة‎; Armenian: եղեգ; Aromanian: arugoz, trescã, shuvar; Assamese: ইকৰ; Asturian: cañavera; Azerbaijani: qarğı, qamış; Basque: ihi; Belarusian: трыснёг, чарот, трысцё; Bulgarian: тръстика; Cahuilla: paxal; Catalan: canya; Central Tarahumara: baká; Chinese Mandarin: 蘆葦, 芦苇; Classical Nahuatl: ācatl; Czech: rákosí, sítí; Danish: siv, rør; Dutch: riet; Esperanto: kano; Finnish: kaisla, ruoko; French: roseau; Galician: carrizo, cana, xunco; Georgian: ლერწამი; German: Schilf, Ried, Rohr; Gothic: 𐍂𐌰𐌿𐍃; Greek: καλάμι, καλαμιά; Ancient Greek: κάλαμος, θρύον; Hebrew: קָנֶה‎; Huichol: háca; Hungarian: nád; Icelandic: sef, reyr; Indonesian: alang, alang-alang; Irish: giolcach, biorrach; Italian: canna, canniccio, giunco; Japanese: 葦, 蘆; Kazakh: қамыс; Khmer: ប្របុស; Korean: 갈대; Latgalian: nīdre; Latin: harundo, iuncus; Latvian: niedre; Lithuanian: nendrė; Macedonian: трска; Mayo: baaca; Middle English: red; Mongolian: хулс, ᠬᠤᠯᠤᠰᠤ; Navajo: lókʼaaʼ; Northern Tepehuan: vaapákai; Norwegian: siv, rør; Occitan: canavèra, rausa, cana, canòta; Old English: hreod; Ottoman Turkish: قامش‎, كلیز‎; Persian: نی‎, روخ‎; Plautdietsch: Schelp; Polish: trzcina; Portuguese: junco, cana; Romanian: stuf, trestie; Russian: тростник, камыш; Serbo-Croatian: trska; Slovak: trstina, tŕstie, trsť; Slovene: trsje; Spanish: junco, carrizo, caña; Swedish: säv, vass, rör; Tagalog: tambo; Tetelcingo Nahuatl: öcatl; Thai: กก; Turkish: saz; Uab Meto: humusu; Ukrainian: очерет, тростина, комиш; Vietnamese: sậy; Walloon: rozea; Westrobothnian: sevi, röir, vaass