Ὥσπερ αὐτοῦ τοῦ ἡλίου μὴ ὄντος καυστικοῦ, ἀλλ' οὔσης ζωτικῆς καὶ ζωοποιοῦ θέρμης ἐν αὐτῷ καὶ ἀπλήκτου, ὁ ἀὴρ παθητικῶς δέχεται τὸ ἀπ' αὐτοῦ ϕῶς καὶ καυστικῶς· οὕτως οὖν ἁρμονίας οὔσης ἐν αὐτοῖς τινὸς καὶ ἑτέρου εἴδους ϕωνῆς ἡμεῖς παθητικῶς ἀκούομεν → Just as although the Sun itself does not cause burning but has a heat in it that is life-giving, life-engendering, and mild, the air receives light from it by being affected and burned, so also although there is a certain harmony and a different kind of voice in them, we hear it by being affected.
Latin > English
assero asserere, asserui, assertus V TRANS :: lay hands on/grasp; assert/state/allege; free/release; claim; protect/preserve
assero assero asserere, assevi, assitus V TRANS :: plant/set at/near
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
as-sĕro: (ads-, K. and H., Müller), sēvi, situm, 3, v. a.,
I to sow, plant, or set near something (very rare; not in Cic.), Agroet. de Orthogr. p. 2274 P.: vites, Cato, R. R. 32 fin.: vitis adsita ad olus, Varr. R. R. 1, 16 fin.: vites propter cupressos, id. ib. 1, 26: Lenta quin velut adsitas Vitis implicat arbores, * Cat. 61, 102: populus adsita certis Limitibus, * Hor. Ep. 2, 2, 170 (quippe quae vitibus maritaretur, Agroet. l. c.).
as-sĕro: (ads-, Ritschl, Fleckeisen, Merk., Halm, Weissenb.), sĕrŭi, sertum, 3, v. a.,
I to join some person or thing to one's self; hence,
I As a jurid. t. t. (so this word is most freq. found; cf. assertor and assertio).
A Aliquem manu, in libertatem or liberali causā (also merely manu, and finally absol. adserere), to declare one (a slave) to be free by laying hands upon him, to set free, to liberate: adserere manu in libertatem ..., Varr. L. L. 6, § 64 Müll.: qui in libertatem adserebant, Suet. Vit. 10: se adserit in libertatem, Dig. 47, 10, 11 fin.: in iis qui adserantur in libertatem, quia quivis lege agere possit, id juris esse, Liv. 3, 45; so, in ingenuitatem, Suet. Aug. 74: se ingenuitati, Dig. 40, 14, 2: manu eas adserat Suas populares liberali causā, Plaut. Poen. 4, 2, 83: manuque liberali causā ambas adseras, id. ib. 5, 2, 142: si quisquam hanc liberali adseruisset manu, id. Curc. 5, 2, 68: ego liberali illam adsero causā manu, Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 40: cum in causā liberali eum, qui adserebatur cognatum, suum esse diceret, * Cic. Fl. 17, 40: neminem venire, qui istas adsereret manu, Plaut. Poen. 5, 6, 11: illam a lenone adserito manu, id. Pers. 1, 3, 83; and transf.: pisces manu adserere, id. Rud. 4, 3, 34: adserui jam me fugique catenas, Ov. Am. 3, 11, 3 Merk.; Suet. Vesp. 3; id. Gram. 21.—
B Aliquem in servitutem, to declare one to be a slave by laying the hand upon him, to claim as a slave: M. Claudio clienti negotium dedit (Ap. Claudius), ut virginem in servitutem adsereret, Liv. 3, 44; so Suet. Tib. 2; Liv. 34, 18; 35, 16 fin.—
II After the poets of the Aug. per., transf. from the judicial sphere to common life.
A (Acc. to I. A.) To free from, to protect, defend, defend against (esp. freq. in Flor. and Suet.): habe ante oculos mortalitatem, a quā adserere te hoc uno munimento potes, Plin. Ep. 2, 10, 4: se ab injuriā oblivionis, id. ib. 3, 5, 9: liberatae Italiae adsertique imperii nuntius, Flor. 3, 3, 19: post adsertam a Manlio, restitutam a Camillo urbem, id. 1, 13, 19: Latini quoque Tarquinios adserebant, id. 1, 11, 1: Gracchanas leges, id. 3, 16, 1: easdem leges, id. 3, 17, 1; so id. 2, 18, 16; 3, 3, 19; 3, 17, 4: dignitatem, Suet. Caes. 16 (cf. Caes. B. C. 1, 7, and Suet. Caes. 33: defendere dignitatem, id. ib. 72: tueri dignitatem): senatus in adserendā libertate consensit, in the restoring of freedom, Suet. Calig. 60; id. Claud. 10: namque adserit urbes sola fames (liberas facit urbes contra dominos, Schol.), Luc. 3, 56: hoc focale tuas adserat auriculas, i. e. guard against the hearing of bad verses, Mart. 14, 142: non te cucullis adseret caput tectum (sc. a basiis), id. 11, 99.—
B (Acc. to I. B.) Aliquid sibi, to appropriate something to one's self, to claim, declare it one's own possession: nec laudes adsere nostras, claim not for yourself, etc., Ov. M. 1, 462: haec (gaudia) utrāque manu complexuque adsere toto, Mart. 1, 16, 9; and (per hypallagen): me adsere caelo, appoint me to the skies, i. e. declare me to be of celestial origin, Ov. M. 1, 761.—In prose, Vell. 2, 60 Runhk.; cf. Val. Max. 4, 4, 4: Unus hominum ad hoc aevi Felicis sibi cognomen adseruit L. Sulla, Plin. 7, 43, 44, § 137: sapientis sibi nomen adseruit, Quint. 12, 1, 20: sibi artem figurarum, id. 9, 3, 64: ipse te in alto isto pinguique secessu studiis adseris? are you devoting yourself? Plin. Ep. 1, 3, 3: dominationem sibi, Suet. Oth. 9: divinam majestatem sibi, id. Calig. 22: Gallaeci Graecam sibi originem adserunt, Just. 44, 3.—
C In gen., to maintain, affirm, assert, declare; διαβεβαιοῦμαι, Gloss.: non haec Colchidos adserit furorem, Diri prandia nec refert Thyestae, Mart. 10, 35: Epicharmus testium malis hanc utilissime imponi adserit, Plin. 20, 9, 34, § 89, where Jan conjectures ait: mollissimum quemque beatum fore adserebant, Aur. Vict. Caes. 28, 8; so id. ib. 3, 5: non vacat adserere quae finxeris, Quint. Decl. 7, 6; Pall. 1, 19, 3; so Veg. 1, 17, 4; 1, 17, 5; 5, 25, 1 al.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
assĕrō, assert-, asserv-, v. ads-.
Latin > German (Georges)
(1) as-sero1 (ad-sero), sēvī, situm, ere, dabei- od. danebensäen, -pflanzen, -setzen, vites, Cato u. Varr.: arbores, ICt.: assitae arbores, Catull.: vitis assita ad olus, Varr.: populus assita limitibus, Hor.
(2) as-sero2 (ad-sero), seruī, sertum, ere, an sich fügen, -nehmen, dah. I) als t. t., der Gerichtsspr., A) jmd. (einen Sklaven) durch Berührung u. Auflegen der Hand als frei erklären (vgl. assertor), manum in libertatem, Varr. LL., od. manu alqm liberali causā, Plaut. u. Ter., od. liberali manu alqm, Plaut., od. bl. manu alqm, Plaut., od. bl. alqm in libertatem od. in ingenuitatem, Liv. u. Suet., od. alqm in liberali causa, Cic.: u. bl. alqm tamquam suum filium, Quint.: asserui iam me (ich setzte mich in Freiheit), fugique catenas, Ov. am. 3, 11, 3: asserere se libertati, Sen. rhet. – B) durch Auflegen der Hand jmd. als (seinen) Sklaven erklären, beanspruchen, alqm in servitutem, Liv. u. Suet. – II) übtr.: A) (nach no. I, A) jmd. (od. etw.) von jmd. (oder etw.) befreien, gegen jmd. in Schutz nehmen, vor jmd. sicher stellen, unverletzt erhalten, se a mortalitate, Plin. ep.: se ab iniuria oblivionis, Plin. ep.: post assertam a Manlio urbem, Flor.: in asserenda libertate, in Wiederherstellung der Freiheit, Quint. u. Suet.: auriculas, schützen vor dem Anhören schlechter Verse, Mart. – B) (nach no. I, B) etwas jmdm. (od. sich) zueignen, 1) als Eigentum zusprechen, als sein Eigentum erklären, beanspruchen, alci regnum, Liv. epit.: sibi dominationem, Suet.: nec laudes assere nostras, Ov.: sibi cognomen Felicis, Plin.: sibi nomen sapientis, Quint.: sapienti lapidis duritiam, zuschreiben, Sen.: se studiis, sich hingeben, widmen, Plin. ep.: alqm caelo, dem Himmel aneignen, himmlischen Ursprungs erklären, Ov. – m. dopp. Acc., Iovem sibi patrem, Curt.: alqm imperatorem, Val. Max.: se vecordem, Gregor. M. – 2) etw. geltend machen, behaupten (s. Jan Macr. vol. 1. p. XLIII sq. Paucker de Latin. scriptt. hist. Aug. p. 94), Colchidos furorem, Mart. 10, 35, 5: defectum lunae, Macr. somn. Scip. 1, 20, 10: quantum Maeonius asserit, Treb. Poll. XXX tyr. 12, 3: m. dopp. Acc., se Iovem, Aur. Vict. Caes. 3, 10: asserens (eum) necessarium rei publicae virum, Spart. Pesc. 3, 5: gew. m. folg. Acc. u. Infin., Sen. exc. contr. 4, 2, 5 u. 7, 1, 10 B. Aur. Vict. orig. gent. 9, 8 u. Spät.: m. folg. direkten Rede, Aur. Vict. Caes. 21, 3.
Latin > Chinese
assero, is, erui, ertum, erere. 3. :: 决言。言明。保。占。證。— eum in libertatem 免其爲奴。— se studiis 專務讀書。— eum in servitutem 證其爲奴。占之爲奴。— se 自顧妥。防備。— se a mortalitate 防死。— manu 聽其自主。— sibi 占此歸己。— eum caelo 決其升天。
assero, is, evi, situm, erere. 3. :: 近種。Vitis assita ad olus 挨菜種之葡萄。