Ἀναξαγόρας δύο ἔλεγε διδασκαλίας εἶναι θανάτου, τόν τε πρὸ τοῦ γενέσθαι χρόνον καὶ τὸν ὕπνον → Anaxagoras used to say that we have two teachers for death: the time before we were born and sleep | Anaxagoras said that there are two rehearsals for death: the time before being born and sleep
Latin > English
ara arae N F :: altar, structure for sacrifice, pyre; sanctuary; home; refuge, shelter
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
āra: ae, f. (Osc. form aasa; Umbr. asa: PELLEX. ASAM. IVNONIS. NE. TAGITO., Lex Numae ap. Gell. 4, 3, 3; cf. Serv. ad Verg. A. 4, 219; Macr. S. 3, 2) [perh. Sanscr. ās, Gr. ἧμαι, Dor. ἧσμαι = to sit, as the seat or resting-place of the victim or offering; v. Curt. p. 381 sq.],
I an altar.
I Lit.: Jovis aram sanguine turpari, Enn. ap. Cic. Tusc. 1, 35, 85 (Trag. v. 125 Vahl.): Inde ignem in aram, ut Ephesiae Dianae laeta laudes, Plaut. Mil. 2, 5, 1: omnīs accedere ad aras ... aras sanguine multo Spargere, Lucr. 5, 1199 sq.; so id. 1, 84: turicremas aras, id. 2, 353 (adopted by Verg. A. 4, 453); 2, 417: multo sanguine maesti Conspergunt aras adolentque altaria donis, id. 4, 1237 al.: ara Aio Loquenti consecrata, Cic. Div. 1, 45, 101: ara condita atque dicata, Liv. 1, 7; cf. Suet. Claud. 2: ara sacrata, Liv. 40, 22; cf. Suet. Tib. 14: exstruere, id. Aug. 15; so Vulg. 4 Reg. 21, 4: construere, ib. 2 Par. 33, 3: facere, ib. ib. 33, 15: erigere, ib. Num. 23, 4: aedificare, ib. 3 Reg. 14, 23: ponere, ib. ib. 16, 32: destruere, ib. Exod. 34, 13, and ib. Jud. 6, 25: subvertere, ib. Deut. 7, 5: dissipare, ib. ib. 12, 3: suffodere, ib. Jud. 31, 32: demolire, ib. Ezech. 6, 4: depopulari, ib. Osee, 10, 2: interibunt arae vestrae, ib. Ezech. 6, 6 et saep.—Altars were erected not only in the temples, but also in the streets and highways, in the open air, Plaut. Aul. 4, 1, 20.—Esp. were altars erected in the courts of houses (impluvia), for the family gods (Penates), while the household gods (Lares) received offerings upon a small hearth (focus) in the family hall (atrium); hence, arae et foci, meton. for home, or hearth and home, and pro aris et focis pugnare, to fight for altars and fires, for one's dearest possessions: urbem, agrum, aras, focos seque dedere, Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 71: te amicum Deiotari regis arae focique viderunt, Cic. Deiot. 3: de vestris conjugibus ac liberis, de aris ac focis, decernite, id. Cat. 4, 11, 24; id. Sest. 42: nos domicilia, sedesque populi Romani, Penates, aras, focos, sepulcra majorum defendimus, id. Phil. 8, 3: patriae, parentibus, aris atque focis bellum parare, Sall. C. 52, 3: pro patriā, pro liberis, pro aris atque focis suis cernere, id. ib. 59, 5: sibi pro aris focisque et deūm templis ac solo, in quo nati essent, dimicandum fore, Liv. 5, 30 et saep.—Criminals fled to the altars for protection, Don. ad Ter. Heaut. 5, 2, 22: interim hanc aram occupabo, Plaut. Most. 5, 1, 45: Priamum cum in aram confugisset, hostilis manus interemit, Cic. Tusc. 1, 35, 85: eo ille confugit in arāque consedit, Nep. Paus. 4, 4: Veneris sanctae considam vinctus ad aras: haec supplicibus favet, Tib. 4, 13, 23.—Hence, trop., protection, refuge, shelter: tamquam in aram confugitis ad deum, Cic. N. D. 3, 10, 25: ad aram legum confugere, id. Verr. 2, 2, 3: hic portus, haec ara sociorum, id. ib. 2, 5, 48; Ov. Tr. 4, 5, 2; 5, 6, 14; id. H. 1, 110; id. P. 2, 8, 68.—One who took an oath was accustomed to lay hold of the altar, in confirmation of it, Plaut. Rud. 5, 2, 46: qui si aram tenens juraret, crederet nemo, Cic. Fl. 36, 90; Nep. Hann. 2, 4 (cf. Liv. 21, 1): tango aras, medios ignes et numina testor, Verg. A. 12, 201; 4, 219: ara sepulcri, a funeral pile, regarded as an altar, Verg. A. 6, 177; Sil. 15, 388.—
II Meton.
A The Altar, a constellation in the southern sky, Gr. Θυτήριον (Arat. 403 al.): Aram, quam flatu permulcet spiritus austri, poët. ap. Cic. N. D. 2, 44, 114; so Cic. Arat. 202; 213 Orell.; Hyg. Astr. 2, 39, and id. ib. 3, 38: pressa, i. e. low in the south, Ov. M. 2, 139. —
B Arae, The Altars.
a Rocky cliffs in the Mediterranean Sea, between Sicily Sardinia and Africa, so called from their shape, Varr. ap. Serv. ad Verg. A. 1, 108; Quadrig. Ann. ib.: saxa vocant Itali, mediis quae in fluctibus, Aras, Verg. A. 1, 109.—
b Arae Philaenorum, v. Philaeni.—
III Transf., in gen., a monument of stone: ara virtutis, Cic. Phil. 14, 13: Lunensis ara, of Lunensian marble, Suet. Ner. 50 fin.—Also a tombstone: ARAM D. S. P. R. (de suā pecuniā restituit), Inscr. Orell. 4521; so ib. 4522; 4826.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
(1) āra,⁷ æ, f.
1 autel : Pl. Curc. 71 ; Rud. 846 ; Cic. Div. 1, 101, etc. || aræ et foci Cic. Phil. 8, 8, etc., autels et foyers || ara sepulcri Virg. En. 6, 177, bûcher [jouant le rôle d’autel]
2 l’Autel [constellation de l’hémisphère céleste sud, entre le Centaure et le Loup] : Cic. Nat. 2, 114
3 rochers élevés de la Méditerranée : Varr. d. Serv. En. 1, 109
4 monument honorifique : Cic. Phil. 14, 34
5 [fig.] = asile, protection, secours : Cic. Mil. 90 ; Verr. 2, 1, 8 ; Com. 30 ; Sen. 11.
arch. asa Varr. d. Macr. Sat. 3, 2, 8.
(2) ăra, æ, v. hara.
(3) āra, au sing., ou pl. āræ, suivi d’un déterminatif, désigne des localités diverses : ara Ubiorum Tac. Ann. 1, 39, ville sur le Rhin ; aræ Alexandri Cic. Fam. 15, 4, 8, ville de Cilicie, etc.
Latin > German (Georges)
(1) āra1, ae, f. (altlat. asa zu Wurzel *ās, brennen, glühen) dah. I) ara sepulcri, der Scheiterhaufen, Verg. Aen. 6, 177. Sil. 15, 388. – II) Plur. arae, Felsbänke u. Klippen, bes. von denen um die Insel Aegimurus (w. s.), Verg. Aen. 1, 109. Sisenn. u. Varr. b. Serv. Verg. Aen. 1, 108. Plin. 5, 42. – III) ein erhöhtes Denkmal von Stein, virtutis, Cic. Phil. 14, 34: Lunensis, von lunensischem Marmor, Suet. Ner. 50: erigere duodecim aras ex quadrato saxo, Curt. 9, 3 (13), 19: u. von »Grabsteinen«, Corp. inscr. Lat. 5, 5276 u. 6, 12134. – IV) der Altar, 1) als Opfertisch, Iovis ara, Plaut.: aram condere, Liv.: aras ponere, Verg.: simulacra arasque consecrare, Nep.: aram consecrare deo, Cic.: im Plur. v. einem Altar, Verg. Aen. 3, 545; 4, 219. Ov. met. 7, 74. Liv. 10, 38, 1; 41, 20, 9; 45, 27, 9 (wo: filia victima aris admota, dem Altar). – Solche Altäre standen nicht nur in den Tempeln, sondern auch auf den Straßen, ja in den Häusern, u. zwar im Hofe, wo man den Familiengöttern (penates) opferte, gleichwie den Hausgöttern (lares) im Familiensaale (atrium) auf einer kleinen Feuerstätte (focus); dah. meton., arae et foci, die Altäre der Tempel und die Herde als Opferstätten der Laren und Penaten im Atrium = die Heiligtümer der Tempel und Häuser (nach Preller Röm. Mythol.3 Bd. 2. S. 106. Anm. 2), das heiligste Besitztum, die heiligsten u. teuersten Güter (wie »Haus u. Hof«), Deiotari regis, Cic.: in aris et focis, Cic.: de aris ac focis decernere, Cic., od. pro aris atque focis certare, Sall., od. pro aris focisque dicimare, Liv.: auch bl. relictis aris suis trans maria sequi colonos, Sen. ad Helv. 7, 7. – bildl., weil der Altar ein Zufluchtsort für Schutzbedürftige war, die Zuflucht, der Schutz, Schirm, tribunatus, Cic.: legum, Cic.: hic portus, haec arx, haec ara sociorum, Cic.: vos estis nostrae portus et ara fugae, Ov. – 2) übtr., a) Ara, der Altar, ein Sternbild am südl. Himmel, griech. Θυτήριον (vgl. Hyg. astr. 2, 39 u. 3, 38), Cic. poët.: A. pressa, wegen seiner Senkung, Ov. – b) = muliebria, Priap. 73, 4 B. – / Arch. Nbf. āsa, Varr. bei Macr. sat. 3, 2, 8. Fronto laudes fum. et pulv. p. 213, 17 N.; vgl. Serv. Aen. 4, 219. – Nbf. hāsa, Placid. gloss. (V) 51, 15.
(2) ara2, s. hara.
Latin > Chinese
ara, ae. f. :: 祭臺。避難所。Amicus usque ad aras 交朋友惟非理不爲耳。Pro aris et focis pugnat 爲敎規與木鄉打仗。
Afrikaans: altaar; Albanian: ilter, altar; Amharic: መሠውያ; Arabic: مَذْبَح, هَيْكَل, مِحْرَاب; Aramaic: מדבחא; Armenian: սեղան, խորան, բագին; Azerbaijani: mehrab, qurbangah, səcdəgah; Basque: aldare; Belarusian: алтар; Bengali: পূজাবেদি, বেদি; Biatah Bidayuh: panggoo bisadis; Breton: aoter; Bulgarian: олтар; Burmese: ယဇ်ပလ္လင်; Catalan: altar; Chinese Mandarin: 祭壇, 祭坛, 聖壇, 圣坛; Chuukese: antare; Czech: oltář; Dalmatian: altur; Danish: alter; Dutch: altaar; Esperanto: altaro; Estonian: altar; Ewe: vɔsamlekpui; Faroese: altar; Finnish: alttari; French: autel; Galician: altar; Georgian: საკურთხეველი; German: Altar; Gothic: 𐌷𐌿𐌽𐍃𐌻𐌰𐍃𐍄𐌰𐌸𐍃; Greek: βωμός, Αγία Τράπεζα, θυσιαστήριο; Ancient Greek: βωμός, θυσιαστήριον; Gujarati: યજ્ઞવેદી; Hebrew: מִזְבֵּ֫חַ; Hindi: वेदी; Hungarian: oltár; Icelandic: altari; Ido: altaro; Indonesian: altar; Irish: altóir; Italian: altare; Japanese: 祭壇; Kalmyk: мандл; Kannada: ಬಲಿಪೀಠ, ಯಜ್ಞವೇದಿಕೆ; Kazakh: мехраб, алтарь; Khmer: បុចនីយដ្ឋាន, អាសន; Korean: 제단(祭壇); Kurdish Northern Kurdish: text, mezheb, sexan; Kyrgyz: алтарь; Lao: ຫີ້ງບູຊາ, ຮ້ານບູຊາ; Latin: altare, ara; Latvian: altāris; Lithuanian: aukuras, altorius; Luxembourgish: Altor; Macedonian: олтар, жртвеник; Malay: mazbah, mezbah; Malayalam: അൾത്താര; Maltese: artal; Maori: āta, tūāhu; Marathi: वेदी; Mongolian: тахилын ширээ; Nepali: वेदी; Norman: autel; Norwegian Bokmål: alter; Nynorsk: altar, alter; Occitan: autar; Old English: wēofod; Old Norse: altari; Old Saxon: altari; Persian: محراب, مذبح; Polish: ołtarz; Portuguese: altar; Punjabi: ਬੇਦੀ, ਪੀਠ; Romanian: altar; Russian: алтарь, жертвенник; Scottish Gaelic: altair; Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic: жртвеник, олтар; Roman: žrtvenik, oltar; Sinhalese: පූජාසනය; Slovak: oltár; Slovene: oltar; Spanish: altar; Swahili: altare; Swedish: altare; Tagalog: dambana; Tajik: меҳроб, мазбаҳ; Tamil: பலிபீடம்; Telugu: బలిపీఠము; Thai: แท่นบูชา; Tibetan: མཆོད་ཤོམས, མཆོད་སྟེགས; Turkish: sunak, mihrap; Ugaritic: 𐎎𐎄𐎁𐎈; Ukrainian: вівтар; Urdu: قربان گاہ; Uzbek: mehrob, altar; Vietnamese: bàn thờ; Welsh: allor; West Frisian: alter