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Cras amet qui numquam amavit quique amavit cras amet → May he love tomorrow who has never loved before; And may he who has loved, love tomorrow as well.

Pervigilium Veneris

English > Greek (Woodhouse)

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on account of: P. and V. διά; (acc.). ἕνεκα (gen.), χάριν (gen.) (Plato), V. εἵνεκα (gen.), Ar. and V. οὕνεκα (gen.), ἕκατι (gen.).

on the ground of: P. and V. ἐπί; (dat.).

be pitied for: P. ἐλεεῖσθαι ἐπί (dat.).

be admired for: P. θαυμάζεσθαι ἐπί (dat.).

renowned for: P. εὐδόκιμος εἰς (acc.) (Plato, Ap. 29D).

have reputation for: P. εὐδοκιμεῖν ἐπί (dat.).

on a charge of: P. and V. ἐπί; (dat.).

for the sake of: P. and V. ἕνεκα (gen.), διά (acc.), πρό (gen.). ὑπέρ (gen.), χάριν gen.) (Plato), Ar. and V. οὕνεκα (gen.), ἕκατι (gen.), V. εἵνεκα

(fear) for: P. and V. περί (dat.), ἀμφί (dat.), ὑπέρ (gen.).

(contend) for one's life: P. and V. περὶ ψυχῆς.

in place of, or in exchange for: P. and V. ἀντί (gen.).

in favour of, in favor of: P. and V. ὑπέρ (gen.). πρός (gen.) (Plato, Protagoras 336D); see favour.

against: see against.

for the purpose of: P. and V. εἰς (acc.), ἐπί (dat.).

he levied money for the navy: P. ἠργυρολόγησεν εἰς τὸ ναυτικόν (Thuc. 8. 3).

he would have asked twenty drachmas for a cloak: Ar. δραχμὰς ἂν ἤτησ' εἴκοσιν εἰς ἱμάτιον (plut., 982).

to fetch: P. and V. ἐπί; (acc.).

in search of: P. and V. κατά (acc.).

Expressing duration of time, use the acc.

provisions for three days: P. σιτία τριῶν ἡμερῶν.

Expressing space traversed, put the acc.

for six or seven furlongs the Plataeans took the road for Thebes: P. ἐπὶ ἓξ ἢ ἕπτα σταδίους οἱ Πλαταιῆς τὴν ἐπὶ τῶν Θηβῶν ἐχώρησαν (Thuc. 3, 24).

in limiting sense: P. and V. ὡς.

faithful for a herdsman: V. πιστὸς ὡς νομεὺς ἀνήρ (Sophocles, Oedipus Rex 1118).

as for: P. and V. κατά (acc.), ἐπί (dat.).

had it not been for: P. εἰ μὴ διά (acc.) (Dem. 370).


P. and V. γάρ, καὶ γάρ.

because: P. and V. ὅτι, P. διότι, V. οὕνεκα, ὁθούνεκα.

since: P. and V. ἐπεί, ὡς, ἐπειδή.

Latin > English

for fari, fatus sum V DEP :: speak, talk; say

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

for: fātus, 1,
I v. defect. (the forms in use are fatur, fantur, fabor, fabitur; part. perf. fatus; perf. fatus sum or eram; imper. fare, poet.; inf. fari; and parag. farier, Verg. A. 11, 242; gerund. fandi, fando; sup. fatu; part. praes. fans, fantis, fantem; for praes. faris, v. Diom. p. 375; fantur, Varr. L. L. 6, 7, § 52; Paul. Diac. p. 88, 11; imperf. subj. farer, August. Conf. 1, 8), n. and a. [Sanscr. bhā-mi, appear; bhās, shine; bhāsh, speak; Gr. φα-, φαίνω, and φημί; Lat. fama, fas, fax, facies, favilla, etc.; cf.: facetus, focus, v. Curt. Gr. Etym. p. 297 sq.; Corss. Ausspr. 1, 420 sqq.], to speak, say (mostly poet.; cf.: quaedam vetera etiam necessario interim sumuntur, ut fari, Quint. 8, 3, 27; syn.: loquor, dico, perhibeo; inquam. aio).
I In gen.
   A Neutr.: fatur is, qui primum homo significabilem ore mittit vocem. Ab eo ante quam id faciant, pueri dicuntur infantes; cum id faciant, jam fari, Varr. L. L. 6, § 52 Müll.; cf.: filius Croesi, cum jam per aetatem fari posset, infans erat, Gell. 5, 9, 1: non enim eram infans, qui non farer, Aug. Conf. 1, 8: nescios fari pueros, Hor. C. 4, 6, 18: cum primum fari coepisset, Suet. Aug. 94: tum ad eos is deus, qui omnia genuit, fatur: haec vos, etc., Cic. Univ. 11; Val. Fl. 3, 616: Venulus dicto parens ita farier infit, Verg. A. 11, 242: praetor qui tum fatus est, si, etc., Varr. L. L. 6, § 30 Müll.: sic fatus validis ingentem viribus hastam contorsit, Verg. A. 2, 50: meum ingenium fans atque infans tu nondum edidicisti, Plaut. Pers. 2, 1, 7: coram data copia fandi, Verg. A. 1, 520: fandi doctissima Cymodocea, id. ib. 10, 225: quae mollissima fandi Tempora, id. ib. 4, 293: quid fando tua tela manusque Demoror? Stat. Th. 1, 655: his fando si nuntius exstitit oris, Val. Fl. 4, 170.—Fando, for famā, rumore, report, hearsay: neque fando umquam accepit quisquam, etc., by report, by hearsay, Plaut. Am. 2, 1, 41; cf.: ne fando quidem auditum est, crocodilum aut ibim violatum ab Aegyptio, Cic. N. D. 1, 29, 82; Verg. A. 2, 81; Ov. M. 15, 497, Sil. 10, 484: haud mollia fatu, Verg. A. 12, 25: lapis fatu dignissimus, Sol. 3: famino, dicito, Paul. ex Fest. p. 87, 10 (cf. praefor and fruor init.).—
   B Act.
   (a)    With acc.: (animus) dementit deliraque fatur, Lucr. 3, 464: qui sapere et fari possit, quae sentiat, Hor. Ep. 1, 4, 9: fabitur hoc aliquis, Cic. Poët. ap. Gell. 15, 6, 3: vix ea fatus eram, Verg. A. 2, 323: dehinc talia fatur, id. ib. 1, 256: cui talia fanti, id. ib. 6, 46; cf.: haec fantem, Prop. 3, 7 (4, 6), 65: quis talia fando temperet a lacrimis? Verg. A. 2, 6.—
   (b)    With interrog. clauses: fare age, quid venias, Verg. A. 6, 389; cf.: sed te qui vivum casus, age fare vicissim Attulerint, id. ib. 6, 531: fare, an patriam spes ulla videndi, Val. Fl. 5, 552.—
II In partic.
   A To utter in prophecy, to foretell, predict: Venus quem fata docet fari, divinum pectus habere, Enn. ap. Prob. Verg. E. 6, 31 (Ann. v. 19 ed. Vahl.); cf.: fatis fandis, id. ap. Cic. Div. 1, 31, 66 (Trag. v. 80 ib.): fabor enim, quando haec te cura remordet, Longius et volvens fatorum arcana movebo, Verg. A. 1, 261. Cf. also in the foll.—
   B To sing in verse, to celebrate: Tarpeium nemus et Tarpeiae turpe sepulcrum Fabor, Prop. 4 (5), 4, 2.!*? In pass. signif.: Fasti dies sunt, in quibus jus fatur, Suet. ap. Prisc. p. 793 P.— Hence, fandus, a, um, P. a., that may be spoken or uttered, right (opp. to nefandus, wrong): omnia fanda, nefanda malo permixta furore, Cat. 64, 406: respersae fando nefandoque sanguine arae, i. e. with blood both of sacrifice and of murder, Liv. 10, 41, 3; cf.: at sperate deos memores fandi atque nefandi, Verg. A. 1, 543: non fanda timemus, Luc. 1, 634: inexpleto non fanda piacula busto, id. 2, 176.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

for⁹ (inus.), fātus sum, fārī (cf. φημί), tr.
1 parler, dire : ad aliquem Cic. Tim. 40, parler à qqn ; talia fatur Virg. En. 1, 256, il prononce ces paroles || fando = fama : ne fando quidem auditum est... Cic. Nat. 1, 82, on n’a jamais même ouï-dire ; fando accipere Pl. Amph. 588, apprendre par ouï-dire
2 [poét.] célébrer, chanter : Prop. 4, 4, 2 || prédire : Enn. d. Cic. Div. 1, 66 ; Virg. En. 1, 261. passif fatur, est dit : Suet. d. Prisc. Gramm. 8, 20 || fari est arch. et poét. d’après Cic. de Or. 3, 153 || inf. farier Virg. En. 11, 242.

Latin > German (Georges)

for, fātus sum, fārī, (griech. φημί, dor. φαμί), künden, kundtun, bes. v. Göttern, Orakeln, Sehern usw., I) im allg., sprechen, sagen (Ggstz. tacere), ad alqm, Cic.: alqd, Verg.: talia fando, wenn man so etwas sagt, erzählt, Verg.: fare age, wohlan, sprich, Verg.: fando accepisse, Plaut., od. audisse, Cic. u.a., vom Hörensagen haben: omnes fandi virtutes, des Vortrags, Apul. apol. 95: for m. Acc. u. Infin., Val. Flacc. 2, 132. – passiv, fasti dies sunt, in quibus ius fatur, Suet. fr. 114 (bei Isid. de nat. rer. 1, 4 u. bei Prisc. 8, 20). – Partic. fandus, a, um, a) aussprechlich (Ggstz. infandus); dah. non fandus, unaussprechlich, namenlos, neutr. plur. subst., non fanda (namenloses Unheil) timemus, Lucan. 1, 634. – b) erlaubt, recht (Ggstz. nefandus), respersae fando nefandoque sanguine arae, mit erlaubtem u. unerlaubtem Blut (= mit Blut von Opfertieren u. von getöteten Menschen), Liv. 10, 41, 3: non fanda (= nefanda) piacula, Lucan. 2, 176: neutr. subst., memor fandi et nefandi, des Rechts u. der Gottlosigkeit, Verg. Aen. 1, 543: omnia fanda nefanda malo permixta furore, Catull. 64, 405 (408). – II) insbes.: A) vom Dichter = besingen, Tarpeium nemus, Prop. 4, 4, 2. – B) v. Weissager = weissagen, fata, Enn. ann. 19: fata fanda, Enn. fr. scen. 58.: absol., Verg. Aen. 1, 261. – / Die vorkommenden Formen sind fatur, fantur, fabor, fabitur, farer: Partic. Perf. fatus; Perf. fatus sum u. eram; Imper. fare; Infin. fari (parag. farier, Verg. Aen. 11, 242); Gerund. fandi, fando; Supin. fatu; Partic. Praes. fans, fantis, fantem (s. Neue-Wagener Formenl.3, 3, 637 u. Georges Lexic. der lat. Wortf. S. 284 u. 285; für fantur s. Varro LL. 6, 52. Paul. ex Fest. 88, 11; für farer s. Augustin. conf. 1, 8).