Πολλοῖς ὁ Δαίμων, οὐ κατ' εὔνοιαν φέρων, / Μεγάλα δίδωσιν εὐτυχήματ' ... (Euripides) → God brings great good fortune to many, not out of good will,...
Latin > English
posterus postera -um, posterior -or -us, postremus -a -um ADJ :: coming after, following, next; COMP next in order, latter; SUPER last/hindmost
posterus posterus posteri N M :: descendants (pl.); posterity, coming generations; the future
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
postĕrus: or poster (not in use in
I nom. sing. masc.), a, um, adj.—Comp: posterior, us.—Sup.: postremus or postumus, a, um post, coming after, following, next, ensuing, future.
I Posit.: cum ibi diem posterum commoraretur, Cic. Clu. 13, 37: in posterum diem distulit, id. Deiot. 7, 21: postero die mane, id. Verr 2, 2, 17, § 41: postero die, Sall J. 75, 9: posterā nocte, Nep. Eum. 9, 4: postero anno, Cic. Fragm. pro C. Cornel.: postera aetas, Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 42: lux, id. S. 1, 5, 39: posterā Crescam laude, in the esteem of posterity, id. C. 3, 30, 7: posteri dies, unlucky, Non. 73, 32.— Hence,
2 Subst.: postĕri, ōrum, m., coming generations, descendants, posterity: expetantur eae poenae a liberis, a nepotibus, a posteris, Cic. N. D. 3, 38, 90: posterūm gloria, Tac. A. 3, 72: postero, for postero die, on the following day, next day, id. ib. 4, 45; cf.: quam minimum credula postero, Hor. C. 1, 11, 8: in posterum, for in posterum diem, to the following day, till the next day: in posterum oppugnationem differt, Caes. B. G. 7, 11.—More freq.: in posterum (sc. tempus), in the future, for the future: in posterum confirmat, Caes. B. C. 1, 3: multum in posterum providerunt, Cic. Agr. 2, 33, 91; id. Phil. 13, 3, 6; id. Fam. 1, 9, 2: longe in posterum prospicere, id. ib. 2, 8, 1.—
B Trop., inferior (post-class.), Mart. Cap. 4, § 333.—
II Comp.: postĕ-rĭor, postĕrĭus.
A Lit., that comes or follows after, next in order, time, or place, latter, later, posterior (class.; strictly only when two objects or classes are contrasted in place or time; opp.: prior, superior): ut cum priore (dicto) necessario posterius cohaerere videntur, Cic. Inv. 1, 46, 86: nec acumine posteriorum (oratorum), nec fulmine utens superiorum, id. Or. 6, 21: ea pertinere ad superiorem divisionem: contra posteriorem nihil dici oportere, id. Ac. 2, 31, 99; 2, 30, 96; id. Off. 1, 20, 67: posteriores pedes (opp.: pedes priores), the hind feet, Plin. 11, 45, 101, § 248; cf.: genua, id. 11, 45, 102, § 249: pars prior apparet, posteriora latent, Ov. F. 4, 718: posteriores cogitationes, afterthoughts, Cic. Phil. 12, 2, 5: paria esse debent posteriora superioribus, id. de Or. 3, 48, 186: Thucy dides paulo aetate posterior, id. Brut. 11, 48: quod prius ordine verbum est, Posterius facias, Hor. S. 1, 4, 59.—Sometimes added to other words of contrast: alii ... alii ... tamen hi quoque posteriores, etc., Cic. Fin. 3, 21, 70: cujus est ratio duplex ... facilior est haec posterior ... sed illa lautior, id. Off. 2, 15, 52; cf. superior.—
2 Subst.
a postĕ-rĭōres, um, m., for posteri, posterity (postclass.): quemadmodum omnes cognati supra tritavum, generali appellatione majores vocantur, ita post trinepotem posteriores, Dig. 38, 10, 10.—
b postĕrĭōra, um, n., the posteriors (post-class.), Lampr Elag. 5. —Adv.: postĕrĭus, later, afterwards (class.): posterius dicere, Plaut. Ep. 2, 2, 76: posterius istuc dicis quam credo tibi, i. e. I believe you before you speak, id. As. 1, 1, 48: jubet posterius ad se reverti, Cic. Verr 2, 4, 29, § 66: Thucydides si posterius fuisset, had he lived at a later period, id. Brut. 83, 288.—
B Trop., inferior, of less account or value, worse (class.): quorum utrique semper patriae salus et dignitas posterior suā dominatione et domesticis commodis fuit, Cic. Att. 10, 4, 4; id. Phil. 13, 3, 6: suam salutem posteriorem communi salute ducere, id. Rab. Perd. 1, 3: nihil posterius, nihil nequius, id. Pis. 27, 66 (al. protervius): omnes res posteriores pono atque operam do tibi, I lay every thing aside, Plaut. Mil. 4, 1, 7: non posteriores feram, I will not play the meanest part, I shall not be behindhand, Ter Ad. 5, 4, 26; cf.: cujus sic fortuna cum improbitate certavit, ut nemo posset utrum posterior an infelicior esset judicare, Cic. Prov Cons. 4, 8 fin. —
III Sup, in two forms, postrēmus and postŭmus, a, um.
A postrēmus, a, um, the hindmost, the last (class.): alia prima ponet, alia postrema, last, Cic. Or 15, 50: acies, the rear, Sall. J. 101, 5: in agmine in primis modo, modo in postremis adesse, now in the front, now in the rear, id. ib. 45, 2: postremā in comoediā, at the end of the piece, Plaut. Cist. fin.: in postremo libro, at the close of the book, Just. 43, 5: mense postremo, Pall. 7, 2: munus, i. e. exsequiae, the last honors, Cat. 101, 3: nec postrema cura, not the last, least, Verg. G. 3, 404; cf.: non in postremis, i. e. in primis, especially, Cic. Fam. 1, 9, 17.—postrēmō, adv., at last, finally (class.), Caes. B. G. 7, 1: omnes urbes, agri, regna denique, postremo etiam vectigalia vestra venierint, Cic. Agr. 2, 23, 62: primum ... deinde ... postremo: denique ... postremo, id. N. D. 1, 37, 104; Hor. S. 2, 2, 132: ad postremum, at last, finally, ultimately: sed ad postremum nihil apparet, Plaut. Poen. 4, 2, 23; Sall. Fragm. ap. Aug. Civ. Dei, 3, 17; Liv. 38, 16; Hirt. B. G. 8, 43: postremum, for the last time: si id facis, hodie postremum me vides, Ter And. 2, 1, 22: in quo (vestigio) ille postremum institisset, Cic. de Or. 3, 2, 6: postremum, at last: postremum mel et acetum superfundes, Pall. 12, 22.—
2 Trop., the last, lowest, basest, meanest, worst (class.): postremum genus, Cic. Cat. 2, 10, 22: ut homines postremi pecuniis alienis locupletarentur, id. Rosc. Am. 47, 137: servitus postremum malorum omnium, id. Phil. 2, 44, 113.—Hence, ante- and post-class., a new comp. postremior, and sup. postremissimus: ut possit videri nullum animal in terris homine postremius, App. de Deo Socr. p. 43 fin.: omnium nationum postremissimum nequissimumque existimatote, C. Gracch. ap. Gell. 15, 12, 3: cum adulescentulis postremissimis, App. Mag. p. 336.—
B po-stŭmus (acc. to an erroneous derivation, from post - humus, sometimes also post-humus), a, um, the last, said esp. of the youngest children, or of those born after the father's death, or after he had made his will, late-born, posthumous: Silvius ... tua postuma proles, Quem tibi longaevo serum Lavinia conjux Educet silvis, late-born son, Verg. A. 6, 763; cf. with this passage: postuma proles non eum significat, qui patre mortuo, sed qui postremo loco natus est, sicuti Silvius, qui Aeneā jam sene, tardo seroque partu est editus, Caesellius Vindex ap. Gell. 2, 16, 5.—On the other hand: is, qui post patris mortem natus est, dicitur postumus, Varr. L. L. 9, § 60 Müll.; and: postumus cognominatur post patris mortem natus, Fest. p. 238 Müll.; Plaut. ap. Fest. l. l.—As subst.: postŭmus, i, m., a posthumous child: non minus postumis quam jam natis testamento tutores dari posse, Gai. Inst. 1, 147: si quis postumis dederit tutores, hique vivo eo nascantur, an datio valeat? Dig. 26, 2, 16 fin.: postuma spes, the last, App. M. 4, p. 144, 26: suscipit doctrinam seram plane et postumam, id. Mag. p. 297, 23: cena quam postumā diligentiā praeparaverat, with extreme care, id. M. 6, p. 186, 25.—*
2 Subst.: postŭmum, i, n., that which is last, the end, extremity: de postumo corporis, Tert. adv. Gnost. 1.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
postĕrus⁷ [inus.], a, um, qui est après, suivant : postero die mane Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 41, le lendemain matin, cf. Cic. Sen. 26 ; postera sæcula Cic. Tusc. 1, 31, les siècles à venir ; in posterum Cic. Agr. 2, 91, pour l’avenir, pour la suite || postĕrī, ōrum, m., les descendants : horum posteri Cic. Fin. 5, 13 ; nostri Cic. Br. 324, leurs, nos descendants || n. posterum et pl. postera Cic. Fin. 3, 32, une suite, des suites.
Latin > German (Georges)
posterus, a, um, Compar. posterior, Superl. postrēmus u. postumus (v. post), I) Posit. = nachfolgend, kommend, 1) eig.: postero die, am folgenden Tage, Cic.: u. postero die, quam illa erant acta, den Tag danach, als usw., Cic.: posterā nocte, Nep.: postero anno, Cic.: postero tempore, in der Folgezeit, in der Folge, Nep.: p. laus, bei den Nachkommen, Hor.: postero (sc. die), Tac. u. Curt.: in posterum, auf den folgenden Tag, Cic.; u. auf künftig (Ggstz. in praesens, in praesentia), Cic., Liv. u.a.: ad posterum, Atticus in Cic. ep.: postera tempestas, das Wetter des folgenden Tages, Hor.: acies postera, des folgenden Tages, Iustin. – subst., a) posterī, ōrum, m., die Nachkommen, die Nachwelt (Ggstz. praesens aetas, maiores), Cic. u.a. – b) posterum, ī, n., verb. posterum et consequens = επιγεννηματικόν, etwas Späteres und Folgendes, Cic. de fin. 3, 32: Plur., postera et consequentia, die Folgen u. Wirkungen (Ggstz. prima, das erste Entstehen), ibid. – 2) übtr., dem Range nach nachstehend = nachsetzenswert, geringer, Mart. Cap. 4 § 333. – II) Compar. posterior, neutr. posterius, Genet. iōris, 1) der letztere, hintere, letzte, hinterste (Ggstz. prior, superior), littera, Varro: pedes p., Hinterfüße, Plin.: cogitationes, Cic.: oratores, die zuletzt genannten (Ggstz. priores), Cic.: mensura, das Maß der Hinterfüße, Ov.: paulo aetate posterior, Cic.: tempora p. (Ggstz. priora u. superiora), Cic. – subst., a) posteriores = posteri, die Nachkommen, ICt. – b) posteriōra, um, n., α) die Rückseite des Körpers (Ggstz. facies), Tert. adv. Iud. 11: belluina posteriora, Ambros. de off. 2, 13, 64. – β) der Hintere, der Podex, Lampr. Heliog. 5, 4. – neutr. adv. posterius = nachher, später, Ter. u. Cic. – 2) übtr., dem Range nach nachstehend = schlechter, geringer, nihil posterius, schlechter, Cic.: non posteriores feram (sc. partes), will nicht nachstehen, nicht die schlechteste Rolle spielen, Ter. – III) Superl. postrēmus u. postumus, A) postrēmus, a, um, der letzte, hinterste, 1) eig.: pagina (litterarum), Cic.: acies, das Hintertreffen, Sall.: nec tibi cura canum postrema, nicht die letzte, d.i. eine besondere, Verg.: in postremo libro, am Ende des Buches, Iustin.: neutr. subst., in vitae suae postremo, bei seinem Lebensende, Gell. 1, 3, 1: ad postrema cantus, am Schluß seines G., Gell. 16, 19, 15: mortis postrema, die letzten Anordnungen vor seinem Tode, Iustin. 7, 2, 1: hoc non in postremis, und das nicht zuletzt, Cic. ep. 1, 9, 17: ad postremum usque, bis zum letzten Augenblick, Sall. hist. fr. 1, 48 (51), 5. – adv., postrēmō (Abl.), am letzten Ende = kurz, überhaupt, Komik. u. Caes. (s. Brix Plaut. trin. 613. Spengel Ter. Andr. 521); u. = endlich, zuletzt, Cic. u.a.: primo... post... postremo, Caes.: primum... deinde... postremo, Cic. – ad postremum = zuletzt, endlich, Plaut., Liv. u.a. – ad postremum usque, bis zum letzten Augenblick, Sall. fr. – postremum = zum letzten Male, Ter., Cic. u.a. (s. Benecke Iustin. 16, 4, 3), u. = zuletzt, endlich, Pallad. u.a. Spät. (s. Oudend. u. Hildebr. Apul. met. 8, 27. p. 581 Oud. = p. 734 H.). – postremā = postremo, zuletzt, Bormann Uned. Inschr. no. 3. v.8. – 2) übtr., dem Range u. sittl. Werte nach = der schlechteste, verworfenste, elendeste, ärgste, äußerste, homines, Cic.: postremus servorum Archelaus, Sall. fr.: M. Aemilius omnium flagitiosorum postremus, Sall. fr.: servitus omnium malorum postremum est, Cic. – u. v. postremus ein neuer Compar. u. Superl., ut possit videri nullum animal in terris homine postremius, Apul. de deo Socr. 3: omnium nationum postremissimum nequissimumque (me) existimatote, C. Gracch. bei Gell. 15, 12, 3: postremissimus omnium, Tert. de cult. fem. 2, 1: adulescentuli postremissimi, Apul. apol. 98. – B) postumus, a, um, der letzte, a) übh.: spes, Apul. – subst., postumum, ī, n., das Letzte, Tert. – b) nach dem Tode eintretend, -erfolgend, fama, der Nachruhm, Tertull. de test. anim. 4. – c) insbes., v. jüngsten Kindern od. v. denen, die nach des Vaters Testamente od. nach seinem Tode geboren sind, spätgeboren, nachgeboren, proles, Verg. Aen. 6, 763. – subst., postumus, ī, m., der Spätling, Plaut. Cic. u. ICt.: postuma, ae, f., ICt.
Latin > Chinese
posterus, a, um. adj. c. erior. s. tremus vel postumus. :: 作後者。次者。將來者。In posterum 將來。今以後。Postero 次日。翌日。